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I have to keep being reminded to do this. I'm so off
gallavanting across the web i forget to make these
little notes at home....
I'll be having a week off last week of August. a week
from today will be the last work day and i will enjoy
my first vacation since middle of last October. no
missed work shifts. usually 15mins early and late by
no more than 8 mins on the occasional odd morning
flashback or whatnot, twice a month perhaps
while i'm not crazy about calling embeddable sound
players "widgets," that's the state of the art at
Grooveshark so i'm going with it. these *widgets*
access certain playlists created by users, such as
myself. TO WIT: we now have the distinct honor to roll
out our very own VSA *widget* which will play a
Darv-programmed streaming audio music set for those
with the ability to listen to such media
i've created a couple of other widgets but they refer
back to my new wave radio jock days discing the spins
on fryday nites to the local denizens of the demimonde.
i hadn't considered it until now, but perhaps MY
REBELLIOUS EIGHTIES is an aesthetic balance of some
sort for me. one widget angelic and light, the other
adverse and dark. hey!: that's just me:) 
if you can find your way to my Industrial page, you
MIGHT find a way to hear that widget. or not.
i have no cable tv. been watching Reuters, Daily
Show and Keith Olbermann for infotainment. i've become
interested in astrotheology and still love good
reading material! i've been reading a book on ancient
cosmology and xtian symbolism which has all the word
games, puns, mathematical puzzles and whatnot that i
do enjoy studying. i'm also reading "The Self-Made
Tapestry" Pattern Formation in Nature, which is written
as a textbook of design. heady stuff with lots of info
packed into every page. every few pages, one has to
stop and digest, so it is slow going. i just discovered
another way to view Dan Winter's book IMPLOSION! online,
so i'm posting it here


work is being extremely difficult.
top managers away marriage/honeymoon.
produce asst on 2 week vacation
rubbery arms, fatigue, hard to concentrate
aches & pains, hard to sleep
it's never the slow season in produce

tons of new music, but haven't even been
forming reviews in mind. too much business
related stuff.
i have less than a month to get my legal ID
together. where's the time? workeatsleep

thank the divine for the internet, or i'd
be REALly lonely


the difference between 40 and 38.3
minus 20% = 340 let's forgive call it 400
1300 let's forgive call it 1200
100 per month
25 per week
and look how forgiving we were.
25 per week isn't the same as nothing per week.

and we arrive back at nothing.


one would think that a weekly entry would not be
a demanding pace, but i guess i am just having too
much fun in my pursuits.
still reading "Deep Spirit" i think i got bogged
down because once the beautiful woman gets kidnapped
by the shadow ops agents for scientific intelligence
the reader spends an extended time away from her
character, with the protagonist as he rather flounders
about trying to catch up (currently he is in Singapore
contacting the pearl seller.) the text keeps reminding
us of her psychic kung fu and how she is in control of
these large armed goons. of course, i'm thinking that
the control may be more sexual than psychic. kinda
tuned out and more into my recent acquisition "Jesus
Christ - Sun Of God" an astrotheological text
recommended by the guys who wrote Astrotheology and
Shamanism. it is full of linguistic number games from
ancient abrahamic texts, sacred geometry, astronomical
information guised in mythology and so forth. my kind
of stuff.
just discovered Schooly D. never heard of this guy,
even tho i'd heard that great song "Am I Black Enough
For You?" in the movies Bad Lieutenant and Deep Cover.
always dug it, wanted to know who did it, never did.
but i saw Deep Cover again recently and was inspired
to solve the mystery. apparently, Schoolly D was the 1st
thoroughbred gangsta rappa. he did some work with
BDP and his sound is somewhere between BDP & Public
Enemy. it is obvious why he never broke, with songs
like "Don't Call Me Nigger, Whitey," or the funky
theme song for the imaginary black tv superhero,
"Super Nigger." but for old skool he is right in
with PE, Ice T, NWA & alla dem, Paris, Da Lynch Mob,
and hard beats like that. what is wild is that
Schooly D's grooves are FUNKY like beyond them
other guys. and the stuff he has built on top of
the samples is first rate. when rap hit, i didn't 
like it. you know me: ambient music, spirituality, etc.
but the pressure in santa cruz for me to embrace
this fucked up music was so intense that i decided
that if i had to listen to it then i was going to go
to the end of the spectrum, to where i could relate
to it from my old Industrial music days listening
to Throbbing Gristle and Scraping Foeus Off The Wheel.
i chose the MOST racist, sexist, violent rap i
could find and THAT was MY rap! then people were like,
we didn't mean you should like THIS KIND OF RAP.
& i was like, "UH OH, you fuct up."



THIS is the blog i'm famous for neglecting a little
bit, probably because it can get a little personal
or i do seem to remember some ranting somewhere....
because this is the DARVinfo, more raw & *where
i'm at* baby. so sometimes here emotions of my
overall state of "*with-it*ness," books i'm enjoying,
movies. various *guffaws* at the sociopolitical
    Let's See...o! saw Watchmen. automatically my
favorite superhero movie of all time for wonderful
nuance and metaphorical resonance of the plot &
characters.Click Here For Watchmen Review
when the dvd is released, i shall shelve it next
to "The Incredibles" and "Team America," altho a
part of me should like it next to "V For Vendetta."
    i think there must be some funky astrological
stuff happening right now, cause this week was not
enough sleep and everything getting in one's way
all day. people around me mentioned this also. and
the week before, there seem to be some kind of
anger vibe. i guess it could also be something
working through the haleakalA heart chakra. other
people also mentioned or acted out bad angriness.
but the past couple of days seem better. i know
Venus is passing by the sun today and turning from
evening star to morning star. but this weird stuff
felt more to me like a "colour of space" that was
just passing through. maybe all of it together. or
i'm just a wacko and none of it! i rather like this
final option because it gives me the inability to
be concerned about final outcomes, etc.
     ANYWAY i've been collecting a little choice
instrumental gamelan. i've this one that features
an instrument like a marimba but made out of bamboo.
WOW!! you can REALLY feel the sound waves hitting
your body!! WHOA!! "Jegog - The Bamboo Gamelan of
Bali" performed by Werdi Sentana. (CMP Records:
Minneapolis, 1991.) in just intonation. feels
like a massage almost. really relaxed and vibrant
     i was rolling this idea over in my mind this
week: we will know we've reached the racial turning
point when white people are jokingly referring to
each other as "crackers," "honkys" and "peckawoods;"
to the point where black people are jokingly referring
to EACH OTHER by these names. THEN we will have arrived.
there's just way a lot of uptightness around the
subject STILL and it's mainly because of certain
parties taking themselves WAY TOO SERIOUSLY.
     also it brings me great glee to see Santo Daime
church win their federal court case DECISIVELY. as we
turn the page on this past ugly period of conservative
overrule, i do hope that the religions that i feel an
affinity for will be allowed to be in devotion to their
perception of the Divine and to flourish as the true
potential gift to sapiens that they have the potential
to become.
Click Here For Article



I have been Darv before, i shall be Darv again.
the fun goes on and on...and on...and on...and on....
a living pranava, yin/yang mandorla of the mother of
radiance and the father of substance, extreme high
states of ecstasy BEYOND raw pleasure, so complete
and profound that the violent shaking has given way
to a bliss beyond pure love, so fulfilled and
precious that the Universal Smile has dissolved into
sheer Being, "Tranquility," ENSTASY.
    and  so i have become Darv again. if one chants
"Darv Again," repeatedly it will become "Gandharva."
and perhaps this should know in my waggly wordgame
Click here for Gandharva listing at Myth-Folklore
and it is SO me! i'm particularly good at that
asterism thing.
O & more: see my music & eating of fragrances (ambience)
Gandharva Listing at Answers

Had to share this great page of streaming MP3s with
whosoever should read this! Generous 4 minute samples
many of which loop really well! I've already ordered
Indigo Egg, which is Matt Hillier of Ishq/Virtual
fame, and am happily looking forward to the release
of the Val(lium) debut release, "Daydreamer."
Click Here For Celestial Dragon page at Saiko Sounds


Just obtained the revised edition of "Astrotheology
and Shamanism" (subtitled: "The Pagan Roots of
Christianity," whereas the first edition was subtitled,
"Unveiling The Law of Duality in Christianity and
Other Religions") by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit.
     It is SO AMAZING to be seeing distillations of all
this information i've been studying for a quarter
century. wow. what will they think if MY texts ever
release? wow....
     ANYWAY, this new book is a superb read for getting up
to speed on what we are coming to realize about Christianity
and, more importantly, how we are beginning to get a good
look at the ACTUAL wisdom that was suppressed by religion
and that "science" FAILED to liberate when it extricated
itself from the deadly grip of religion. i acknowledge that
independent research scholars here at the end of the
cycle have learned to couch their language in the terms
of "science," so many moderns are by baby steps beginning to 
be aware of the lack of our ancient wisdom in our lives.
Terence McKenna referred to this as "the archaic revival,"
but i agree with Ken Wilber that we are not regressing
to a more primitive context, but rather INTEGRATING this
ancient wisdom into a modern context; hence, an "integral,"
rather than archaic structure.
     their website features a 3 hour 23 minute 246mb
downloadable FREE video which contains a portion of the
evidence in the book and also many of the gorgeous color
plates demonstrating the occult level of religious art.
Time To Go To The Pharmacratic Inquistion
or if you want to see the Amazon listing:
Click Here for Amazon listing

Beyond this reclamation of the ancient wisdom (as i enjoy
saying, "i'm an ancient wisdomer, not a new ager" (although
i daresay there is no denying that we seem to be bumbling
into a new era of some sort...),) there is this issue of
a paradigm shift if the average person's mind was ever so
ever to even think about moving their brain from a
newtonian universe to a quantum-relativistic universe,
and all the symbolic motif alterations that this would
imply! what we need is a new culture story that includes
everybody in the world. something people WANT to be a part
of. this vision of a NEW WORLD ORDER BANKOCRACY that we
seem to be slouching in the direction of doesn't really have
a lot of appeal to most people on earth. are people even
aware that slavery is a bigger problem now than it was
in the 20th century? i think not. backsliding is nothing
new, we just forget about it. we aren't even aware of doing
it as we do it. that's the beauty of the trick-trap-trope.


i've been reading "Deep Spirit" by Christian deQuincey.
Click Here For Excerpts
my reading patterns aren't what they used to be. at one
time, i read and finished as many as 4 books a week. now,
i'm reading half a dozen simultaneously and finishing
perhaps one or two a MONTH!...i know: i'm terrible....
but i still PLOW through books i'm enthused about. the
last book like that was "The Antipodes Of The Mind"
by Benny Shanon, an AMAZING cartography of the possible
states of mind one experiences on major psychedelics.
an exhilirating read!
    I'm pretty hooked on deQuincey right now, having read
his "Radical Nature" at a flat out pace. it gave me a
head buzz similar to "Ecstatic Naturalism" by Robert S.
Corrington. Basically, he carefully lays out the
philosophical arguments underlying Materialism and
Idealism and then demonstrates their fundamental flaws.
He then argues that neither is correct and that matter
and consciousness have always coexisted and that neither
arose from the other. i consider his formulation much
more accurate than the other two.
    Christian deQuincey's second book, "Radical Knowing,"
which i must confess i have only gotten a third of the
way through, but am continuing to read. his writing is
fluid, conversational and easy to read - - a delight to read
actually - - i think the block for me is integrating the
painful thought that i am my relationships, since i have
so few intersapiens relationships that are anything more 
than superficial. so i have to turn to my nonsapiens and
transcendental relationships to really connect with the
ideas sometimes....
    i've read nearly half of "Deep Spirit" this last week,
which is a pretty good pace for me these days. i am just
so, er, "obsessed"? with visionary sounds, meditation
and the internet these days. (i don't count all the reading
that i do on the internet as "reading" i guess...) from
what i've read so far, i've gotten several interesting
ideas, the first of which is that perhaps our civilization
is an evolutionary error and we are experiencing the
early term ramifications of a correction. while the main
problem is overweening intellectuality at the service of
the ego, smothering the intuition, the external problems
are fundamentalist materialism which has led us into
dominator consumerism with a system of monetary banking
that emphasizes Profit over concerns for the well-being
of humans, all other life and the ecosystem, coupled with
organized religious systems that prevent self-realization
and fundamentalist scientism which precludes academic
study of any data regarding psychic or spiritual experience.


nothing like having someone back their car right
up below your bedroom window and crank up the
hip hop music on the subwoofer. AHHHHHH!!!
what is with people???
    i guess that was my valentine....
    i've been having some good transitions in my
head and believe i'm near the end of this long
painful process. I WANT TO BELIEVE!
    a friend of mind just got his PhD. his 
dissertation was on the global uroboros. he posted
an extract on the web and then some band in Japan
named theirself "Global Uroboros." love the net!


i know i haven't been too smooth at keeping this
column up. it is probably because my life is so
uneventful except for books, music and video that
there is rarely any goings-on to expostulate about.
   it has been relatively low temperature in Maui
these past two months. i've found it interesting to
be using a blanket in bed again. i'd nearly forgotten
what it feels like to be so warm under the blanket
that you can hardly bear to come out from under it.
   i recently picked up the brand new book by
Christian DeQuincey, "Deep Spirit - Cracking The
Noetic Code," and LOVE IT. it is as if Philip K. Dick
read all of J. G. Ballard's written works and then
regimented himself to a strict diet of cubensis and
ayahuasca for a few years! marvelous stuff! i've also
been reading Leonora Leet's main books on Qabala.
serious academic works and very dense reads. while i've
found them valuable particularly for my study of sacred
geometry and understanding the same in Qabala, i do not
recommend her work to people who are not already
quite familiar with the subject.
   i've been in Maui for nearly 5&1/2 years now...
where does the time go? been incubating in this apt
solitary the entire time. no car so pretty much stuck
here in my neighborhood (the DMV makes it super tough
to get a license. i wonder how many people are sitting
alone year after year because like me they gave up and
just ended up alone in their apt. i wonder if the Maui
DMV even has a CLUE that this is happening?)
would they care?
   so, no license, no car = no radio show, no nights on
the town meeting people, etc. but there IS:
ME - my amazing inner psychic realm and all the cool
stuff that i'm into - alone, here, in this apt. if i
didn't find myself so incredibly entertaining, i might
be a little freaked out....good thing....*lol*


am so sorry for the Palestinian people.
what complete and utter hubris this whole fiasco
and we apparently never learn
what is wrong with us?


ah, the winter solstice, the mythos of it all!
the three days & me 50 on 23rd, a Tuesday
(i was born on a Tuesday i think...)
bloody law of fives!
   preparation for xmas org produce chaos. 
self-massage, yoga, meditation, determination, 
plenty water. organic produce warrior will prevail!
   i am sworn to tomorrow commandeering the music
system at the store and playing xmas music i've
selected instead of the SAME OLD BORING STUFF we've
been listening to, in the same order even, for the
last five years! the canned xmas music from our
cable tv service is anathema to any sensitive soul
under prolonged exposure! this insanity must end!
   i have arranged a stunning array of audio 
armaments, archived aural antidotes to life-
sucking, compression embalmed corporate poozak.
i was fascinated to see how incredibly diverse
the xmas music there was, compared to what was
available the last time i bothered (long ago.)
to wit:
the number one choice for me:

A Charlie Brown Christmas
Vince Guaraldi Trio
   this album means xmas to me. kids love it, it
has impressive musicianship and the holiday spirit.

