A Visionary Sound Arts Interface
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	The first thing I experienced was a flash of 
what could have been pain or pleasure. So intense was 
the feeling, but for also a numbness that set in 
nearly immediately as if some fundamental area of 
my nervous system had been mortally wounded, that 
I was dazed quite nearly to the extent one would be 
if slammed in the head with a two-by-four. I also 
felt like the proverbial �deer caught by the headlights.�

     My following sensation was bewildering and frightening. 
It felt like my head was �popping� up symmetrically 
round welts, one after another with increasing frequency. 
These �welts� were quite rapidly giving my cranium 
something of the shape of a raspberry. The �popping� was 
rather like small membrane sacs, not quite the size of 
a tennis ball, suddenly inflated to full-size.

     �This has got to cause brain damage,� I thought. 
It was my last coherent thought before the major transition.

     A beautiful golden wave, pixillated with small 
red triangles, blue circles and green asterisks 
(resembling the �fuzz� one sees when one�s television 
is tuned to a channel where nothing is being broadcast, 
but liquid and shining like metal gold,) crashed over me 
and I was thrown over backward into an amazing chaos of 
rainbow colors awash in liquid metallic gold, sunlight, 
and ultrawhite foam. There were geometrical designs, 
tinkertoy-like shapes (some appearing to be chemical,) 
and what I can only describe as �nexi� of 
various informational �nodes.�

	None of these things I saw made any sense to me, 
but were simply fleeting visual impressions within a 
turbulent oceanic environment where I was tumbling about 
in a state of mental confusion. Emotionally, I was 
surprised but not afraid, and distinctly still had 
the sense of being myself. Having grown up in the 
beach communities of Los Angeles, California, I had 
at one point in my life been an avid bodysurfer 
and so was no stranger to �going over the falls� 
of a wave or being �caught in the backwash.� 
This was not unlike that, except, of course, that the 
medium was of a much more fantastic and cosmic nature.

     A sudden shift occurred, which had no sense of 
jolt but rather that of increasing speed along a 
very steep gradient. In a moment, I was travelling at 
an amazingly high velocity, banking until I was headed 
straight up. I was moving through a tube or tunnel that 
appeared to be golden streaked with white. I would have 
to say that my impression was that it was made out of 
a material that was continuously smooth along the 
surface, giving no details as to its composition. 
I was not paying attention, but instead looking 
directly upward in the direction I was headed. 
In the distance, I could see the top of the tube, 
soft white light infusing the end.

     I was hovering over a dark sea at nighttime. 
I must have been about forty feet above the surface. 
There were large storm clouds lit by moonlight in 
the distance. When I looked up, I could see a starry sky. 
The ocean itself was active, but not in a violent sense. 
It was not placid by any means, however. 

     My vision was in three-hundred-and-sixty degrees. 
I could see in all directions simultaneously. Because 
I�m used to one-twenty degree limited vision, however, 
I was still paying attention only to my usual visual 
field. This means that, although I could see 
everything at once, I still followed a convention 
of �looking around.�

     As I looked down, I observed the surface of 
the ocean being broken by other humans as they slowly 
moved upward into the sky. Each person was held by 
the upper arm and shoulder on either side by what appeared 
to be �Angels Of Death.� Some of the people appeared to 
be in a beatific sleep, with wide smiles as though 
beholding some beautiful dream. The emotional vibrations 
that they gave off made their attending angels 
gorgeous creatures indeed. The angels radiated a soft, 
lustrous luminescence, and were decidedly humanoid, 
with flowing robes. 

     There were yet others of these people breaking 
the surface of the ocean, accompanied by two Angels 
each. These people were awake and extremely frightened. 
Their screams, hollering, and protestations were the 
main sounds to be heard along with the lolling of the 
active sea itself. Mightily struggling against the 
relentless grip of the Angels, these unfortunates 
gave off emotional vibrations of terror and wrath 
which broke across the forms of their attendants 
like electric cat-of-nine-tails, �tattering� their 
appearance, causing the Angels to appear hideous.

