Object Oriented Programming

Managing data is what programming is all about. We group information about an entity together in records or data structures. The record or structure definition represents a class of items we want to keep information on. When we load data into these records or structures we are describing the attributes of that instance or item of that class of items. In conventional programming we write procedures or functions to manipulate the data (loading, moving, reading, writing, etc.). These functions and procedures represent the methods by which we manipulate the data. The functions and procedures stand alone and are not connected to the data structures other than the fact that they use the structures.

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) simply couples the data structures with the procedures used to manipulate the data in the structures. The data items become the attributes of the object and the procedures or functions that manipulate the data become the methods of the object. This grouping of attributes and methods is called encapsulation and is the first cornerstone of OOP.

The values of the attributes (the data) determine the state of the object. The state the object is in determines the uniqueness of that instance of the class of objects.

The methods determine the behavior of a class of objects. Notice that the behaviors are the same for all instances of the class, where the attributes are unique to each instance of the class.

Another cornerstone of OOP is the concept of data hiding. This simply means that only the instance of the object class has access to its data. The object is solely responsible for maintaining its own data. If data hiding is to work we must establish a new conceptual description of the object.

The data or attributes are part of the implementation of the object. This is where the state of the object is defined and only the object itself has access to this area. Everything in this area is private. Only the object itself knows the details of its implementation.

The methods define the interface of the object with the outside world (other objects and the rest of the program). The interface is public. Before we mislead let us state that the methods are part of the implementation. The interface is the part of the method that is visible to the outside world. This is the method header (each method has a header and a body). The method body (the actual code for the function) describes the behavior of the object and is part of the implementation. This idea of separating implementation and interface is another cornerstone of OOP.

Since the object is solely responsible for what state it is in (the values of its data items), it must insure that whatever state it is in is a valid state at all times. This is the job that the methods perform. The methods must check all data values for correctness before setting any attributes based on that data. This is the basis of what I call the Prime Directive.