The Jethro Tull Christmas Album
   great for classical rock renditions of standards
like greensleeves, pavane, bouree, etc

The Ventures Christmas album
   classic surf rock band serves up the traditionals

A Dave Brubeck Christmas
   solo jazz piano interpretations

Ramsey Lewis Sound of Christmas
   forgotten classic atmospheric jazz interpretations

Herb Alpert & Tijuana Brass Christmas Album
   another kid pleaser. fun, positive energy

Chicago The Christmas Album
   obviously influenced by Steely Dan trad. covers

Manhattan Transfer Christmas Album
   MT's awesome 40s style harmonies, delicate energy

Jingle All The Way
Bela Fleck & The Flecktones
   complex world fusion jazz with banjo does xmas

Merry Christmas From The Space-Age Bachelor Pad
   ok: kids might get too rambunctious on this crazy stuff
   and float off into the sunshine sky. VERY 50s lounge

this brings us of course to:

Ultra-Lounge Christmas Cocktails 
Volumes 1 & 2
Various Artists
   proving xmas music from 40s & 50s can be hip

and since i am in maui:

Ki Ho'alu Christma
Various Artists
   traditionals get da kine slack key guitar treatment

Christmas On Big Island
The Blue Hawaiians
   a hawaiian surf rock band with da kine stylee

and yes there is a reward for having read this far:

Christmas Remixed
Various Artists
  classics by the likes of bing crosby, andy williams,
louis armstrong, duke ellington, mel torme, tripped out
by amazing technohiphop remixes. excellent!! 2 CD

Snoop Dogg Presents Christmas In Da Dogg House
Snoop Doggy Dogg & Friends
   i was just saying a week ago somebody should drop a
real xmas gangsta rap album & *pow* here it is, Snoop
was way ahead of me on this one. and it is really good
positive vibe for the kind of tryp that it is. i call it
an instant classic.

and lastly, outta respect & it is way cool music:

Putumayo Presents New Orleans Christmas
   while rather outside the vibe of the basic mix here,
we all know that Nawlins' jazz is a heady, joyful tryp.
sounds exactly like you think it sounds.

and ps: happy b'day to me on my 50th tues 23rd &
to whosoever should read this PEACE JOY & LOVE
during this solstice transformation period 2008.


produce man survived another thanksgiving! in fact, due
to the economic downturn we didn't sell as much so i
didn't work as hard so i wasn't as in much pain on
thanksgiving as i usually am and that was something to
be thankful for! although i know that this less work
is bad for people who think money is important, all i
can respond with is the produce manager's refrain:
(this is also the refrain used when someone tries to
say that another produce worker is somehow special or
has a special problem that we need to be sensitive to
which one way or another means that they aren't
expected to do the backwork....and of course who will?)
   man, i've been so happy lately, though! my adventures
in consciousness have been so exquisite, my new
acquisitions so superb, the food so rich and bachelor-like,
the movies and videos so amazing -AND- i am free of
emotional attachments to women at this point. one always
seems to have one lingering in the background somewhere,
it seems. that girl at the cafe who is so friendly and
open; that hairdresser whose work is so sensuous because
it is the only time that a woman actually touches one;
that coworker who momentarily rests her hand on one's 
forearm or shoulder on occasion: i have none of that now
and go to sleep without loneliness, awaken without
pretending someone is there to say good morning.
it's great! having those feelings that can never reach
their consummation because she doesn't really notice you
she likes someone younger, taller, lighter, richer, more
aggressive, confident, whatever the list is -- is really
frustrating and a drag.
   the last woman i had these feelings for, in fact i
wrote a song for her about a year ago, our ultimate
intimacy was when she gave me a hug and a kiss on the
cheek because i had some organic produce that had been
mistakenly shipped to me and i couldn't sell it so i
was giving it away. i was expecting the little hug, but
the kiss was completely surprising. i knew i had reached
the ultimate with her.
   but that small kiss which will have to last me a
lifetime was more for me then i'm sure some of those
one-night flings she had when she lived next door to me
were to those guys. funny how the world works. now, she
lives on the other side of the island, and it might as
well be the other side of the world.
   i am free!


never really thought of myself as an "expert" in the
realms of visionary sound arts, but more as an "aficionado,"
an informed enthusiast who expresses himself by playing
the music on the radio, in live dance or ambient room
situations, and by writing about it on an humbly small
website which is really a free homestead on some ginormous
server somewhere. i am, however, always gratified and
thankful when i receive any recognition. the special
cyberfriendships that i have with various VSA artists due
to my developing the VSA Interface are very special
relationships in my rather circumspect and solitary
existence here in the desert tropical regions of paradise
    with that said, i want to *trumpet* my enthusiasm about
what a book and a cd of music can do for you. here it is:
    acquire the following two items and synergize them:
    a) the book, "The Most Direct Means To Eternal Bliss"
by Michael Langford (Freedom of Religion Press, 2008)
         you can download this for free at
Click here for on-line text
or you can buy it (i highly recommend that you end up with
click here for Amazon website entry
     b) acquire the double CD, "Shakti Silence," by Kip Mazuy
from the Bliss Music website:
Click here to view Shakti Silence webpage
if you balk at the price of the cd, consider that you are not
just paying for "music," but for a meditative device that will
help you live a happier life. compared to therapists, analysts,
chiropractors and the like, this is not expensive. the book is
quite inexpensive and just might be the most important book
 that you have ever read.
     At 171 pages, with font that might be 24 point, one would
think this book is a fast, easy read. WRONG. because your ego
is going to start fighting you around chapter 3. but this book
has the potential for opening your mindset up in a BIG way, if
you allow yourself to really digest its message. i'm not going
to tell you the message because the title makes it self-evident.
    read the book while listening to the sound matrices on the
CDs. read each chapter repeatedly. read the book more than once.
    !follow the instructions!
    i am quite confident that you will agree that the $110 or
whatever it is is WELL WORTH THE RESULTS. of course, for less
than $20 you can have the book which will work regardless if
you allow yourself to be wounded by it. naturally, you can view
it for free at the link above, but with no real investment in
the process it is doubtful whether you dear reader will be
willing to read the text from beginning to end, much less
implement any of the thought experiment injunctions.
    if you are already meditating regularly or earnestly
seeking spiritual renewal and deepening, what i have just
suggested is not only a BARGAIN but will also save you A LOT
of time fumbling around.


i've been feeling happier and healthier. had 4 days off
in a row and got some good down time.
less physical pain and somehow more buoyant. is it the
Kip Mazuy i've been listening to? i think so....
just realized i haven't been to the beach all summer.
wish there were some bodysurfable waves....
really starting to enjoy solitude immensely!
"The gourmet bachelor lifestyle" here at Darv-xanadu!
    today someone said to me that the lead in the
presidential race was increasing and looked like a sure
thing. don't be so sure of that, i said. it's a crazy,
wacky world and lots of things can happen between now
and then." i remember election 2000 when the calif polls
closed and Gore was announced winner on east coast. my
friends kicking their heels up. let's wait and see what
happens with Florida, i said. why didn't these guys know
that it was florida florida florida? -- later, they were
shocked and chastened. looks like you called that one, darv.
    what is to call? they tell you up front what is going
to happen! everybody knows about the 8-ton elephant in the
room.... a fundamental yet superficial issue about one of 
the candidates that nobody wants to address directly....
    of course, it is there and a fundamental issue for
most voters in both parties. but we can't discuss it....
    and then the whole dirty tricks, shadow govt thing:
    the military option is not beneath these guys. a nice
little crisis late in the month. omg, you know what they
need? some shadow ops trying to get UBL taken hostage...
for ransom even. and then they blast in there and save
our guys the day before the election. in total elation,
the voting populace loses its senses and just pulls what-
ever lever is in front of it!! yay!!
    that's what i think. character assassination, the guilt
by association thing won't stick because both candidates
have some unsavory associations in the past and the smeller 
is really the feller -- it's a no-win game because too
much ammo on both sides.
    after election 2000, i am in no mood to vote, tho.
you will have to convince me that it is on the up & up, coz
i do not accept that belief as valid. it is rigged.
   that being said, i do enjoy all the blustering and
flumflummery. and the sauce of course, is that as profoundly
ridiculous as the economic catastrophe is, it will be in
short order completely overwhelmed by the ecological
crisis. you gotta love this crazy planet and the lovable
but completely stupid sapiens running around on it who
have made such a botchjob of their situation. 


more delicious irony with the republican convention
scrambling due to Hurricane Gustav. HA! one must wonder
whether if Katrina had never happened even if the
Repubs would just go ahead with the convention like
nothing was wrong. i bet they would. because that is
who they are. that is who they were last time. it is
who they are now. which means that all this fuss and
hubbub is merely for show because of the issue of the
obvious lack of caring three years ago. HA!
    i also revel in the fact that the name of the
hurrican is GUSTAV, which means "Staff of the Goths."
if you pursue the etymology, "Goth" of course refers
to ancient eastern europeans who occupied lands we
call Sweden and Norway these days. one line of
etymology brings us to the old norse word for
"to pour," and obviously a hurricane is a sort of
upright pouring staff, a staff of the pouring or
pourers (one writer claiming that Goths seemed to
"pour into" an area of new inhabitance. But we must
also note that "Goth" also has intimate connections
to the Old German "Gott," from which we get our
word "God." 
     in this context, we might speculate, that then
Gustav is the Staff of the Gods or God, and indeed
is pronounced in an approximation of "God's Staff."
this then frightening, as it should, the fundies
amongst us into realizing I smitest Me thou for thy
unrepentant lack of compassion. clear the stage of 
the convention of the conventionals and unleash the 
Furious wrack of Thee Wrath. strike at the fresh
wound, lest they forget the stench of their pride.
     and watch the Righties fly, pretending they care.


Getting rid of my cable television access this week.
The presidential race has become far too racist and i
won't be able to stay away from it unless i pull the
   it is outrageous to me that nobody on tv is able to
see that comparing the first black man to run for
president with blonde, white media darlings like Paris
Hilton or Britney Spears is the HEIGHT of racism. If
the other campaign was to compare the white man with
Whitney Houston or Naomi Campbell, we would hear howls
of objection. 
   but what is the reality? is the black man a vacuous
smarmy attention slut, or is the white man a belligerent,
brain-addled crack ho whose better days are far behind?
   To my mind, america is far too racist to be ready
for a black president. we shouldn't even be talking
about it as a realistic option.


Crazy vibes as the economy ditches out & the folks in the
middle of the ocean wonder if anybody will come out of
the airport this week.....
    Here i am in the final month of making it five years
in Maui. well-fed, heavier, steady media diet, beach living.
no close friends. virtual hermit's paradise.
    women? everybody wants to know. - - yeah i fell in love
a couple of times and had the hots a couple of times, but all
i can tell is that either there is something about me that is
rather frightening or disgusting. in any event, no woman has
shown any interest in getting to know me or even share a meal
with me, except of course for that one married woman with the
humongous diamond ring who really liked my rum and maybe wanted
me to be the excuse for the end of her marital fidelity, i
couldn't tell really, but homey don't play dat game. anyway, i
passed on that on general principles. so, come september it will
be 13 years alone, out of the game, not gettin' any. homewrecker
ain't my game....
    and it is ok because when you have been out of the game as
long as i have, it doesn't have the appeal it once had. i look at
the men around me and their relationships and marriages and, quite
frankly, it seems like my life is more pleasant. people will often
say that one must needs be lonely as we are a social animal and
men can't go without sex and all that rubbish. yet still, when i
see how lonely and miserable they are IN THEIR RELATIONSHIP, i
realize that i have simply cut out the worst part, which is the
constant antagonism and dissatisfaction from another person.
     never so lonely as in a crowd. i've just bypassed that thing.
     besides, my solitude is quite maui bachelor style. da kine.