     The Angels, for their part, were simply conveying 
the humans along an appointed course which led from 
somewhere beneath the surface of this sea up into 
the sky beyond sight. Theirs was a firm patient hold 
on their attendee. There was no malice nor haste 
in any of their movements. Their faces did reflect 
their enjoyment of seeing bliss and their being 
disconcerted when working with those in a state of fright.

    �Where am I?� I wondered. This was a thought, 
not spoken aloud.

     �This is where people first arrive after they die,� 
said a voice above me and to my right. I could not 
see the person who said, or thought, this.

     �Well. . .what am I doing here?� I asked.

     �You must have died,� said the voice.

     This was not a particularly welcome idea. 
I tried to remember how I had arrived here. I was 
still very disoriented. Let�s see. . . I thought about 
my bedroom of 13 years. I had passed out, died. 
Had I killed myself? I thought of my housemate and 
his friend downstairs. They would find my body. 
I thought of my family, how this would injure them. 
And everybody at work would know. . . .

     I felt embarrassed. Then: afraid. What if I 
had killed myself? I�d heard that there were rules 
against that. You could even possibly be in trouble 
for accidentally killing yourself, for all I knew! 
The word, �Damnation,� entered my mind and I shook 
with fear. This was not a pleasant prospect!

     �Tell me about this �damnation� thing. What 
is �damnation�?� I asked.

     My three-hundred-sixty-degree vision then 
rotated so that I was looking down at the surface 
of the ocean. The surface then parted and beneath 
it I could see many levels of experience proceeding 
downward. On each level, beings in various 
states of torment moved through repeating 
unpleasant experiences. It was almost as if these 
experiences were �looped,� endlessly repeating 
the same thing over and over.

     I was given to understand that �Hell� or 
�Damnation� is a choice that one can make following 
the encounter with the Divine Light. During the after-
death experience, one is given the �Life Review.� 
Then, one is shown the Divine Light in all its 
glory, and particularly emphasized is 
Unconditional Love and Forgiveness. One is then 
shown the contrast between this Light and 
the life one has just lived. If we can accept the 
Forgiveness that is always extended to us, we can 
move on to the higher vibrational realms of 
experience � the Heavens, the Paradises, the Shared 
Belief locales, onward to the Light Itself. However, 
if we cannot accept the Forgiveness, believing 
that we are not worthy, or that we need to punished 
for transgressions, or that we cannot release 
past orientations of resentment, that we 
cannot �feel� the way the Light �feels,� then 
we recoil away from the Paradisal, under the gravity 
of our own attachment to lower vibrational states. 

Our options then begin to emphasize Reincarnation 
to a new life selected from a limited palette of 
lives which are conducive to exploring our particular 
issues or questions, or �Hell,� in which we punish 
ourselves by repetitiously reexperiencing the 
memories of the adverse behaviors and conditions 
that we feel guilty about, OR behaviors and 
conditions which are symbolic of this guilt. 
This can continue indefinitely and is experienced 
as temporal succession. It will last no longer, 
however, than the time when the experiencer 
has an insight into why they behaved in such 
a way or brought themselves into such a condition, 
or until they become bored. At this point, one can 
either accept the Forgiveness of the Light, 
or choose a new incarnation. The latter is more 
likely than the former, since the individual is 
probably still in a problem-solving mood.

    Another metaphor that was brought forward 
was that �Hell� is similar to �Detention� in school. 
If you missed an hour of class, you got about five 
hours of detention. The difference being: that you were 
assigning the detention to yourself.

     �So, if I was to go through all this repetition 
of my guilt for, say, five thousand years, or whatever, 
at the end of that time, I would be okay with the Divine? 
I�d still be Forgiven?� I asked.

