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18th August 2002

From:  ME17
To: Piazza Rock Lean-To
: Maine
Miles: ?  1950.6 (1495.6)
Miles today

I couldn't start early today as 'Pegleg' had to drop other hikers off before me. He picked me up at 7:30 and had me at the ME 17 trailhead at 8:15 A.M. There was a beautiful view to Lake Mooselookmegaptic (love the name), so I got a photo shot of 'Pegleg' and myself with the lake in the background.

Today was the easiest hiking in weeks and was a welcome relief. Tomorrow and the next day are going to be really tough so an easy day is welcomed.

The trail through Maine passes a lot of ponds and lakes, which makes for very pleasant hiking. When I was passing Little Swift River I heard my first loon call and I look forward to hearing it again.

I see a lot of moose droppings on the trail, but no moose as yet. Moose droppings are similar to sheep droppings but about three times larger - like large brown pellets; it's a bit weird really. One wonders why moose droppings aren't like cattle or horse droppings? You can see I don't have much to think about through the day.

The shelter here has a real interesting privy so I took a photo that will appear on my web site eventually. (now pictured above)

I'm in the shelter tonight and 'Daddy Mention' and 'Raindog' (a Southbounder) are in here with me. Also 'Bliss' and 'Restless' are here and are tenting. It's good to be with these two nice girls again.

That's it for today. Goodnight all.



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