Time flies along. I had a week of off time from the job.
Mainly spent it catching up on my sleep. Ate at so many
great local restaurants, i was certain that i had gained
at least five pounds. Nope. 
     We didn't have many cool days this winter and precious
little rain. Things have heated up now as we head back 
towards the summer solstice and the blastingly hot days that
will follow it. This summer looks to be a real slow season
as many visitors have cancelled their plans, not wanting to
pay the airfare. yes, travel to and from the mainland is
righteously high now and i wonder should i ever move from
here will it cost me twice as much as when i came? Gnarly.
     During my vacation, i rode the bus out to the center of
the island, where the library system has a bookstore: only
a dime per book! Of course, it is a pretty random selection.
I ended up with a number of books on the dolphin/ET connection,
the Rubaiyat, Camille Paglia's "Sexual Personae," a book on
the Plague and some additional material on angels. I've also
found several books on Huna and ancient Hawaiian legends that
look interesting.
     I also had dinner with an interesting fellow who recently
got a BA in Literature and then came to Maui to work in natural
foods....really the only person i know right now with some
intellectual interests outside of the box. He reminds me of my
best friend from the post-college days: reads D. H. Lawrence,
Henry Miller, Dosteyevsky, Nietzsche; is outspokenly atheist 
and perhaps to lesser degrees feminist and revolutionist.
Interesting fellow, but he will be pissed off if he ever sees
my library crammed with things spiritual and mystical. (Well, i
have told him that my pursuits lead me into realms intuitive
and nonscientific.)
     I came to Maui without a single DVD in my possession. Now,
i own more than 200. the *Core Collection* is just about complete.
All i really need is Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal," (which
i'm waiting for the right price as it is quite expensivo,) and
"Waiting For Mister Goodbar," which isn't released on DVD yet.
Like all my art, the video collection spans the realms from
the highest beauty found in Nature and computerized mandalas
to the lowest ugliness and depravity with Caligula, Salo or
The Wall. oddly, i can't bring myself to own David Lynch's
seminal works like Eraserhead or Blue Velvet. i do have 
The Elephant Man, but that's it.


today is sort of a bummer day because my young friend from
the store who i've mentioned before (we were trading hiphop
discs) left today for the mainland to live in Oregon. also,
the young woman i've recently mentioned, who i've loved for
the last four years, is also leaving to the mainland to
spend some time with family. she says she'll be back but
wants to go to school. i figure that will mean that her life
will be mostly on the other side of the island, which may as
well be on the mainland for all i'm able to get over there.
     so it's rather "back to square one" in terms of having
meaningful connections. even tho this young woman and i never
really "hung out," i feel closer to her than any other woman
i've known here. bummers.


and another month flies like *that* (cyberfingersnap)
     perhaps unrequited love is a purity test.
     finally finally new releases are beginning to percolate
again! and, after 16 years, The B-52s released their new
album today and that is glad news for this ageing waver.
back in the day, when i was doing the friday nite new wave
dance show, what we called "Techno," was science fiction
cyberpunk rock like Devo, Thomas Dolby, The B-52s, Gary
Numan, and lesser known rock bands/projects like Pylon,
Trees or even The Normal. heck, i would probably been even
arguing that Human League, Heaven 17 and British Electric
Foundation were essentially Techno. how times change.
"Ambient" means something quite different from what it
meant when the genre began also. anyway, Heaven 17 recently
released an EXCELLENT modern techno album and i'm interested
to see how the B's will handle that.
     my life is filled with music and meditation. i've been
sleeping more and doing some dreamwork, which has been quite
exciting! i've been getting in some extended sound trance
meditations regularly. i've gone back to basics by tuning
back into the NASA/Voyager recordings of the outer planets,
the Berendt Primordial Tones, and have continued working with
Goldman's "Waves Of Light" recording of the Sacred Healing
Code frequencies on custom cut tuning forks and Weave's
most recent Reiki recording, "Dai Ko Myo." i must say that
the Goldman disc develops interesting energetic effects after
one has been exposed to it for about half an hour (i typically
notice onset of these mysterious somatic feelings at around
28 minutes.)
    I recently acquired both volumes of "Anacalypsis" by
Godfrey Higgins and have been perusing it. it is a motherlode
of etymological information regarding sacred words in many
different languages. the connections between various mystical
systems in the use of and borrowing of terminology is amazing.
written in the 19th century by the famous English champion of
asylum reform, it is a lengthy, verbose work written in the
flowery intellectual style of the day interpolated by paragraphs
of latin or french. also, the pages are photocopies of the
original publication and hence are replete with archaic spellings
and obsolete language. but every once is a while, a truly
startling tidbit of etymological knowledge or speculation makes
it a euphoric read for symbologists like myself.
    what else? i've been listening to music, not playing it so
much. take out my bass every weekend and play it, that's about
it. went to a FABULOUS Japanese restaurant here "Izakaya Matsu,"
which featured the BEST sukemono i've EVER eaten! one of my
most favorite cuisines when properly prepared! stoked! i know
of some wonderful dining around here now!
     *living the ultimate bachelor life in maui*
o man, it is really too too bad that you can't see this sunset!!


i underestimated how difficult the transition from having
someone around all the time to my usual solitariness
and isolation would be....i've had to spend more time
alone in order to work it out....also, these feelings of
love for darling,dear get so intense when i'm near her
that i've had to back off, even tho every fibre of my
being wants to go down there every day and interact with
her. i have to be strong and realize what the situation
is at this time. she has to explore her own life at her
own pace and i....well, i must hold myself only 
responsible for these feelings that i'm experiencing....
     ....what a strange world that one can love another
so intensely yet....yet be so apart and only tenuously
     is unrequited love really my favorite kind of love?


she was at the drug store this morning on my morning
run. after i expressed pleasure and surprise at seeing
her there, my heart leapt into my throat and i didn't
get much more out and sort of beat a hasty retreat. i
didn't give her a valentine because a)she just moved
in with a guy, and b) she already knows i'm in love
with her -- i don't want to be redundant or trite
about it. she already knows. i do hope that some day we
will be a lot closer than we are now. some day soon.
    my brother has left for the big island and i am
back in the maui groove, doin' my usual thang here in
the Islands.
    i've a new book: Mastering Astral Projection, which
has gotten good reviews. am considering resuming my
dreamwork motif. waking up in dreams is fun!


my brother has been here for the last ten days. it's
good to have someone to talk to and share things with
when one gets home. i'd nearly forgotten what that
was like. he has a rental car also, so we've gotten out
to various places around the island that would normally
be plain out of my ability to get there because of
bus route and schedule constraints. even tho i'm working
nearly 50 hours a week, these moments of camraderie make
me feel like i'm nearly on vacation. we've snorkeled in
numerous spots, hiked around Iao Valley, been to all my
favorite restaurants and a couple of new ones, jammed
in my studio [which we taped and is actually pretty
cool, i'm listening to it now.]
    that young woman i've been writing about has moved
out of my apt complex to move in with a young lifeguard
guy she's known about 2 months around 15 miles away in
Wailuku, up in a very nice area. i'm sad of course, but
mainly coz i wish she was moving in with me. it was much
harder 3 & half years ago when she hooked up with that
other guy. just the fact that she accepts that i have
feelings for her is such an enormous plus in my life.
it is rare that a woman is kind and understanding about
this, so i feel so lucky just that i can be accepted
without fear of my motivations or expectations.
    and i expect no more than what has happened so far.
i just hope for her happiness, knowing that i am capable
of loving her solely forever. i hope she is involved with
a man who can give her that. i will always have that kiss
on the cheek and that means more to me than anything else
that has happened for me on Maui.


well, apparently i was fretting needlessly.
things are going well.
she said, "i love you, too!"
and kissed my cheek!
*more than i dared hope for*
just mustn't get carried away. let things flow naturally.
meanwhile, my heart is excited and i daresay rambunctious.
down, boy....


well, it would appear that Marley DVD was going too far.
she's wary of me now, i guess....
blew it again....
i love her so much. i wish she could love me back.
ah well...


i've not mentioned previously someone very special in my
life out here. this glaring omission is probably because
i don't want to jinx it, but also because its another of
my tangential love relationships. but the time has come
to say SOMETHING, i guess. so, here goes:
    a coupla months ago, i wrote her one of my greatest
all-time Darvtunes and gave her the remastered demo on
CD. the title is "Darling, Dear" and it was actually
written by my heart and only interpreted by my brain.
in the lyrics, i managed to say everything i needed to
say. it's a great tune, done in a very mellow love-infused
reggae style with a Rundgrenesque break. because of this,
i shall refer to her (and sometimes DO in real life) as
"Darling." *she seems to like that too!*
    after i'd been here in the apartment in Kihei a few
months, she moved in next to my nosey downstairs neighbor.
their front doors shared the balcony. she and her housemate
were very active young women with the guys, the sweet smell
of burning herbal remedies and roots reggae loud on speaker.
    the first time Darling and i passed by on the sidewalk,
she warmly greeted me with a genuine ALOHA that rather
surprised me as i'd gotten rather little of that here. she
was walking with her housemate and i, as i recall, was
coming home from work rather despondant about certian lame
realities there at the time.
     since jeff made it his business to be in other people's
business (especially if they had some herbal remedies,) it
was not long before he was chatterboxing in his neighbor's
lives and he was bringing me down to meet Darling.
     now jeff had some serious rudeness and social manipulation
issues and i could tell from Darling's demeanor that she was
waiting for me to say something to put her down, as i assumed
she was used to experiencing from at least jeff if not other
men. during that short bit of time on her porch, jeff dominated
the time with constant talking, but the five minutes he was
over in his apartment on the phone, i discovered that this
was a very charming and sweet woman from New Orleans who 
had wonderful soul qualities, a sweetness in her personality
that is very rare. i think that handful of minutes is when
i realized this was somebody i could love.
     i tried a few times to visit her when i knew she was
home, but jeff intercepted every time (spider in the web kind
of deal,) since i had to pass by his open door to get to hers.
i really didn't want her associating me with him because i
was not as much his "friend" as i was an "accomodating 
neighbor" (which i'm sure was her plight also,) and actually
nothing like him or Led Zeppelin. after several tries, i
abandoned this strategy.
     one day, i was on the lawn at Kamaole Beach with Joel,
when our paths crossed. she said she'd broken up with her
boyfriend. i immediately asked her if she would go out with
me. she replied, "no. i'm done with boys. for now at least."
i said, "well, maybe it's time you tried a man." she said,
"that's funny, that's what my friends said. but i don't know."
anyway, she liked our attention but declined my proposal a
second time.
     a week later, she was with this guy who was a friend of
her downstairs neighbors and had been hanging around their
place. she and he came through the store and she saw that i
was sad and asked me what was wrong, but i was simply silent
and shook my head. it didn't seem wise at that moment to say
"i'm in love with you and i wish you'd chosen me."
     their relationship went on for, i don't know exactly,
around 3 years? i'd see her now and again, but she moved out
of the apt and it became less frequent. o, i forgot to
mention that she works at the cafe i pass by every day. so i
saw her there a lot, but she got a job elsewhere and wasn't
working at the cafe anymore. her coming into my store ended
    then around 6 months ago she started working at the
cafe now and again. one day, she told me that she was breaking
up with her boyfriend and then that she was living with
another guy. at least that's what it sounded like. there was
a new other guy. so i didn't say anything.
    this situation brought up these feelings into my every day
conscious awareness again and became so intense that i wrote
this song and gave it to her. i've also given her many gifts
besides the song. but mostly cute things like a wind-up
energizer bunny (telling her "it's kind of like love: it keeps
going & going,") food written-off from the store that i was
taking home and gave her one as i passed by, strawberries,
and of course this wonderful song i wrote for Darling Dear
that i think really DOES energize one's heart with love energy.
but the gift i gave today was different and probably why
i'm writing about it now.
    today i took my usual sunday walk to the consignment store
to hunt for CDs and DVDs. as i passed by the cafe i got my
usual splurge drink double mocha with whipped cream. at the
shop, i found a copy of Pulp Fiction, which is sort of a 2nd
string pick (worthy, but not essential) for my collection,
and also a Bob Marley Live DVD which i instantly thought that
Darling would like. so i gave it to her, hoping she didn't
already own it. she said no, but she HAD tried to download at
one point. so, i was glad that it *dovetailed* right in there.
she asked if i wanted some money, which i declined, remarking
"money doesn't mean anything, that's why i have lots of it."
which is my usual thought in this regard. but that IS the point
and WHY i'm writing. this was my first gift to her that i
actually spent money on and she recognized that in her words.
i wish she knew that for me the money was only a means of
giving her Bob Marley and is a total background thing for me.


my latest thrill is the ENTHEOGEN dvd, which i bought
on-line and will review in the dvd section forthwith
(i loaned it to a friend and want to view it again
before writing the review.)
   here we are in the pre-xmas madness. it's the most
loneliest time of the year. this may emotionally be
the toughest one i've gone through since i moved here.
i guess i had this misconception that women would be
friendlier out here and maybe i could get a girlfriend.
o well....
   i DID manage to have dinner with a woman a few weeks
ago. she comes to my store and sells me fruit from her
yard on occasion. she's very attractive, outgoing and
emotionally warm. we have good conversations. well, she
showed up at my work at the end of my work week and
wanted to go out for food and drinks. it was very
intimate. we were in physical contact most of the time.
it was amazing watching how easily she met people and
could elicit revealing personal information from them.
after food & drinks, we went back to my house.
   o...did i mention the huge diamond ring on her
finger? so at my house we drank half a bottle of rum
and she ruminated about her marriage for six hours.
   ....but i DID finally after four & a half years get
to have dinner with a woman. look on the bright side.


hey, i'm doing just great so don't you worry about me.
lots of energy, alcohol consumption WAY down. getting
maybe 5 hours sleep....
very stoked i found a revised edition of Chinmayananda's
excellent ASHTAVAKRA GITA, which has been published under
the name, "The Heart Of Awareness." one of my key spiritual
texts, a classic of nondualism
Click here for Chinmaya Publications

i've just today burned mix one of the hour-length, two
half hour meditation sound matrices DarvDisc i put together
these last few weeks. It is titled: Golden Healing Codes.
    it's quite simple: pure sine waves computer generated at
frequencies suggested by a basic golden ratio progression
where whole numbers where each number is added to the number
which preceded it in order to obtain the next number.
1+1=2; 2+1=3; 3+2=5; 5+3=8, and so forth. i simply present
the 16 audible frequencies, 8 to 10,946 hertz with raw sine
waves. i must admit to fudging a bit because the lower 3
frequencies i made triangle waves to give them a little
more punch. that's "Golden."
    the second half hour piece, "Healing Codes," is the 9
so-called healing codes announced in the late 90's in a
book titled, "Healing Codes For the Coming Biological
Apocalypse," or some such. i actually owned that book and
perused it at length for a while. i guess the claim is that
these frequencies were obtained from the book of Numbers
in the Bible, using a Pythagorean calculation. in any event,
Jonathan Goldman has done some find healing code music of
late i got the hankering to just hear all nine sine wave
codes played at once for an extended period of time. 
the result is the fascinating, "Healing Codes" meditation.
     obviously, both of these pieces are extended drones
or, well actually, complex hums. they do fufill some basic
curiosities for me personally and i think should you
ever hear them you would agree that they feel fabulous!!


the word, "vacation," means "a state of vacancy," which
implies that something is missing, when the reality is
that the time a person is vacationing is a time of
    i woke up the other morning, and a voice in my head was
asking my employer (this in dream, of course,) "what exactly
IS our vacationship?"
    one looks forward all year to that one time of the year
when it is, supposedly, "OK" to take a week off. shame to
see it fall apart over nothing.
    now i have nothing to look forward to. no prospects.
    good thing i get my love from music! yay!


    i'd like to have that on a t-shirt. or better yet,
a FLAG, like one of those "don't tread on me" flags that
were considered for the american flag, only now it should
    the story is heating up. will the forces of greed and
power be able to discombobulate Liberty and slave us all 
to the xebra xode? it would seem we truly have become
sheeple. obese, uneducated travesties of freedom. choking
to death on a mkyD freedom fry *what a way to go*
" a people who would trade liberty for security deserve
NEITHER" -- a notable founding father of the country.
     so we will see what we get when we eat all the box
of chocolates. we will see, my precious, o yes, we will
see....and yes it has come to this:
....and those who *do* are dead....
other than that, i'm having a MARVELOUS TIME....really....


     i've been doing so much work elsewhere in the
site that this blog is sort of low priority i guess.
and why not? since i hardly ever do anything interesting
that wouldn't be better suited to the review columns
well, now i've something to talk about, my new book:

SUPERNATURAL - Meetings With The Ancient Teachers of Mankind
by Graham Hancock (NY: Disinformation Company, 2006)
     This is a completely fascinating description of the
author's sleuth work in trying to understand ancient cave
art of the upper paleolithic era and WHY after nearly 120
thousand years, anatomically modern humans suddenly began
to express themselves symbolically. this leads him right
into one of my favorite subjects: shamanism and the use
of plant sacraments. but the emphasis is on paleontology
and specifically the unanswered questions about cave art.
as the book unfolds, it reveals the sordid history of
paleontology which sort of makes the field a poster child
for why i think scientists really have their heads up
their ass. it also gives the reader an intimate view into
in order to protect their pet theories over the years.
     Ultimately, the text is a careful delineation of the
neuropsychological theory of cave art by David Lewis-Williams
which was promulgated in the late 20thC, when paleontology
had GIVEN UP theorizing about what cave art meant. this
book systematically exposes the opposition to the theory
as being more crotchety, power-tripping academia.
     in short, Lewis-Williams' theory is a logical extension
of Terence McKenna's claims about the role tryptamines in
food would have played in our ancient ancestors initial
spiritual and cultural experiences. but the neuropsychological
theory is actually supported by solid science and not
the baiting claims of my favorite philosophical maverick.

nothing else is happening, really. i've some other new books
and just got a hundred bucks of new clothing. this young
woman i've liked for a few years here in Maui just moved
back into my apartment complex and has been working her old
job at the coffee hut i pass by every day on my way to work.
so my 2 minutes a week of getting a coffee from her are the 
highlight of my otherwise very routine life. i still hear
from LE every once in a while and she seems to be doing well.
i was able to obtain 5 pounds of ORGANIC hot thai peppers
that i now have in my freezer. stoked! 

as for the war: it looks like the conservatives are just going
to play "kick the can down the road" to the next administration,
so they can blame the "liberals" for losing the war, rather than
admit it was a stupid idea to begin with. to me, the joke is that
it is NOT "liberals versus conservatives" anymore, but ACTUALLY
"conservatives versus fascists." anybody who thought the war was
a good idea has blood on their hands.


     so a vacation that was *actually* a sick
leave, the mother of a close friend suddenly dies,
and now we have some mortality issues with more
tests to follow. great.
     but really, i'm in great spirits, summer is
hot like i like it but the water level is higher
wtf? Stanislv Grof's recent "The Ultimate Journey"
exploring the relationship between death and
consciousness is my new read and the pages sure
turn faster when you get engrossed! i have lots
of energy and recently started Xylamend and
including Kombucha in my morning oblations.
just feeling great.
   i've had chronic neck and head pain that 
started over twenty years ago in my lower
thoracics and worked its way up vertabrae by
vertabrae over the years. people used to say,
"what will happen if it ever just continues up
and out the top of your head?" and i would joke,
"well, then, maybe my ass falls off."
   funny, huh? but perhaps the joke is on me.
that would be the COSMIC JOKE. but we will see...


   This DarvInfo idea sort of slowed down over the
years as i've developed a comfortable rut and
grown with the flow & so on & on & on....
   The main components to review:
i acquired and entrained myself to the Multi-
Dimensional Music set by Jacotte Chollet. This
was an incredible saga detailed at
Click here to see details of
my experiences with MMDClick here for Exotica listing at Wikipedia"
   Anyway, i've lately started collecting some
of the more prominent recordings in the genre by
these 3 artists and am not sure whether i should
actually include them in the reviews section of
the VSA Interface, since i'm sure the dated nature
of the recordings wouldn't be exciting to most
people. I'm not into this just for the childhood
nostalgia factor, either, though it has something
to do with that. Likewise, it isn't just that i'm
adorning my hawaii bachelor pad with the proper
accoutrements, although certainly that is a factor
also. A large part of this is my sudden realization
that Exotica is, in fact, part of what i mean when
i say "Visionary" music. There can be no doubt that
much of the atmospheres in Exotica are influenced
by Satie. in fact, it IS something of impressionist
tendencies with affinities at times to composers of
that genre.
   In that Exotica attempted to create an entirely
spurious tropical music, it almost qualifies as what
Brian Eno meant by "Fourth World Music." In simulating
ocean waves, palm fronds rustling, bird calls and
even the occasional monkey hoot, Exotica presaged
later "new age" music which inserted actual recordings
of the natural environments rather than imitations.
   Much of Exotica is cinematic, intentionally trying
to engage the listener on a visual level, trying to
put us there in the jungle or on the beach. Often a
short two & a half minute song attempts to sketch an
entire audio short story, if you will.
   Often, the dorky or campy segments are simply
describing the child-like feelings of pure fun and
spontaneity as happens when one is at play in
   Admittedly, Exotica is brushed-off as a music that
was specifically designed for getting sloshed at
cocktail parties or pool parties. My response?
FOR THAT?? In fact, wasn't "Lounge Music," from which
Exotica emerged, with performers like Dean Martin or 
Sinatra for alcohol bar scenes with extra cushy seating?
   One great thing about Exotica is the exuberance &
joy you can sense in the recordings. These people really
got a kick out of playing this stuff, and even today
a good selection of Exotica would make a great pool
party here in the Islands. As a Visionary deejay, i would
really love to someday incorporate this music into my
tropical sets. I think i could really provide a greater
faux tropique atmosphere for one of the bars around
here. or excuse me LOUNGES.


   Too much produce box lifting. Tired and achey.
We haven't had any trade winds, so completely
socked in with the VOG from the Big Islands. what
is "vog?" volcanic smoke plus fog. the volcanot on
the big island, kilauea, has been acting up. nice
sunsets, though. but you end up feeling kinda
blechy. (is that a word?) blase.
   today is my 17th consecutive day of no alcohol
(assuming i don't drink today.) i haven't "quit,"
but i think that pool hall brawl with subsequent
vom session kinda grossed me out on the whole deal.
probably the longest period of time in my adult life
that i have consumed no alcholic beverages.
   my main creative activity of the last 2 weeks
has been recording half hour sets on music on cass
tape to play just before the open at work. it ain't
radio broadcasting, but i've enjoyed thinking up
sets and executing them. i'm still considering the
ultimate UFO set and a lounge music set.


   yes, folks, believe it or not, i have finally
gone on vacation! (although i just got off the
phone with the bulk spinach guy about credit 
from the e coli thing, so, technically, i was
working on my first day off.) but yes, my physical
body is at home and NOT at the work site! whoopee
   but seriously, i am not sure what one does with
one's time on vacation when one already lives in is the weekend first two days:
   satday: the de rigeur jacuzzi in the new pool
area behind my building, natch. i tried to take a
nap, but there was an alarm beeper going off some-
where and when that was over, the downstairs neigh-
bor began vacuuming for an extended period of time
(around 40 minutes total.) so i did doze off briefly
but really too much going on to "nap." big artichoke
   sunday: got on the bus & went to Ma`alaea Harbor
to see if that cool arabic restaurant was still there.
it wasn't. found the public access to the surf spot
& watch the surfers for a while...on the way to check
out the miniature golf course which i may give a go
soon, i found a large "mercedes benz" towel in the
road. ha!
    on down into Kahului town, where i acquired:
   Healing Mind System 2.0 - Dr. Jeffrey S. Thompson
   Maya - Paul Avgerinos (2005 rerelease of 1988 disc)
   Ancient Ceremonies - Gerald J. Markoe
      and some completionist dvd's:
      for the comedy section:
         Harold & Maude - prob my fave movie all time
         King Of Hearts - close second
      Full Metal Jacket by Stanley Kubrick - which is
a "war" section completion. I viewed it again last night
and still very much feel that, although ultrarealistic,
FMJ is not a deep movie like Apocalypse Now!, nor even
as insightful as Off Limits, Hamburger Hill, or even
Boys In Company C. heck, even the simplistic Platoon
seems to have deeper metaphysical implications. am i
missing something? i sure would like to know because:
    Full Metal Jacket seems to simply want to make the
case that every person has their breaking point and
then just BECOMES this killing machine. even GOMER PYLE
becomes an insane weapon of destruction of individuals.
But where is the analysis of the individuals who force
them to it? Even the social analysis is incomplete:
we're all a bunch of dicks deprived of pussy. i will
watch this movie again in the hopes of opening up
something new, but i saw it twice in the theaters and 
then at least once on videotape these ensuing years
and, as a writer and visionary, i just don't find it
profound but rather simply ultrarealistic, which doesn't
mean much to me, personally, since our culture is so
inundated with war stimulus that ultrarealism is humdrum.
imho, of course. YET, as a kubrick release and power
of its simple statement and excellent cinematography,
i'm admitting it to the collection - i don't own 
platoon or boys in company c, although they would 
be the next logical completions. i don't plan to
own platoon, but do like that Berenger moment where
he says, "i shit on all of you," which given the
circumstances i think is deeper than anything in
Full Metal Jacket, which could have been something if
i actually cared about any of the characters ie:
if they actually had good dialogue to work with.
   let me just admit here that there is a personal bias
involved here, to wit: when i was a youth, i was pinned
with the moniker, "Snowball," much like the black man
in Full Metal Jacket. and this happens in like the 
first five minutes of the movie! the nickname "Snowball" 
stuck to me for the same reason basically -- not
being white. so that was a personal turn-off for me,
which i vividly reexperienced yesterday after this
ensuing decade of not seeing it. so, yes, i admit,
that is a personal bias which affects me right at the
beginning of the movie.
   Monday: well here it is, the first actual day of my
vacation. i got a work call right away about the
frickin spinach as i said before and that was a 15
minute hoohah kind of call. i'm planning another
big omelette for late morning and probably some food
from Da Kitchen tonite. love that chicken katsu.
   Tuesday: rode the bus system north on the west
coast all the way up to kapalua & back. hadn't been
up that direction since '93. the trip took about
5 hours, no layovers except for the 50 minute wait
for one of the transfers. finally saw a restaurant
that is perched right over the water (i like that
kind of stuff - lots of it in SF and LA, heck even
Santa Cruz has the Wharf, so it is odd to me how
few restaurants and no bars perch on the shoreline
in maui...i also saw the Maui Brewing Company way
up almost all the way to Kapalua. i may pop in
there some day....
   Wednesday: listened to a lot of music. didn't eat
much. went to the local "sports bar" to meet with a
friend i was supposed to go there with on monday nite
but he blew it off. so, we go there, i drink a few
beers (hardly ever drink beer anymore) and we must
have played four or five games of pool. then the bar
erupted into the biggest brawl in its history. cue
sticks breaking, ceramic pool balls flying (one guy
got hit in the back of the head and had to be taken
to the hospital,) they even broke the front door.
disgusted, i left early, went home, sacked out.
   Thursday: hungover, had to evacuate my stomach,
beer is pretty nasty actually. Later that afternoon
a business associate of mine picked me up in his
car and we drove out to Puunene to the Maui Friends
of the Library bookstore, where you can get used
books for a dime each. the armload only cost me a
buck fifty. my friend was stoked because he found
a pristine 1957 ticket to see The Four Freshman at
The Hollywood Palladium, in some old physics text.
      then, we went around the corner to Borders,
where i picked up two recent Dr. Jeffrey S. Thompson
CDs of ocean waves and amazon rain forest, respectively,
with alpha brainwave matrices built-in. bought
Re-Animator DVD on a whim, completing the Lovecraft
film section of my collection.
   Friday: an extended angel day which included
plenty of chanting in Hawaiian down at the Kam rocks,
with selections from all the great music i've
acquired recently. later, i was gonna go to the Thai
restaurant, but decided at the last minute i didn't
feel like sitting alone in a fancy restaurant, so
i went to Da Kitchen for the de rigeur bachelor
chicken katsu plate. met up with a coupld of work
friends who had come there for dinner and had some
nice long conversation. then home for the katsu
and jacuzzi session.
   Saturday: got up late, like 8am, lounging. found
a copy of the old Prisoner television series with
Patrick McGoohan for only $50, so i bought that -
a gift to myself. more sun and jacuzzi.
   Sunday: practical day. clean up and laundry.
football a little bit i guess...


The coolest thing happening right now is that
the maui bus lines have recently changed so i
can now get all the way into two for ONE BUCK.
You heard right: one dollar to get to the
other side of the island. 
   Now, if i could only get the DMV to not be
a bunch of bastards and actually issue me a
driver's license!-HA


Here is my version of the difference between
Liberals and Conservatives:
    Liberals are selfish, greedy people and
Convservatives are NASTY selfish, greedy people.

