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The Exorcism of Diablo, as told by Furfuzz(SHAMAN)
by Furfuzz

After some begging from Grarrrg, Furfuzz joined him in his Nightmare quest.

Grarrrg was currently in recovery mode because Laz's witches kept killing him.

Fang and Goethe (who Furfuzz alerted to the already-in-progress NM game just in case they wanted dots) join the game.

Furfuzz goes down portal ready to whomp ass.


Furfuzz returns and the witches and Lazarus' room is clear. They head a little bit east and find the pentagram (as well as a nasty horde of Snows and Doomies).

Furfuzz, not wanting to deal with this, screamed "CHARGE!" and jumped down the pentagram.

1st TP to 16 is up.

Furfuzz calls Harvey, his trusty rock-rabbit, to his side and they start pummeling on advos & bks.

Goethe arrives on 16 and the slaying becomes easier.

A few minutes later Fang arrives and even later Grarrrg arrives.

Furfuzz and Fang fight together in the sector between D's room and the 3rd quadrant until they both require potions.

Anyway, while the Shaman was in town somebody thought it'd be a good idea to walk into the 1st quadrant and wake up a mob of BKs... this is when the big trouble starts.

Furfuzz returns and finds a nice BK squad ready to kill him. Harvey valiantly tries to kill the knights but to no avail, stone lasts not long enough!

Furfuzz retreats to the north area above of the maze. Knowing that the wall of the maze is 3 spaces from the wall of the dungeon, Furfuzz puts Harvey in the center spot and stones the BKs as they arrive. This creates a perfect and easily defeatable wall of BKs. Harvey never has to deal with more than 3 at a time.

(Dramatic horror music!)

Goethe comes running around the corner behind Furfuzz and brings a really, really ugly mob of BKs with him! Furfuzz, unable to stone that many BKs fast enough and Harvey dieing from unstoned BKs, watches Goethe get gutted by the bastard sword of some knights. Unable to escape, Furfuzz is slain... Harvey, Hydra, and Shamoo become scared and do not answer Furfuzz's calls for the rest of the game.


Furfuzz eventually plans out the battle with the respawning BKs. Unfortunately, the respawn caused the plan to be useless and in the end the BKs were taken care of by melee and massive fire walls.


Switches are flipped and D dies, etc.

Well, I mention the previous not to point fingers or attach blame, but rather to ingrind a few messages:
1) Activating mobs is bad
2) Disorganization is bad but a hopeless situation can be cured by a simple plan and cooperation.
3) Letting Shaman die is very bad
4) Furfuzz is good tactician but respawn causes tactics to be blown into the wind


Part III, The Exorcism of Diablo, as told by Fang(A-M)

Part I, The Exorcism of Diablo, as told by Grarrrg(EXO)