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20th August 2002

From:  Spaulding Mt Lean-To
To: ME27
: Maine
Miles: ?  1981.0 (1526)
Miles today

It started raining heavily through the night and was still pouring when my alarm went off at 5:00 A.M. It was one night I was glad I picked the shelter instead of the tent, as the tent would have been soaked. I had breakfast and got dressed; fortunately it stopped raining at 7:00 A.M., so I hit the trail.

My goal today was to reach Highway 27 early to mid-afternoon and hitch into Stratton, five miles away. 'Restless' and 'Bliss' were going straight through to Caratunk, so we said farewell on the trail.

'Daddy Mention' and I reached the highway at the same time (around 3:15 P.M.). Minutes afterward, 'Cheddar', a female thru-hiker, joined us on the roadside. We had a lift in five minutes from a very nice elderly lady in a mini-van. She dropped us at the Widow's Walk where we checked in at $15.00 a night. 'Daddy Mention' and I are sharing a room.

Then, off to the supermarket to buy five days supplies and a pint of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia. We then went down the road to the hotel where we each had a pizza and a few beers. Originally I had thought of taking a zero day here, however, the town is so small, and as I'm feeling fit, I don't see the point. I may take zero or have a low mileage day into Caratunk, which is three days from here.

That's it for tonight. Goodnight all.



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