Ben Franklin said that a people who would
sacrifice personal liberties for security
deserve neither.
        and I'M 7th generation american! my
ancestors fought in the Revolution and in the
Civil War but NOW you've decided that THEIR
X-greats grandson ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH
             my thought is that conservatives
should move to Texas, where they can LEGALLY
secede from the Union and have their fascist
corporate $-over-People reality. PLEASE do that
instead of trying to HIJACK the society, because
NEVER GO AWAY. and IN FACT, it is not one half
of the country versus the other half, but actually
one-half of the country versus pretty much the
rest of the world. so please move to Texas and
keep us out of it please. *exasperated!*


  Admittedly, it has been blasting hot here and 
i've been just a wee bit lethargic. add to that
the fact that very little in the way of unusual
things are happening in my life right now.
  my tireless search for the cutting edge 
continues unabated. time at my beautiful mauian
beach. books, music, videos in endless rotation.
feasting on rich, delicious meals i cook myself.
   I'm currently reading "Suns Of God" by
Acharya S, which is an astrotheological survey
of ancient myths and legends, showing how stories
which contained actual astronomical data about 
the sun slowly evolved over thousands of years
into our modern day personifications of the
sun - Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, et al. Heavily 
documented with a discerning eye, this book makes 
an excellent case, i think, for showing that there
is a planetary tradition of deities which figure
the God Sun, and how the stories about these
figures tend to borrow from preexisting stories.
Not being heavily invested in any one of these
stories, nor the denial of them, i  find that
much in this book rings true for me. If anything,
i find that i have underestimated the brazen
unoriginality of latecomer traditions in
borrowing from their predecessors and then the
supreme arrogance they display by trying
to claim that the reverse happened.
 The swell has arrived, bringing big waves, rough
waters, and washing half the beach away. There's
like 30 feet of sand and then a 3 foot drop
to the shoreline. The upside is that i WAS able
to bodysurf a few waves this weekend. and on a
beach where "big waves" are under 3 foot, that's
quite something. never mind the shorepound and
mouthful of mud. *HA*
   Nonreviewed movies i acquired these last 5
   "Head" by The Monkees - glorious insanity with
a strong anti-war message. decent Monkees music.
   "Help!" by The Beatles - Ringo's new ring may
get him sacrificed to Goddess! like a bond flick.
   "Timothy Leary's Last Trip" - a documentary on
Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters getting 
together and fixing up FURTHUR! the bus for a
road trip taking Timothy up to Wavy Gravy's
commune for one last Tryp. Leary died shortly after.
   "Wonderwall" - by George Harrison. a
hermit college professor discovers that the wall
which separates his apt from the glamour model's
next door has some places you can peep through.
i didn't know it was going to be about that!!
believe me!! very 60s chic. cool.
   "Waking Life" - interesting animated film about
the after-death experience of a young man featuring
lots of random conversations about "meaning" and
"dreams" and whatnot. by same guy did "Slacker"


  One day this past week, i went up to the
register to get some money paid out to buy
some local fruit, and the cashier is ragging on
this lady to not set her food on the counter
before she's ready to buy. so, i look up at the
customer who's getting this mini-tonguelashing
and who do i find myself locking eyes with?
   Maureen McCormick (probably known better to
most readers for her immortal role as Marcia
Brady in the Brady Bunch.)
   Now, i'm a HUGE fan from way back. and having
known that Mo frequents Maui (o, duh, that's a
no-brainer: OF COURSE Marcia goes to Maui;
think about it,)there had always been a hope in
the back of my mind that she would pass through.
   of course, the dream, which goes back before
i ever lived on the island, was that i was going
to be Marcia's produce man and say hello regularly.
naturally, being the only natural foods store on
the west coast, i have plenty of neo-Marcias for
who i am very delighted to be their produce man.
   Mo is of course a different matter and really
with few peers. in the course of my work, i naturally
find myself helping celebrities and don't even
know it. i spent several minutes with Whoopi
Goldberg and didn't know it was her until she had
left the store (we have very strict policies
about not hassling celebs in any way.)of course,
she had a bandana on her head and sunglasses on.
Mo however was au naturale and i am still somewhat
amazed that the dundering blitherhead cashier, who
is usually quite astute at eyeing delectibles, had
NO CLUE and was actually razzing her a little bit.
   Anyway, when our eyes met, i automatically knew
it was her. since i was managerially busy and the
line was pumping, and i can't very well abjectly
throw myself at her feet right in the grocery line
there, i simply said, "it's good to see you." and
she responded, reflexively i thought, "it's good
to see you too." and she saw i recognized her and
maybe even gulped a little bit. man, i bet she's
has been MOBBED like you wouldn't believe.
   i went about my business trying to find that
$200, very pleased about that one eternal moment.
and as she left i gave one of my standard farewells,
"go have some fun out there now."
   over her shoulder as she headed for the front
door, she said, "you go have some fun too."
   and cashiermeister HAD to say, "naw, we don't
let him out of here."


HAD TO briefly mention another interesting
synchronicity: the same day i received "Luminous
Dimensions," the video just reviewed on my reviews
page (and probably the most beautiful video i own,) 
i also received, "Salo: The 120 Days of Sodom,"
an italian movie somewhat based on the novel of
the same name by the Marquis De Sade, which is a
very disturbing movie that ranks with "Caligula"
or "Satyricon" for being controversial, thought-
provoking and rather lewd.
  Once again the old yin-yang effect, but then
that's what i'm all about i guess...


My new books now are: 

Jehovah Unmasked!
subtitle: The True Identity of the Bible-God Revealed
Nathaniel J. Merritt, 2005
Click For


Suns Of God
subtitle: Krishna, Buddha and Christ Unveiled
Acharya S
Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004
click for Adventures

which are part of a growing wave of awareness of our
species' need to reexamine our ancient beliefs in
light of what we now know about the physical reality,
our actual situation in it and the finer points of
the actual HISTORIES of our religiomystical systems.
   Merritt's work, Jehovah Unmasked, is a searing,
relentless, near-legalistic indictment of the parts
of the bible that tend to be ignored or denied because
they reveal some really bad news. In other words, he
holds the ignoble parts of the bible right up under
your face and using logic prevents you from side-
stepping it other than to just go into denial. Just
fascinating that way. I'm not going to discuss his
primary thesis here other than to say that he supports
it using scripture quite effectively. So, this could
be considered "ammo" for anybody looking to be able
to argue scripturally with a believer in order to
back them into a corner where they have to admit
that something is wrong.
         For me as a shaman who feels definite
sympathy with the tradition of the Christos and its
attendant Gnosis, this provided me with a new
opportunity to really appreciate the distinction
between the OT & NT paradigms, and what has been
disturbing me the whole time about it. I actually
feel more at ease at appreciating the Jesus Legend
and the Christ mystery it refers to than i have in
a long long time. this book puts me and jesus on the
same team while also causing me to reflect on my
relationship with superior beings that i had mainly
considered to be beneficial, even while maintaining
alternative beliefs in my head that they might be
beneficial or adverse according to human usage or
external use, if you get my meaning.
   The second book, Sons Of God by Acharya S, i have
not really begun yet but am looking forward to it.
Just thumbing through it, i find it well-written and
extremely well-researched with extensive attributions
at the end of each chapter. What attracted me to it
is its thesis that the Christ/Buddha/Krishna figure
(as we all know) is found many many times throughout
the the history of the world, but furthermore (what
we might not have known) is an astrotheological
anthropomorphization of our Sun. I know it sucks that
those are big words but hey it's my column. I've
been very interested in astrotheology lately, since
i think we gain incredible value by analyzing myths
and legends in its light. i truly believe that the
truth was put before us simply as the stars, the sun
and moon, planetary nature and our own behavior and
inner experience. further, numerous ancient cultures
thought so too and encoded important scientific info,
like astronomical knowledge, INTO myths. More on
this later.
   BY THE WAY, the big deal about December 21, 2012
is this: at that solstice, the Sun is going to
ECLIPSE the Galactic Center. it does this roughly
every 6,450 years i believe, ie: every quarter of
an equinoctial precession. so, on the fall equinox
6,450 years previous to 12-21-2012 the Sun eclipsed
the Galactic Center. one should keep in mind that in
the past many prognostications which proved to be
errant have built up around dates that have simple
astronomical events. It IS interesting, however, to
reflect that on that occasion the Sun will be 
directly between us and the Galactic Center. and
WHY has nobody named it yet? I propose we name it

   ADDENDUM: 7-02-06
   of course, the galactic center HAS been given
names by various cultures with advanced astronomy.


LE now returning to Reno....good luck, els...
   I had an amazing experience last weekend: I've been
going more in-depth with Huna, which is basically
Hawaiian shamanism, with naturally a keen interest
regarding chants. My collection is sizable now and thru
internet searches i've found great sources that i will
describe later. right now, i'm telling you this great
   I've developed a regime of doing some formal spiritual
practice on Sunday midday outside. Of course, every day
i am doing something, even if it is just headphone
meditations or mandala gazing. Well, last Sunday, i went
to my usual site of performance, a geologically 
interesting area in the Kamaole Beach of Maui, and
began my work:
   after opening the work with a script loosely based
on typical qabalistic banishing and calling, only in
Hawaiian language using the appropriate deity
pantheon, i then set quietly listening to the gently
breaking waves close by. this beach rarely has
larger than two foot waves and can be very "flat,"
almost lake-like. after listening with my body,
allowing my body to sympathetically resonate with
the ocean vibrations, i then was able to identify
which area of my body was most resonant and find the
approximated frequency in the audible range that i
could use as the basic tone for my chant. this is
actually quite easy, especially if one hums a bit
to get synched in with the ocean. in Qabala, the
Hebrew letter, "M," has the symbolic attribution of
"water;" so humming an "M" is actually pretty
   so i found this tone and began to intone the
sacred Hawaiian name, "IO," for SUPREME ULTIMATE,
"who is with AND without form, who is Eternal
Perfection."  "IO" is rather the Hawaiian "OM" and
it should be obvious that the mantric effect is
quite similar. i like IO because where M is more
water, I is more Light. anyway, i ramble into
sacrophonetics, let's move on....
   so, i'm intoning IO. this means i'm not chanting
it over & over quickly, but allowing one per breath.
i allow my breathing to find the rhythm of the
slowly rolling waves and allow my breath to slowly
come out. i can't say for certain, but i'm sure one
IO lasted at least ten to fifteen seconds. 
   after intoning IO for what was probably less than
2 minutes, a bird landed in the tree right next to
me and began to sing along with me, its voice playing
off my intonation by running up and down the harmonic
scale created by my basic tone!
   within another 5 minutes, other birds had gathered!
i had 3 or 4 birds up there each with their own
counterpoint. occasionally, one of the birds would
stop sing and make a sound that sounded like hilarious
laughter, then it would rejoin the group.
   this went on for like 45 minutes! nonstop! i didn't
WANT to stop. i was in Paradise. i felt completely
connected to my environment, the sky, the waves, the
birds, the divinities i had called to my side. it was
fantastic! a total ENSTASY -- being completely present
and keyed in -- this was with no sacramental
assistance, no drugs, no official authority making
sure i'm doing it right. just my learning, knowing and
doing of it.
   well yes after 45 minutes i did stop to just be silent
and feel it. the birds stopped IMMEDIATELY when i
stopped. after a while, a couple took off but 2 remained
watching me (perhaps to see if i would do it again) and
making quiet clucks.
   i started up again perhaps 15 minutes later and the
birds IMMEDIATELY started singing again. only 2 of them
but we went for another 15 minutes or so before i
decided to switch to some actual chanting of hawaiian
   it is experiences like this that remind of wonderful
life is and could be for all of us if we just learned
how to value our actual condition instead of putting
the words inside our cranium above everything else.
and it reminds me of all the other experiences i've had,
some with witnesses but most without, where it wasn't
just birds but waves, clouds, wind and particularly
"drafts," candles, cats of course, and other phenomena
more synchronistic or just plain unlikely, where it
has been evident that one's relationship with nature,
other beings and even inanimate objects has mysterious
ramifications we seem to be completely unaware of in
our normalized conscious state.
   i am so profoundly lucky to have take an interest
in the unconscious and numinous early in life. this is
so magnificent! this change of feeling more connected
and more transparent simultaneously. how sad that it is
so difficult to communicate since so few have any
experience in these matters.


LE is back in touch with me. we've been having some 
good internet conversations. too bad she couldn't just
say "to hell with it, let's get married and i'm moving
out there."
   but it is good to know that she is okay. i worried
so much about her being in Reno. but everybody has to
be who they have to be, right?
   i've been working on my Hawaiian spiritual studies.
Huna and so forth. things are coming along. chanting
on midday Sundays is one of the moments of the week
i look forward to, although i'm sure the people 
by must think i'm nutty. fuckin Americans. they just
   i've been returning to the idea, lately, that our
invasion of Iraq was EXACTLY the kind of move the
terrorists hoped to extract by 911. we are so used to
shoving the rest of the world around that something
like 911 was bound to push us over the top into
something disgraceful. which it did. thanks to our
naive, topsy-turvy, Mad Magazine federal administration.
Iraq PROVES that we really DO suck. bad. no wonder the
world hates us.
   but i enjoy it immensely. because back in those
post-911 days, when it was called UNAMERICAN to be
against violent invasion and nation building, i knew
that we would end up hip deep in BULLSHIT. and those
people who were ALL FOR the invasion of Iraq and
now think it was a mistake should be giving THEMSELVES
low marks along with the President. jerks.


I just had to share this latest rip wit ya!
  A friend wrote to me the other day:
  " happy for you - being out of s.c. let me tell 
you- that place is getting worse.  there's something 
going on there that is hard to put into words - so i 
call it santa cruz disease.  im sure you know what im 
talking about...."
   SANTA CRUZ DISEASE!! :)) that's RICH!!
  my work on learning Huna & Hawaiian chanting 
continues. my voracious appetite for CDs, DVDs,
and books, likewise. more on this later.
   beautiful sunset tonight. it's aloha friday and i've
the weekend to celebrate!!


    More exhausting antics, ending up with a bro in
the hospital, but what can one do?? he just didn't
have the stamina. sorry, sorry....
   I've completely renewed interest in sacred geometry.
The recent acquisition of "Gaiastar Codex," has
completely energized me. I also have been recodifying
my Hawaiian mantric base into a specific locale, making
the working easier and more coherent.
   Just received Ervin Lazlo's new text, "Science and
the Reenchantment of the Cosmos," which i am thoroughly
enjoying (albeit i am one of the already converted, so
of course i do...) did you know there are FAR MORE cells
in the average human body than stars in the Milky Way 
galaxy? or that the genome is NOT fully insulated from
the phenome? or that random mutation COULDN'T POSSIBLY
that means EXTREMELY UNLIKELY that it could have produced
the highly COHERENT lifeforms we see now in the amount of
time we deduce the Universe to have been around (post
Big Bang, natch.) or that superluminal information transfer
occurs at twenty thousand times the speed of light. these
are all direct inferences from modern science circa 2006.
   anyway, these recent meditations have been most profound
and similar to low dose psychedelic trips. looks like i'm
getting somewhere. these cutting edge yantra/mandala techs
are probably the recent modulation that is upgrading the
results. between Gaiastar and LightSOURCE DVD, i have a
good year's worth of study ahead. i do so love this
metaphysical work. it's hard to understand how other people
get along without it...
   life in Maui has set a pattern here nearyly 3 years out.
a pattern that has been the "me" since infancy. i needed to
get away from that horrible Santa Cruz to see it more
clearly though. it is good to know what is "me" and what is
"not me." it's tough to realize that i'm "off-wave" to most
other people, but i just have to be higher frequency, can't
help it. chronic pain aside, i really like me and wouldn't
be someone else. not even brad pitt.