     �Of course!� said the voice. �For you were Forgiven 
the entire time. You are ALWAYS Forgiven.�

     �Oh!� I said with relief. �Well, I can bear that. . . .�

     �Good,� said the voice, �because that is not what 
is going to happen to you anyway.�

     Then, it was as if I was grabbed by the scruff 
of the neck and swiftly lifted in an ascending spiral 
forward and to the right. I was passing through space, 
with stars twinkling and celestial objects of great 
beauty. It was as if I was passing along the arc of 
one of the serpents of the Caduceus, or along a 
strand of DNA. In amazement, I was approaching an 
immense mandala, which was in the upper right of my 
vision. I was moving toward it from below.

     The mandala was brilliant white in the center, 
surrounded by lustrous gold, then a wide incandescent 
rose band, moving outward to a band of the most 
beautiful devotional blue I have ever seen, with 
an outside fringe of sunlight. I was given to know 
that this was the �Mandala of  All Human Souls.�

  I flew to the center of this mandala, which was not 
a disc but a sphere! In the center was the Light of 
Awareness, which I could see infused all of the lives 
connected in the sphere with One Light. I could see 
that all lives were One Life experiencing itself in 
a multitude of realities. 
�The appearance is that we are many people 
living in the same world; 
the inner reality is that we are the same Person 
living in many worlds.�

     I then �passed through� the center of this 
mandala somehow, and found myself still hurtling 
through space on a spiral upward, forward and to 
the right. I was approaching another, even larger 
mandala now. Its center was again brilliant white, 
but it was shining like a golden shield, with 
many geometrical ramifications across its surface 
along which thin lines of white light darted. 
I was given to know that this was the �Mandala of 
All Human Events, Past Present and Future.�

     Again, I was taken to the center of this 
spherical mandala and witnessed the Light of 
Awareness permeating all events, revealing that 
they are the ramifications of One Event. 
I saw that all events are part of an amazing 
artistic structure which, seen in its entirety, 
is profound, awesome and sacred.

     I then moved through the center of this 
mandala and continued my upward arc. I then 
was approaching a light so tremendous that 
I believed that this was finally the Light, 
that I had in fact died and was about to return to 
the Light, become One with it and experience 
the dissolution of my ego. Believing that I 
could not fight this inexorable situation, I relaxed 
into it and awaited my annihilation.

     What happened instead is that I found myself 
inside a structure of concentric spheres of what 
appeared to be conjoined pillars of 
crystalline white light. I had the sense of it 
being a �palace� of sorts.

     This structure bears a distinct resemblance 
to �Concentric Rinds� by Sacha Ledinsky, 1998

     This is an Escher-like painting and I can�t 
help thinking he had a painting of the same name, 
but cannot find it elsewhere. In any event, here 
you can see a similar structure.

     I descended as it were through these concentric 
levels to the area of brightness at the center. 
This turned out to be a large domed room with 
geodesic triangles of the dome each a video 
screen depicting an event from some previously 
lived experience of mine. In the center of the room was 
a long elliptical table which resembled nothing 
so much as a surgery table. Off to my right, 
stood a brilliant white being.

     I turned to face this being and was somewhat 
taken aback to see that it appeared to be three 
people standing in the same space. It was as if 
there were three superimposed images, which flickered 
in and out of dominance, but were not resolving 
into one coherent image. I would see a man clad 
in simple white clothes with a turban, then a 
woman of the same size but in flowing white robes, a
nd then another figure, which was not humanoid but 
rather like a silver-white shimmer that would gleam 
with brilliance occasionally. 
I call this being the Three-In-One.

     The being silently but warmly greeted me 
and then led me back to the table. The surface of 
the table shone a diffuse comforting white light. 
Then, the side of the dome opened as if elevators 
doors had parted, and I could see the "Mandala of 
All Human Souls" out in space and below our position. 
The segment of the mandala which is my life was 
then copied and the copy was brought to the dome 
to hover above the table. The copy was tinkertoy-
like,  resembling a molecule. It was as if the 
various paths and metaphors of my life, arranged 
as stops and starts, beginning and endings of 
sequences, was laid out before me.

