Chapter 15~ The Death of an apprentice

Still recovering from the shock of killing his apprentice's father, Qui-Gon looked at Xanatos who was now crying.

"Xanatos," he said in a small voice. "I didn't mean to."

"It doesn't matter if you meant to! My father is dead! Because of you!"

Qui-Gon's breath caught in his chest.

"Come Xanatos, we will go back to the temple."

"No! I'm not going with you!"

Qui-Gon watched as Xanatos pulled out his lightsaber and cut off his padawan braid.

He held it in his hand for a while and then threw it at Qui-Gon's feet.

"As of now I am no longer your apprentice. May our paths never cross again. For if they do, I will have no choice but to hurt you."

Qui-Gon thought about what he said and watched Xanatos go.

It wasn't a threat. It was a promise.

* * *

Yoda let out a big sigh.

Xanatos had failed.

* * *

The next day King Morton thanked Qui-Gon for helping them and gave him his friendship.

Qui-Gon did the same and that same day, he left for Coruscant alone.

The trip back he didn't sleep well. And when he did, images would come back of the previous day.

The death of David DeCruet.

His padawan leaving.

Qui-Gon felt as though his life was over. Xanatos was like a son to him. Now it was like he had died. He would most likely never see him again. And if he would, it would be painful.


They always seem to hurt him, intentionally or not. Olivia died and left him alone, now Xanatos just plainly left him.

No More.

At that moment Qui-Gon made a promise to himself that he would never again take another apprentice.

* * *

Mace Windu went to the initiate room one hour before Qui-Gon's arrival to talk with Master Engle.

"Qui-Gon will be arriving in about an hour. I think it may be a good idea if he sees a friendly face."

Sarah nodded.

"I think it would be a good idea to take Obi-Wan with you as well."

"Oh, I thought that was who you ment in the first place." She said and smiled.

Obi-wan came running up to Master Engle after 'overhearing' her conversation with Master Windu.

"Qui-Gon coming back?"

"Yes. He and Xanatos are coming back today."


"Do you want to go wait for them?"


"Okay let's go." Sarah said and Obi-Wan took her hand.

Twenty-five minutes later Qui-Gon's ship landed.

"I can't wait to see Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan said jumping up and down.

His wish was granted as Qui-Gon started to walk toward them.

"Qui-Gon!" Obi-Wan yelled putting his arms in the air.

Qui-Gon looked at him.

"Hello Obi-Wan." He said, but walked passed him.

"Qui-Gon, where is Xanatos?" Sarah asked.

She got no answer.

"Do you want me to tell you what I did in school?"

"No. Not right now Obi-Wan."

Starting to get confused Sarah took Obi-Wan's hand and caught up with him.

"Qui-Gon what happened?"

Again she got no answer.

She took Obi-Wan to the initiate room and the next day went to Qui-Gon's apartment.

"Come in."

"Qui-Gon what was all that about yesterday? That boy loves you and you brushed him off like a bug. Master Windu told me what happened between you and Xanatos, but that is no reason to ignore Obi-Wan. He can help you."

Qui-Gon didn't say anything.

"So, is this what your going to do the rest of your life? Sit in self pity?"

When he didn't answer again Sarah sighed heavily and left, leaving Qui-Gon in his thoughts.

* * *

Later that night Obi-Wan snuck out of the initiate room and went to Qui- Gon's apartment.

"Come in."

Obi-Wan pushed the button that released the doors and walked in.

Not able to see him because on the couch Qui-Gon stood up.


"Master Engle said you was sad. I don't want you to be sad Qui-Gon."

The jedi smiled faintly and picked the boy up.

He walked over to his chair and sat down.

"You didn't come see me." A small voice said, muffled in robes.

"I know. And I'm sorry Obi-Wan."

That was all they said as the young initiate fell asleep.

Qui-Gon rocked him and thought of better days.

* * *

Deep in the mind of Obi-Wan Kenobi, dreams were coming. One right after the other. Some that mad him sad, some that made him happy, and some that just made him content. In his subconscious Obi-Wan was wishing upon wish that, when the time comes, he could stand next to Qui-Gon as his apprentice.

~End of Book 1~