Got a Homedic brand Shiatsu seat for DarvLab.
so now i'm getting sweet backrubs. man it had been
YEARS since i received intentional therapeutic
touch. i think the last time was in 2003 when Shaw
gave me a 20 minute neck massage which i showed
him how to do. now i got these robot knuckles, i'm
set! :)
   ALSO, Friday on my way home from work i picked up
a copy of the new "King Kong" movie, just on impulse
i guess since i'm more attracted to the director
Peter Jackson (who did Lord Of The Rings,) than to
any Kong movie of the past which i though pretty
much all, er, i was going to say sucked but that
might be too strong. Well this is a blest fine
popcorn cruncher of a movie. i like the dimensions
of the interaction of the characters. they had
depth. i cared about even the bit part people.
and the love relationship between Kong and Anne
Darrow was fabulous. i can relate to Kong. he's
lonely and people fear him, either running away
or attacking. well, i don't have his anger 
management problems, but i've been domesticated.
   throughout the movie, i was thinking about what
subtext there was here. what is the relationship
between the Ape deity, like the Egyptian hydro-
encephalus Ape or even the Vedic monkey-god, Hanuman,
and the White Goddess. there was also the conflict
betweeen the human world and Nature (which isn't
really a conflict because Nature doesn't lose.)
the stark contrast between the Beauty of Nature
and the Magnificence of Urban Areas. the 
appreciation that Nature itself has of Beauty,
and, how often we forget, the ability of many
animals beyond Sapiens to experience intense
feelings of bondedness and affinity which might
as well be called Love.
   and of course, the Plight of a lost humanity
as we wrench the soul of Nature from the Biosphere
to make a fast buck.
   and the parallels of slavery and the enslavement
of animals which continues. the audience is well
pleased to be told that Kong is broken and "a
captive." Little do they know....Kong is, well,
basically, the WRONG NIGGER TO FUCK WITH. 
   and at the end, the immortal line, "It was
Beauty that killed the Beast." which is so hypocritcal
for that director to say, since the truth is that
is was HIS ambition and greed, coupled with the
ignorance of the human world that killed Kong.
   all they had to do was leave him on his island.
   like me.


Well, we finally got the new produce cases
through the doors today.! What a day!
Soon i'll be up to my ears in refrigerated food.
acquired a book i've wanted for some time:
"Maya Cosmogenesis 2012"
what is December 21, 2012 about? apparently
precession of the equinoxes has a full cycle
of 25,800 years. from our point of view, this
is a galactic year. every 6,450 years the
sun eclipses the galactic center on either
an equinox or solstice. this coming eclipse
occurs on the winter solstice in 2012 and also
coincides with the completion of the 25,800 year
   the last eclipse was the fall equinox 4438bce.
this is around the time of transition from
agrarian partnership societies with earth-based
goddess religions to the industrial patriarchal
societies with solar-based male deity religions.
   i know i'm oversimplifying a bit, but this IS
a blog. anyway, the idea i suppose is this
alignment of earth-sun-galacticenter is imagined
to possibly be a transfer of some sort of
morphogenetic information which triggers the next
era of sapient social ordering.
   we can only hope that it will be a transition
to a technical stewardship social order with
galacticenter-based holoarchic panpsychism or
something of the sort. it may be asking too much.
   there is no way to be separate from the MEST
Continuum. it is a great big MEST and we but tiny
refractals of it. yet holoarchs by their nature
embody the whole in principle. we ARE it.
   I AM it. this is the secret those around me don't
know. appears to be a sapiens, but infinite within.
appears to be performing outside, still & smooth inside.
innerspace is much vaster than outer space. the
distances between atomic nuclei are far vaster, in
proportion, than the distances between galaxies.
we are mostly space. phantoms. yet, also IT.
   as the Continuum pervades all that is, so IT does
pervade the Continuum. and indeed they are One. as
we are One, and i am it and therefore One.

i seem to be developing a sacred geometry motif
now. i recently purchased a Flower Of Life
medallion, which i've worn nearly every day
since it arrived. interestingly, my acquisition
of this medallion occasioned a near-total drop
off in my desire for alcohol of any kind. for
most of my life, i've had these experiences
where i go into aversion for whatever particular
ingestibles i've been indulging in. i even had
an extended aversion to FOOD of all things.
fortunately, this better life in Maui has 
cleared that up! i don't know if i've mentioned
it, but i've gained about 25 pounds in the
near 3 years i've been here. there is an up
side to this fact: since i'm around 16 percent
heavier, i'm in a different weight class so
bullies have to judge me a little differently.
nothing easier than pounding on someone under
140 pounds. trust me on this...
   also acquired the Gaia Star Mandalas book
this week and was so impressed i am considering
obtaining the Codex now. this are high resolution
photos of natural objects like stones and gems,
feathers, water, flowers, shells, etc., from which
sections are taken into a cyberenvironment
where the computer can rearrange them into
geometric patterns, mandalas. as you may know,
i'm a lover of Mandala and Yantra, so to find
some which are making use of the natural beauty
of the earth's colors is fantastic! and my god
the intricacy here surpasses Alex Grey or
Venosa, i swear! furthermore, the combination
of geometrics with natural color is intensely
affecting! i was immersed in a healing trance
in the first ten pages! *whoa* next step is to
take GaiaStar into the lightSOURCE dvd concept.
   in my review section, i've indicated my sense of
a growing "living earth" motif in the new music
i'm finding. myself personally seem to be going
sacrogeometrical. hopefully a convergence up
ahead. i see Patrick Bernard's "Chakra Celebration"
is now available. i'm basically waiting until
May when the new Orbit "Cellcloud" is due. get
'em both at once methinks.
   i've felt somewhat exhausted this past week.
my produce dep't had the double whammy of bad
weather conditions both on islands & mainland,
plus the seasonal business slowdown which doesn't
recur at the same calendar day every year but
seems to happen within a window of time that
might range 6 weeks i'm thinkin'. so you get
caught flatfooted with too much food. PLUS,
the new cases and cooler are coming so i have
to be burning down at the same time (also, of
course, the next few weeks will be extremely
busy with unusual tasks.) 
   to top it all off, the @#$%
guy in the kitchen doesn't "get" the umpteen
times i've told him that certain coffees make
a bro jittery & liverish. so he poisoned me with
some tannins this week and i was feeling pissy
for a couple of days. in the old days, before i
realized that some coffees effect me negatively,
i would have been verbally spewing, but i'm
trying in my old age to realize that i, we all,
have this electrochemical aspect that can get
funky if the wrong materials are added. those
were rough days anyway. amazing how one cup of
high tannin content liquid can ream a body. mine
at least. yes, i probably drink 2-3 cups of
coffee a day; it definitely enhances my 
performance at work or art. this is way down from
my 12-15 cups a day when i was a mortician, so
i think i'm doing pretty good :))
   lastly, this very attractive woman at work,
she must be late 20s, asked me if i knew anybody
that needed a housemate coz she's breaking up
with her boyfriend and wants to live in my apt
complex because it is midway between her two
jobs. seeing how i live in a 2 bedroom apt with
a beautiful ocean view for $1100/mo & have been
single for nearly 11 years, you KNOW what went
through my mind right then. *sigh* i told her
that i'm a loner, a rebel, and don't know
anybody. then she suggested to my pirate friend
at work who is mid20s that they should move
in together, although he is still living with
his ex and her best friend, but it IS here in
the apt complex. i told her some about my 
interests in exploring the unconscious and my
angelic work. she became very energized and
interested about all this. well, bottom line, my
pirate friend is very interested in her and i'm
only 20 years older than her. most people have
a problem with this age difference (although it
is hard for me to validate ageism anymore than
i could racism, sexism or sexualorientationism.)
and i have these extreme esoteric eccentricities
in aesthetics, taste and is quite
pleasing to meet someone showing a strong interest
in things divine, the first one i've met here.
which is to say, i've met lots of people who are
"of" a religion, or believe in spirit or deity,
but this young woman is the first person i've met
who shows an ENTHUSIASM about first-hand spiritual
EXPERIENCE. well, anyway, that's the big story.
look where a bro's mind goes just by asking him if
he knows anybody who needs a housemate :))


   It's been over a year since AV3X caught my
attention, so it is quite da kine to find the
next jump forward. (I did like "The Light Body"
by John Banks & JJ Hurtak, but wished that it
had had a purely instrumental track because
all the psychobabble was exhausting & limited
Vision to that particular thought wave; besides,
Banks is quite narrative, a visual storyteller,
which is nice but the more abstract mind videos
have more levels of curiosity, so to speak.)
   lightSOURCE DVD i just discovered today, so
i've ordered up naturally & presenting you with
a link to the Java applet & official website
(tho i'm getting mine through Amazon with free
shipping.) it is 13 of the most salutary geometric
mandalas of the world morphing through their
patterns via computer imagery, all of it set to
classic Monroe Institute hemisynch brainwave 
compositions in Surround Sound 5.1. 
i just ordered it today, but the applet at the
link looks promising (it can take a while to
load and may very well not if you don't have
Java already installed:)

Animated Golden Ratio Spirals


am aghast, in stunned disbelief, that nearly
six weeks slipped by since my last blogizzle.
I console myself somewhat by remembering that
i was quite active on the reviews page, really
on a bit of a roll, for a good long stretch
there....anyway, it is seven in the morning on
Easter & i thot this would be a good remembrance.
i can feel a "ramble" coming on, so please bear
with me. One of my turns....
   "the days run away like wild horses over the
hills," as charles bukowski was fond of saying.
   working hard, the store is definitely in a
different phase now. good earnings coming in, but
always running at least one short on the staff;
it would seem. being an island, we're sort of at
the mercy of whoever applies, which can sometimes
be a mere trickle of apps, even with ads in the
paper. i had a good scare with a back injury.
the worst injuries are when you "hear that little
'click'" and suddenly a wave of pain racks your
hinge. took me 10 days to shake it off and there
is still a little twinge back there. getting old.
feeling more vibrant than i did ten years ago, tho.
the craniocervical pain still a minor obsession.
   i somehow lost my desire for alcohol all of a
sudden. i don't know how stuff like this happens to
me, but it is not the first time and with other
stuff too. i had 2 beers socially friday night and
had a headache in my sleep. this sort of dovetails
with my acquisition of a "Flower Of Life" pendant,
which is of good size, silver naturally as the gold
would have been $250, and actually reflects the
ideas of holarchy, interconnectedness and multi-
dimensionality that i hold dear. i have been wearing
a quite nice yin-yang mandorla that my mother gave
me for some time now and still wear the pentacle a
couple of times a week. the "Flower Of Life"
incorporates both of those principles. the yinyang
is clearly traceable on it and although it is based
on hexagonal symmetry, at one level of interpretation
it does have the platonic solids. i've yet to see
exactly how the golden section is in it (because
that is the cool thing of the five-pointed star,
which directly relates the 5 star to DNA, which
not only spirals on the golden ratio, but is a
ten-pointed star when seen in lateral cross-
section.)ie: the ratios of the golden section are
present in the ratioes of the various lengths of
line which make up the star.
    it is interesting that my life, during the course
of any given day, careens between moments of intense
physical pains deep in obsession with a problem
that has been on-going for decades, and moments of
what i can only describe as intense bliss when i am
aware of the Oneness. it would seem that the enforced
quietness of my present living condition has made me
much more sensitive and more able to become still each day there are these periods when
the little "me" disappears and we are the continuum.
of course, i have luckily placed the body in the
hawaiian paradise, which makes the remembering
just a beach tryp away. at sunrise, the gazillion
birds who live here perform an amazing chorale
genius. the waves at my beach are so minimal as to
make it seem one is at a lake. or nearly so. a
large lake. these smaller waves create a wonderful
meditation. and i collect ocean recordings. i can
    having finished Astrotheology & Shamanism, i
have returned to pondering my nondual pursuits.
"A Duet Of One," mentioned below, great commentary.
and still quite amazed by "Sri Aurobindo, or
The Adventure Of Consciousness" by Satprem, which
always reveals deeper insight to me.
    endless music throughout. i will be posting
more reviews soon. yet another william orbit, and
also a new patrick bernard, on the horizon.


Unveiling the Law of Dualiy in
Christianity and Other Religions
 + Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit +
San Diego: The Book Tree, 2006

seriously paying attention to the spiritual
aspects of the paradigm shift. This book
carefully, entertainingly and concisely lays
out WHY the way we did things for the first
million years is more on the mark than the
last two thousand. I've experienced several
fantastic brain bombs from this book including
the following realization:
  RELIGION, n. Sapiens' foremost defense
mechanism AGAINST spiritual experience.
  This book makes it all so clear: the NATURAL
clues to who we are and what life is about are
to be found in celestial objects, our planet,
all life forms and particularly plants. Only
now can the story be told that ingestion of
plant-based sacraments is the CORE of shamanism,
and therefore at the heart and mainstream of
planetary spiritual experience, but also that
the deadly Pharmacratic Inquisition has been
oppressing and murdering people throughout our
history to prevent the truth from undermining
their control systems.
   Referencing nearly all of the most important
works on these subjects Irvin & Rutajit make a
powerful and i think airtight case about the
actual origins of what we call "Christianity,"
how entheogenic use is inherent to these origins,
and how the coming paradigm shift is going to
blow this wide open.
   This text is also a brilliant affirmation of
John Allegro's work, not only his involvement in
the release of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but also
the absolute squashing of the ideas that he
presents in the genius level book, "The Sacred
Mushroom and the Cross," which even the academic
psychedelic/entheogenic community bashed in
what i've come to realize is their very stupid,
overly intellectual way.
   Reading this book has made this one of the
greatest weeks i've had in recent memory! NOW
i remember what i'm fighting for!


"And the fun just goes on & on & on & it
never ends. It never ends." - Michael Bish

Easter which is a stoker. With the new housing
that is being built on either side of and
behind my apt complex, this neighborhood will
soon be jumping and business should soar. So
my professional life is solid.
   I asked a woman to dinner recently. She said,
"I'll have to think about THAT." Well, I never
got back to her on that....Here i am, 47 years
old, several audiences with Divine not to mention
all the Aethyric travelling, University, the
library of books read, deep sustained meditation,
etc, ad nauseam, and STILL the whole male/female
thing is not understandable. How can one person be
having soaring feelings of Love, Light streaming
from their heart, and the other person is unaware,
not experiencing it, and possibly offended?
   Ah, l'amour
   Have been reading some interesting texts of
late, and that has been a great source of pleasure:
   "CAUSE, PRINCIPLE AND UNITY And Essays on Magic,"
by Giordano Bruno (Cambridge Univ Press, 1998.)
Burned at the stake by the Inquisition at the
Campo de' Fiori in 1600, Bruno is a personal hero
of mine. Probably the intellectual forerunner of
Quantum Theory, he ran afoul of the religious
authorities which such heresies as saying the
Universe is infinite, the animating life principle
is inherent in all physical mass, that the Earth
has a soul, that an Akashic Field exists and that not
only does the Earth revolve around the Sun, but
the Sun revolves around some other center (this
was at a time when Copernicus' heliocentrism was
still struggling for general acceptance.)Galileo
recanting was probably partially influenced by
what happened to Bruno. The book is actually a
series of dialogues which expound his general
   "A DUET OF ONE - The Ashtavakra Gita Dialogue,"
by Ramesh S. Balsekar. Also known as "The Heart
of Awareness," the Ashtavakra Gita is perhaps the
text non pareil of Vedic Nondualism and even of
Nondualism as such. It is a dialogue between an
enlightened master and a student ripe for
realization. During the course of the text, the
student attains enlightenment. Quite an interesting
conversation. Influenced by the teachings of
modern Void Master Nisargadatta Maharsi, author
Balsekar provides erudite commentary which reveals
new aspects even to someone like me who has been
reading the text for decades. (Thomas Byrom wrote
an elegant poetic translation published by
Shamballa entitled "The Heart of Awareness," which
i strongly recommend to anyone interested in 
nondualism. Read it aloud in one sitting and 
interesting things will happen to one's mindset.)
There used to be a link to a page that had the
Byrom in its entirety, but it has ceased *sigh*)
   Lots of new technoambient on the horizon. New
releases by William Orbit (1st in 6 years!) 
Blue Tech, and Solar Fields. cool. last weekend,
i had to redesign my disc library because i've
picked up so many new one i needed new sections.
the odd thing is Patrick Bernhardt got moved out
of Angelic to Vocal Artists like Hykes or Goldman
in order to accomodate all the Angelic & Healing
discs i got last year. a new technoambient wing
had to be created to handle all the Shpongle,
Hallucinogen, Entheogenic, Blue Tech, Magic Sound
Fabric, Zero One, etc. this got thrown together
with Higher Intelligence Agency, Art Of Noise, M,
and underpinned by Heaven 17 and Thomas Dolby.
Back in the early 80s, "Techno" was Devo, Thomas
Dolby, Gary Numan, Ultravox, Trees. Kraftwerk was
perceived as different from Techno. We're getting
old, dude.
   It's been windy & cloudy, water freezing at 68
degrees. The bulldozers all day every day but
Sunday. Pumice dust wafting around. This stuff
CAN'T be good to breath. I've got a cough. Whale
season has begun. JX tells me the Whalesong buoy
is back up, so you can hear the whales off my
coast, right here where i live, by getting the
audio stream from the buoy at
check it out. time to get ready for work. laters.