     I was given what I refer to as a �demo� 
of the Life Review. I was shown how I could observe 
two or more events from different times and places 
in my life simultaneously in order to note 
similarities and contrasts. I could observe scenes 
occurring forward or backward, from my personal 
perspective or from the perspective of any of 
those interacting with me. In other words, I could 
see things from my point of view, or how I looked 
to others. I couldalso view scenes from various 
angles independent of any embodied viewer. I 
could see how my actions affected other people who, 
in turn, acted upon others because of me. I could 
see how actions from others had affected me and 
I had carried those actions forward through me, 
reacting against them by acting upon others. 
I could see the mirroring process of reality as I 
shaped it by my beliefs and attitudes. Then, I was 
becoming aware that I was intentionally avoiding 
looking at the end of my life. The Three-In-One 
noticed this and took me aside.

     It said, �If you were actually dead, this 
would be the point where we would fully enter 
into the Life Review and begin analyzing your 
life carefully.�

     It led me away to the other side of the 
dome where it stood with its back to a Void that 
was also filled with intense criss-crossings 
of Light that looked something like the 
Universal Mind Lattice by Alex Grey. You can view 
this painting by going to the Alex Grey gallery 
on the web, clicking for the Sacred Mirrors, 
clicking to view the Sacred Mirrors, and 
then selecting �Universal Mind Lattice:�

Click here to go to Sacred Mirrors

     It was at this time that we entered into 
a discussion of my personal issues which I have, 
to this day, fully repressed the specifics addressed 
therein. I have tried to remember this conversation, 
but I guess am not ready. A little too �to the point,� I
 would guess. . . I have come to believe that I was 
offered an opportunity to merge with this being at 
this time, but declined.

     The being then led me back to where we had 
originally met and told me that I could ask any 
question that I wanted to ask at that time.

    �What are the motivations of the Divine?� I asked.

     Instantly, I felt that I was expanding. 
My point-of-view was beginning to encompass many 
areas of knowing and experiencing that I had never 
even dreamed of. It was not unlike Alice in Wonderland, 
becoming increasingly huge. Unlike Alice, however, I 
was not becoming merely physically larger, my entire 
range of experience was increasing. The avalanche 
of spiritual information that flooded into me was 
beyond anything I had experienced before. I was 
feeling overwhelmed, swamped with all sorts of 
things I would need to know in order to understand 
the Divine�s motivations. My area of perceiving 
was covering an increasingly enormous,baffling 
field of Awareness that I could never have 
imagined existed!

     I experienced fear of being out of my depth. 
In acute response, my expansion ended and I found 
myself back in the dome, standing next to the 

     �I can�t understand the motivations of the Divine,� 
I confessed, feeling humble.

The Three-In-One seemed to find this remark amusing.

     Then, my attention was rotated upward toward 
the ceiling of the dome, which parted missile-silo-like. 
Above me, I could see level after level of realms 
of increasingly pure and rarefied awareness, which 
conscious beings living on these realms in 
wondrous states of meditation and adventure where 
the repetitious cycles of mortal life had opened into 
never ending spirals of creativity.

     A painting by Gustav Dore somewhat captures 
this vision. It is titled,"A Saintly Throng In 
The Form Of A Rose." 

This other mandala also expresses this vision of 
looking up througha series of concentric planes 
toward the Light Above. It is titled,
"Consciousness Of The Heart" by John DeMarco

    I was then raised up through the center of these 
planes toward the most brilliant light I have ever 
beheld, which was directly above me in the center. 
This is the Light that has been called �The Light of A 
Thousand Suns,� but I would say it could be in the 
millions or billions for that matter. It is as if 
the whole sky is as bright as the sun and the 
sky surrounds you. The brightness is many-fold 
beyond the sun, but while extremely intense is 
not painful to look at. On the contrary, it 
is beautiful beyond any comparison.

     The closest visual representation of this 
sight that I have ever seen is the �Mandala of 
the Divine Light,� the final image in 
Heita Copony�s book, �Mystery Of The Mandalas." 
This is not on the web however.
The painting by Alex Grey entitled, �White Light,� 
conveys some of this idea. 

