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9th August 2002

From:  Pinkham Notch
To: Campsite on a Hill
: New Hampshire
?  1867.5 (1412.5)
Miles today

The 17.7 miles today says it all. It was a tough day and the mileage is exceptionally high for rugged terrain like the Whites.

'Blaze' and I tracked together from lunch time, and as we both need to get to the post office in Gorham before it closes at noon tomorrow, we needed to cover enough miles today to put us in a position where we are assured of getting into Gorham by mid-morning. So now we find ourselves setting up camp in the dark on the side of a hill. We were desperate to find a campsite, as the climb downhill is dangerous enough without doing it in the dark.

That's it for today. Goodnight all.



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