A wonderful thing happened today. For the first
time in the 2 1/2 years since i've been on Maui,
the first time since August 2002 actually, a
woman kissed me on the lips. Really just a short
peck sort of thing of course, but as we bachelors
count our successes, this is surely a monumental
milestone of magnificent magnitude! this woman is
one of the bartender/waitresses at the sports bar
next to my store. we haven't ever had a conversation
yet we see each other out behind our respective
businesses several times a week. i rarely go into
that bar, yet i did once around xmas and again
two weeks ago. both times she and i made repeated
eye contact, but she was behind the bar and i
was in the next room at the pool tables, so we
were never less than say 30 feet away from each
other. i don't reflect much on things like this
so it was quite surprising when i was taking my
lunch break at work, arriving at the hot bar to
select my luncheon, and there she was. i greeted
her and she kissed me. the essence of successful
bachelorhood is to have some kind of contact with
women and for her to kiss you well it is a home
run so to speak. can't get much better than that.


between these posts when i'm on-line almost every
day! WHOA!! Was it REALLY 17 days from post to
post? Well, it WAS the bizzy season after all,
what with the snowbirds returning to winter in
maui (er, snowbirds=richmainlanders) and
yule and my b'day and xmas and buddha's b'day
and kwanzaa and chanukah and now new years.
and my need to be in depth most of the time. 
so, right, on the button, i've been grinding
through massive quantites of work etc and so
forth, completely mad, daft, irrecusable.
  I have completed my second cd of brainwave
tones which are orientated to send the listener
to a deep sleep pulse rate which is harmonic
to the samadhi tone. this one will require
research! this is the second disc i've created
in this regard. the first one was specific
window frequencies from various lists i've
found on the web and from brainwave research
materials. as i create these recordings, i am
wondering even more intensely than ever if
vibratory states are intrinsic to mind states
and further can be state specific, induce
specific states uniformly. scoffers may soon
have to accept the evidence. my new project
is tones with matrices that should induce
direct white light experience in entheogenic
states. you might say that is my vision: a
disc that immediately downloads the Light
to perceptible levels. i think it can be
done. it might end up being intense and
scary, but that's how it always is until one
lets go....
   interesting things burbling up in the
Darvlab music studio. my shift from vocal
pop tunes to electronic and ambient work is
slowly coming along as i learn the medium
better. how i miss the old days when i
could play an electric guitar and sing in
the privacy of my home :(  ah well. silence
IS golden. i've learned a lot from these
quiet years. i am much more sensitive than
i was. my tactile sensation in particular
is elevated. still can't smell too well. but
as i have learned, sometimes the inability
to smell is a blessing in disguise. i very
much enjoy my dinners! lately, our organic
broccoli is coming loose with leaves. we
get to take the leaves home and, believe me,
they taste better than kales, chards, beet
greens or other hardy leaves. they taste
better than broccoli. and SO vibrant! glowing
with bioenergy! i eat like a king!
speaking of which, i just found this highly
absorbable Magnesium which aids sleep! it's
called Natural Calm
Natural Calm website
if you take magnesium before sleep to sleep
better or prevent leg cramps, let me tell you
THIS stuff will make you think you never knew
what magnesium actually felt like. i have
NEVER experienced such a natural deep relaxatin
from magnesium. i am STOKED and just want to
let you know!


I ALWAYS SEEM TO BE WRITING this blogs early in
the morning now. This past night, the waxing moon
started in through my window, with the curtains
drawn even, around 2am. i finally got up around
320am. Just yesterday morning, i was congratulating
myself for sleeping in to 615am. after having
spent most of my adult life getting only a few
hours of sleep a night, and now finding 6hrs
luxorious, i always feel victorious if i actually
get 8 hours of sleep.
   must have been the pints of amber & stout while
i played my first games of pool at the sports bar
just 5mins walk from here. i don't actually frequent
bars, so yes it took me 2&1/2 years to get to one
of the pool tables at the bar next door :)) and i
don't usually deal in pints. so i was sacked out
by 10pm & woke up triumphant!
   anyway, i've posted the "BEST OF 2005" list on
the reviews page. i'll end up looking at it &
fiddling with it endlessly, probably...
   doing some chanting by the sea. this time of
year, it is pretty windy so it is less likely that
i'll be overheard. life is relatively simple and
calm now. music, reading, snorkelling, tv, and
internet. yesterday, i walked to the local market
2 miles away & back. on the walk, i pass by a
multitude of well-sculpted flora, human-made mini-
waterfalls, a tea garden with the koi goldfish
in a pond with a small japanese-style bridge,
a cove with surfing going on and a statue of a
whale. it was quite sunny, so the flowers were
radiant and as i walked by them i could feel
the light bouncing off of them. it was near-
ecstatic, i felt elevated into a sublime
consciousness and spent that entire hike in
a headspace of divinity. quite amazing.


SO I FINALLY got a taste of the "Vog," which is
the volcanic fog that occasionally drifts over to
Maui from the Big Island of Hawai'i. the slight
sulfuric sting in the back of my throat i
originally thought might be a new bout of influenza
or a cold. i wondered how i was able to catch it
from the fan blowing the warm Mauian air into
the room. my neighbor was having an extended
coughing fit the next morning. i could hear her
through her open window. i wondered how on earth
it could transmit through her window around
the corner through mine? then i heard the Vog was
around. when i had looked up the slopes of
Haleakala that first morning, the striated brown
clouds hovering over the southern ridge which
wends its way down to Pu'u Olai i mistook for
"cane burn," which is when they burn up the
stalks of the sugar cane mid-island. cane burn is
quite common and doesn't seem to have much effect
on me, although it certainly has profound allergic
effects on some people. my allergic responses must
be to the blossoming of certain of the gazillion
different plants around here, which particular
specie it is beyond me.
   I received a dozen new Visionary discs just prior
to Thxgvng. it all to a while to savor and digest,
but i am now beginning to post reviews. check it out.
   I rarely discuss this either in my real life or on
this site, but i am continually preoccupied with
the Light and its rarefactions. it seems my Life is
filled with these incredibly intense micro-moments,
where all is revealed in its essential radiance.
it is odd living this Life of such incredibly intense
Pain - - physical and existential - - yet out it is
also completely pervaded by fleeting moments of 
bliss and ecstasy. is everybody's life like this? i
think not. for i remember a time in my life when it
was all Pain, and there was NO bliss or flashes of
brilliance. and it comes to me that there must be
many people who have little of either Pain or
Pleasure, just rather rigidified with appropriate
limits in their mind. is this vibrational awareness
a dual blessing and curse? when one plumbs the 
depths of Agony, then reciprocally ascends the heights
of Ecstasy, who shall say whether it be but sublime?
full of goodness and badness as the Fool stupified
gazes slack-jawed into the fullness of the Abyss.
it has been said that as it becomes easier to Awaken,
it also becomes easier to remain Asleep; as high as 
one can go, that is as low as one can go also. perhaps
if that is the case, one should disciple to go
all the way....


Today is Sunday. i have to work today because
the store is closed on Thxgvng (well, mostly
closed.) these next 4 shifts, Sun-Wed, are the
official "Produce Grocer's Hell Week." everybody
should take a moment to be thankful for those
unsung heroes of the produce aisle, who make those
tons of food appear so y'all can stuff yerselves &
then most likely go home alone, too exhausted on
Thxgvng to actually celebrate.
   I, myself, am VERY thankful for the recent changes
in my life which have brought me to this sleepy
beach town in Maui and away from that hideous Santa
Cruz, California, what with its creeping fascism &
extraordinarily disingenuous racist-sexist crossfire.
Here the ocean is warm, you enter it with no shock
whatsoever from the air temperature differential.
The only time you could say that about Santa Cruz
was during El Nino. Like the ocean, your encounters
with people, your fellow citizens, here in Maui are
without shock, ranging from very mellow to courteous.
Well, you can't say that about Santa Cruz, where
everybody is scowling so hard it is like they have
baseball mitts for faces. OH! and the women? what a
difference! in Santa Cruz they have "Feminism," which
is actually thinly-disguised misandry; in Maui they
have "Tantra," which is more of an exaltation of the
natural female powers. I am SO thankful to not have
man-hating politically-charged spew shoved in my
face week in and week out.
   I keep wanting to find a better named for my 
penthouse than "Darvadu." maybe "Xanadarv" ?
In any event, am having a relatively decent time with
lots of new music (the new MAKYO due any day now!)
Health is good. Hope y'all are well. 


Where does the time go? I had not realized
that it had been WEEKS since i posted here!
And what some weeks they have been!!
I've installed a new delivery system for my
organic produce at the store. it's a massive
monday morning delivery that starts the week
in a big load way....but the food is shrink-
wrapped in hi-tec insulation, so it is pristine
on arrival. very cool. and organic too :)
   My continued use of the healing musics i
collected this year seems to be paying off.
i'm noticing some long overduce realignments
going on and am *hopeful* of imminent resolution.
   Getting near the end of the year, so i have to
start getting my "best of 2005" list together.
i've got 2 shipment due to arrive, so i can't
really start yet, seeing as how the new Makyo
and the new Patrick are on board...i think this
year i will create even more categories and
perhaps give brief elucidations rather than
ranking (but then doesn't "best of" mean some
kind of ranking?) and then, of course, i do
so much backtracking that leads to interesting
places. i may also have to indicate some of
the great books i read this year. i list the
contenders here:
Tarcher/Penguin, 2005
Crossing Press, 2005
Inner Traditions, 2004
Inner Traditions, 2004
Falcon Press, 1989
more details on all that later. don't know how
the last one escaped me all these years....
   what is the symbolic meaning when your mom
is visiting and your toilet seat chooses that
very time to break? i've been mulling this over
and haven't been able to focus it yet....
   getting a good snorkel in every weekend now,
plus an extended healing meditation. snorkelling
itself is pretty magnificent, when you have all
that undersea beauty just beneath the surface
(rather like trypping.) saw my first sea turtle
last weekend. realize now they hide in the
caves inside the coral which i'd never notice
before really. 
   this full moon in Taurus, which apparently
waxes late today early tomorrow (so many conflicting
reports) has been pretty crazy. the weekend
was fully energized and yesterday at the store
was a madhouse. altho today is less complex,
the moon power should be cresting. *yow!*


My mother has been visiting this past week!
We journeyed the road to Hana and went to Blue
Pool, Waimoku Falls and Red Sand Beach. It was
a smashing good time! We've also been around
south Maui, down to the end of the road at
La Perouse Bay, and i was able to enjoy my first
snorkeling experience at Ahihi Reserve. many
fish and some interesting reef, but it really
made me appreciate the beaches near me even
more! Went to Cheeseburger In Paradise for my
first time. excellent maitai. and out to
Iao Valley, which mother wanted to see and she
seemed happy with the dude hike they've created
there. she was even daring enough to walk past
the "don't go here" sign, up the trail for a
hundred feet.
   and we looked at a few houses that are up for
sale in the area. while still something of a
dream, it may come to pass that i own some land
and a house here. prices being what they are,
we'll see what we can do....
   new books, new CDs, even a new t-shirt and
new shorts, as we did a little shopping at the
Shops At Wailea. the one sour note: i purchased
a double-album CD of Gentle Giant - "Freehand
and Interview." it arrived the day my mom got
here, so i didn't really get to it for a couple
of days. to my shock and surprise, upone first
listen, the CD is encoded entirely wrong, although
the labelling on the disc looks entirely
authentic. the disc begins with some hip-hop
group with a female singer covering the song
"Killing Me Softly." now the hassle of sending
the disc back and being issued a credit. crazy.
never seen that one before. 
   Here's a picture of part of the sunset my mother
and i saw this evening:
Sunset At My Beach


Had a great weekend, having finally made it out to
Big Beach and Little Beach out around Pu-u Olai with
Joel and Carla, who live here at my apt complex now.
  So then, having had a terrific weekend, great angel
day with all the healing music and then to the beach
and the CD store in Wailuku where i picked up some
fabulous old-school technoambient (Omicron, which i
think i've owned previously, and an old Waveform
compilation, One A.D.) then to Costco, which is a
really scary place!
  How odd then that the work week involved such
rudeness from the customers. Does the Universe HAVE
to balance out like that?
   Got a new shipment of Cd's from Source Books
last night. the remaining Nasa Space Sound recordings
from Voyager that i didn't already  own, and yet
another Bob Dratch "Swept Clear." these will be
reviewed shortly.
   Oh, and here's something i've been meaning to add
as a bit of a joke: how bad was Santa Cruz? well, my
mother, in her sixties, who is loathe to use profanity
(i've probably heard her swear maybe 5 times in my
life and mildly at that,) for the last 10 years i
worked at my final employ in Santa Cruz, would not call
my place of business by its name, but only refer to
them as "Those Stinkers." HA! 