     In any event, it was now that I merged with 
the Light Divine. It was a pure brilliance of 
white-golden with traceries of crystalline white 
light dancing through it. I was in a state of 
ecstasy so pure that its intensity had gone past 
the pain/pleasure confusion of simple ecstasy to 
an experience that I can only refer to as �tranquility.� 
Perhaps this is what some have referred to as �enstansy.�

     Within the Light, I beheld the Essences of 
all of those lofty transcendental concepts for which 
we are more familiar with the names than their realities. 
Love Unconditioned was there, as was Truth, Creativity, 
Intelligence, Joy, Forgiveness, Eternity, Will, Strength, 
Beauty, Justice, Infinity, and many other fine, 
miraculous realities. Above all, I was impressed by 
the Knowledge that the entire Creation and every thing 
in it which exists or happens is PERFECT. 
That there is NOTHING WRONG nor could there EVER be. 
That all the Realities of the One constitute 
the penultimate masterpiece of the Supreme Artist in which 
every individual and movement contribute to the 
Ultimate Vision of Wholeness and Love Without End.

     I was then meditating on the Mysteries of the 
Universe, delving into the deepest Secrets and Truths 
now laid bare. My questions asked and answered. I had 
entered a state of profound Wonder and dined as it were on 
the Paradisal Delicacies of the Treasures of Divinity.

     After a while, I noticed that the Light had softened 
and taken on a decidedly feminine feeling. It swirled 
luxuriously as a warm milky whiteoceanic liquid of 
finely granular Light. The emotional state became 
Blissful, rather than ecstatic. And wave after wave 
of intense pleasure wafted over me. Leaving my meditation 
on the Revealed Secrets, I opened my eyes to find myself 
seated in a blooming lotus flower on gorgeous pads 
of sparkling leaf, floating upon and within a sea 
of warm liquid light, now white with gorgeous currents 
of cerulean blue wafting through. 

I could see others on their pads, deep in meditation.

I closed my eyes and returned to 
my meditation upon the Mysteries. 

After a while, I reopened my eyes to find myself 
still seated cross-legged 
in the lotus bloom.

So this is my version of the Heavenly Paradise, 
I thought to myself. This is where I will spend 
my Heaven Time. And for the moment, I felt a 
deep contentment and relief.

If only the people back on Earth knew what I know now, 
I reflected. They would not be so miserable, nor behave 
so unpleasantly. Things would be better. . . .

And then I suddenly became sad, as I realized that 
I could never go back and tell people about what I 
had seen. That I had lost my chance to help the world. 
I wanted so much to help, my chest swelled within 
the longing to do so and the pain of knowing I could not.

�I want to help the world. I want to go back,� I said aloud. 
�I owe it to the world to go back and help.�

I began to weep for the world, for all the 
sorrow and pain in the world.

And within half a minute, I was back in my familiar 
bedroom, laying right where I�d left myself.


It has been some time since i first posted this at my website. 
I fully  attest here that what i have written is a RECOUNT 
of an ACTUAL EXPERIENCE that i had, which i have in no way 
added to in order to make it seem more fantastic 
than it actually was.
   Previous to this experience, i was not a particular 
believer in reincarnation, but this experience has 
definitely opened my mind to a new way of considering it. 
As for "hell," this experience provided for me a deeper 
understanding as to how such an experience is provided 
for the benefit and education of beings who utilize it 
and not as some sort of "punishment" from a wrathful 
and demanding deity. While i was more inclined to not 
believe in hell previously, i am now inclined to believe 
in the "hell-experience" as detailed in my recount.
   For me, this was a culminating experience of many 
years of questioning the nature and meaning of 
reality and our human experience of it. Many of 
my fundamental questions were answered and 
concerns allayed. I only wish that i may play 
my own part now in providing our suffering human world 
with some portion of this experience so that as many 
of us as possible can know that there is something 
more, that it is highly personal and based on 
individual freedom and co-creative participation. 
And, most importantly, that it is NOT what "THEY" 
said it was going to be, but is actually FAR GRANDER 
and much more ON YOUR SIDE than most of us 
have dared to hope or dream. 

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