• Welcome to my reviews of the filming of Justin's, Peter's and Mac's shows on PBS Legends and Lyrics, Nashville February 22, 2009. At the Grand Masonic Hall.
  • There have Been Problems in the past. I do have certain writing style, and if you are not prepared to enjoy it without bitching and whining and making a nuisance and jackass out of yourself on the public Nets, DO NOT PROCEED ANY FURTHER. PLEASE REFRAIN FROM CLICKING ON ANY LINKS
  • All this writing is copyrighted, and may not be republished ANYWHERE. Those who do are liable for legal action.
  • By clicking on the following links you agree to behave yourself, grow up, leave all passive agressive machinations behind you, and act like a mature polite human.


Above all, I hope you enjoy the reviews.

Best regards............ Josie ( Lunazure, Christie etc)

Thank God I'm a country boy.......

Old reviews can be viewed at www.oocities.org.david5152