Flew over to Honolulu for the Table Top Trade Show
in Waikiki. Basically, as you enter they give you a
canvas tote bag and as you walk down the aisles of
vendors with display tables, the reps try to get 
their goods into your bag. The bag gets heavy quickly.
We're talking jars of food, squeeze bottles of
various types of condiments or goo, boxes of dry
goods, and the bag already comes with a sweat shirt.
  Saturday nite, me and the Big Guy had some drinks
at Duke's, watching the rivers of people flow. I've
never seen so many young Japanese women in one
place! So beautiful. Sunday morning, we watched the
thousands of bicyclists in the Century race take
off. and a nice sushi role :)
   I appreciated where i live in Maui even more
when i came back. much calmer. but flying to
Honolulu satday morning and coming back sunday
afternoon was definitely interesting if frenetic.
O, since you're probably wondering, i got candy
& chips but i ate that stuff before the flight
back. Collagen supplements (i'm becoming very 
interested in the rejuvenative qualities of
hyaluranic acid;) a quart-sized jar of yerba mate
tea bags, Spectrum Naturals' Flax/Olive oil &
Cod Liver Oil (that was random;) a big bottle of
Trinity water; a jar of Maranatha almond butter;
a lavender essential oil roll on; some cinnamon
ylang ylang massage lotion; a large box of
nori seaweed sheets and a wooden sushi roller
with it; and various herbal pepper condiments.
Kind of like halloween for big people. it was
my first trade show so i pretty much just let
whoever put stuff in my bag.
   and i've pretty muched curtailed drinking
alcoholic beverages to the sacred monday night
sunset watch at Kam 1.
   Be Kind To Each Other.


I wanted to get that last post finally behind us without
waiting too long, so thank goodness it's ALOOOOHA SUNDAY!
   It's the middle of the night on a saturday nite and i'm
up on the web :)) had first im chat with jotw on da msngr
wit LE and all dat. since then, i've been through some 
interesting twists and turns on da innaspatial donchaknow
and am still QUITE impressed with the new "Healing Mind
System" by the Doctor. i think he's on to something there.
possibly the most healing music i've ever collected and,
you know me, i'm ALWAYS collecting. i had my entire life in
boxes and i was STILL collecting. also: i want to express my
deep resonance and admiration of the Vibrational Medicine
Cards by Roweena Pattee Kryder. it really does get down to
the business of the sacred archetypes, and the accompanying
interpretation book is something of a HOLY book in itself.
the higher dimensional reality that I'VE seen in deep
psychedelia and in my many different shamanic ritual workings
is well-described in this Oracle and i would recommend it to
ANYONE looking for simple basic principles of CONSCIOUSNESS
to serve as a helpmeet to Life. DO check it out:

Amazon listing for Vibrational Medicine Cards

Kryder's Website

the swell is in! i might go catch some waves in the am
very mellow night in maui tonight, slow season, quiet no
car horns no police cars. very quiet. heck, i KNOW somebody
is out there partying....not around here tho...
kinda scary how quiet it is without the
usual avalanche of tourists. ;)

i did want to address right here, my constant harping 
on Santa Cruz, and i'm sure i must sound like 
a broken record AT TIMES, 
i will continue to rant and address MY opinions 
concerning my deep PISSED-OFFED-NESS regarding 
the general hypocritical milieu of said OVERLY 
PRIVILEGED community (which charm school did nothing
for but paint a grainy masque) to the relatively small 
but EXTREMELY POWERFUL cross-section of people who 
bother to read  the blog of the VSA Interface
so there you have it. Santa Cruz sucks. Splut Zut! ;P`

Maui NO KA OI and don't you for-get: it!


.... ....*hmmm, i shoulda tot a dis years ago*....


Well, I finally made it here: this day marks the end
of my tenth year of, well, how does one say this?,
not getting any. TEN LOOOONG YEARS
   I�d call it �celibacy,� except that usually means that
one has �abstained� from coition and/or marriage,
while my condition was more enforced by a hostile
social climate. Now, while true that I have been living
in a more accepting locality for two year, I also have
been healing and experiencing this new way, easing
into it, so to speak. I must say that I am somewhat
disappointed in the difference between what I imagined
the intergender relationship might be like in Maui and
what it currently appears to be to me. While still a HUGE
improvement from where I used to live, I guess I am still
in America and can�t expect too much....which I can say
I did understand when I moved here. I was deliberately
moving as far as I could from America without actually
LEAVING America. Yes, I do like the infrastructure,
the availability of medical help if necessary, the good
food and water, the spectacular natural beauty of the
places I�ve lived. I�m not all that enthusiastic about the
society, but then I�ve never lived in another society so I
can�t really compare or judge it. But I never felt welcome.
That�s why I like it here in Maui. If not exactly �welcome,�
I certainly don�t experience the general level of Threat
one encounters in California, the two places I lived at least:
Hermosa Beach and Santa Cruz. No service person at a
counter or waiting a table has ever refused to serve me (at
least as I was allowed to see,) people aren�t generally rude
to me, no nasty encounters or evil looks while in a bar
(which is rare for me anyway,) no N-word name calling:
for all intents and purposes, it would appear that I�m
a regular guy. This experience is new to me.
    I do seem to be coming down from a protracted state
of traumatic stress. I still have emotional reactions
which were instilled in me. For example: if I feel 
attracted to a woman, I feel a deep terror that she 
may become aware of my feelings and attack me in 
some way or another. There really isn�t any expectation, 
emotional at least, of a possible
positive response from the woman. I�m so used to 
my sexuality being considered objectionable that it 
is very hard for me to imagine that there could 
even BE a way for me to express my
feelings appropriately. Now, when you live up inside 
that kind of racial bullshit for an extended period 
of time, it changes you. You learn to behave in ways 
that will mitigate the onset of attack.
Often this means not behaving at all. Slowly, one 
learns to be helpless, to give up and to watch the 
others in their sex games, knowing you can�t really 
    Six months after I arrived in Maui, I did 
experience feelings in my heart for a young woman 
who came to work as a cashier at my
store. From the moment we met, she would touch my arm, 
the back of my hand, stand close to me, stuff like that. 
And the scary thing was that the first time she touched
me, I felt a very pleasurable shiver. Shortly later 
in the backroom, she stroked my arm and it was like 
Love coursed through her arm into mine, and my 
entire body shot through with a wild shining love, 
my heart unfurled like some fragrant tropical flower,
I was trembling with Love so powerfully I could only 
imagine my coarse breath was noticeable. And this was 
not just a cosmic Love, but a personal Love for her, 
this person who had transformed me with a touch. 
I couldn�t get her out of my mind for weeks. Every
shift we worked together, I tried to have a moment 
where I could get to know her, where I might reveal 
myself. Alas, I finally had to accept that she 
wasn�t particularly interested in me....
    Err...where was I? O yes: ten years. I really 
just thought it would never happen to ME. How shocking 
to be told you�re not Lovable.WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?? 
Anyway, I guess at this point, one might be able to 
say that they are a �confirmed� bachelor....


I was disturbed to find that my Critter Cleaner
cd would not be recognized by ANY of my disc drives
So, of course, i had to acquire a new one as the
Critter Cleaner disc is an essential library item.
In my search, i was pleased to discover that Bob
Dratch has at long last developed a new website
that has a lot of exciting recent developments
Go To Bob Dratch's Site


In the interim, hurricane Katrina has destroyed
New Orleans...all the more shocking because it 
could have been avoided with the proper preparation
which our government failed to do. With all the
money at its disposal for all this long time, the
gov't has no excuse for the lack of category 5
levees to protect that city. 
Even more shocking is the CRAPPY state and federal
response to the catastrophe. The communication between
responding organizations was abysmal. WHERE WAS THE
PRESIDENT?? why wasn't he showing some leadership
right at the beginning instead of sashaying in days
later? at the very least, he could have provided
focus instead of lurking in the background.
Even more shocking than THAT is how so many people
are *WONDERING* how such a lack of planning, 
general incompetence and torpid response could be
happening in "America." This more than all the
rest of it really makes me furious! But this is
how we do it in our society. Even when the answer
is staring us straight in the face, we hang a big
question mark over it and stroll around *WONDERING*
what's up? 
As far as i'm concerned, blatantly bigoted terms
like "Race Card" or "Blame Game" are obviously
designed to trivialize IMPORTANT social issues. 
They really serve no other purpose than to dominate
and to marginalize other people. When i hear someone
say "o there goes the Race Card," what i hear them
saying is that they are very comfortable with their
racial privilege and will act to prevent it being
pointed out. frankly, these terms "Race Card" and
"Blame Game" are socially accepted bigoted statements.
  i am SO GLAD i am not in Santa Cruz to hear all
their fucked up statements about the black people
in New Orleans.
   i love that Mayor of New Orleans. he's one of my
new heroes. he should be Time magazine's "Man of
the Year." the caption under his picture on the
cover should read, "Get Your Asses Down Here!"
and this was cool too:
a town of 6000 people became the main center for
the medical examination of and storage of the
dead bodies. CNN had reporters asking
various people in the town how they felt about
their town becoming a "morgue" for the disaster.
a woman at the counter of the general store put
it most eloquently: "i'd rather have them here
dead than alive, ripping us off and causing 
problems." now, to me, THAT is TRUE Americana!


Funny how when the produce biz gets slower, it
is almost like it gets harder! Had a cough for
a coupla month -- quite a few people had it --
hoping it's all over. not the way i planned my
summer. but i've been able to do some regular
snorkeling now and have been to some of the
pretty impressive reefs that are just off the
coast of my beaches. lotsa fish. no turtles yet.
   In the last 3 months, 2 of my coworkers have
received beating in the public parks from the
local boys. one was sleeping overnight in the
bushes, which he had done many times before.
he had to be flown to Honolulu for medical
treatment of his eye, which he fortunately did
not lose. the other fellow has been beaten twice
in our largest public park by the ocean, Kalama
Park. he's actually one of my closest friends
here too. he sports a look one part punk rock,
one part pirate. it's actually pretty cool. but
it might make him a target. i hung up my punk
rock and anti-establishment threads long ago.
dumb ass violent reprisals suck.
   recently, people have said in my presence,
"it's too bad that those people feel a need to
treat us that way." i usually snap back, "it's
happening everywhere not just here! i had my ass
beat in Santa Cruz 16 times and that was just the
attacks in my ADULT life!" in goes in one ear and
out the other, of course, but i say it anyway.
   a lot of great music recently. check out my
reviews section. more reviews on the way.
   another current stoker : i got my FIRST
"thank you" in a cd's liner notes! It's in the
new Entheogenic "Dialogue Of The Speakers." I
wrote the short short story in the fold-out. now
i'm a published author! :))
   also saw "Sin City," which must be the most
violent movie i've ever seen. i fancied it as a
view of Hell ala Alasdair Gray ("Lanark.") 
to paraphrase something i saw at Rotten Tomatoes,
reviewer put it: "you know a movie is extremely
violent when you have to use the word 'castration'
in the PLURAL when describing it." however, mickey
rourke puts in the best performance of his life
and elijah wood (Frodo from Lord of the Rings)
has a character so creepy that any fear he might
be type-cast can be laid to rest. people who
like the roughest quentin tarantino movies or
ham-fisted detective film noir from the mid20thC
will find this mostly black and white film an
exotic piece of eye candy, the backdrops entirely
CGI animation, giving the film a comic book look 
more pronounced than any superhero film ever shot.
not for the easily morally offended or queasy.
   errr, time for work. it's the big load today.
The Big Load. over a ton of food in one delivery.
then the weekend. i'll probably have to take the
bus into Kahului. i need clothes, new boots, socks
pants, the once a year run. takes forever. i leave
here around 8 and get back around 130. just to go
to walmart! 
   hang in there baby it's a long row to hoe


What a laughable mess this old world is!
   am stoked today because i just received my
second most expensive book i ever have purchased
in the mail yesterday: "Milk N Honey" by Mati
Klarwein. i actually acquired it at a very low
price. fifty dollars less than what i've seen
since i started looking five years ago. kewl.


so it has been just over two years since
i arrived in Maui and got situated. this was
the point, i told myself, when i would do a
serious self-survey to determine what kind of
psychic damage sustained from Santa Cruz was
not going to adjust to island life. i can see
definite improvements in many areas, in terms
of feeling safe when out a night, feeling
accepted by neighbors, easily meeting people,
respect in the workplace so i have no rep of
being cranky (as in previous conditions, where
a lot of passive aggressive shit was getting
pulled on me all the time,) quiet surroundings
at home, lots of good stuff. i can still see
work to do and will have to decide how. time
for a physical exam too. dentist. yeah all that.
   i was VERY excited today to find that someone
in Hawaii has posted George Musser's "The World
of Slavery" article published in Scientific
American, April 2002, on the web. it is a pdf
file, but gives great global estimates for
the number of people ENSLAVED on this planet
circa 2000AD. it zooms in and out effectively:

Global Slavery Stats circa 2000AD

Even if you don't have the Adobe Reader to view
PDF, you can google "George Musser World Slavery,"
find the [pdf] The World of Slavery and
google will provide you with html copy. I highly
recommend viewing this document to help give 
oneself additional info on what we're up against.


Saw Eden briefly this past week and my heart just opened like
flower, what a beautiful, sweet person she is! We had a nice
short chat and I was very pleased with the warm vibes. :)
   I�ve been working sick for weeks and every time I start
to feel like I�m getting over it, it sneaks back up on me.
I�ve notice that I may be actually MORE prone to respiratory
illnesses here in Maui than I was in Santa Cruz perhaps the
air is just so warm and humid. Oddly in SC, the air is cold
and moldy in town and I had a lot of sinus problems.
   It has actually been cool for July here, only upper 80s.
My computer keeps predicting rain but nothing like it is
happening here on the dry side where every day is a near
perfect sunny day with beautiful clouds and just mellow.
A few winds in late afternoon, but pretty casual.
   The store has been slamming since the days before
Independence Day, so we�ve all been running around
scarcely even able to catch a breath.
   I�ve been having long IM�s with a dear friend of mine who
has been having some concerns about the financial future.
I care deeply for this person but my options for helping
are few. What�s a bro to do?


was really busy in May with friends from the
mainland visiting, then really ill in june
with the creeping crud. it is difficult to clear
the lungs in this humid environment.
  made a new entry in the reviews section today.
i was just able to acquire Abdul Mati Klarwein's
classic art book, "Milk N' Honey" for only $150 so
i was stoked on that.
   women have been taking more of an interest in me
lately, which is interesting. we'll see where this
    i've got all my beach gear now: the snorkel kit,
the low beach chair, a canvas parasol i got for free
because Quiznos threw it away. a bag of ice and a
coupla beers and i'm all set for the beach!
    i love maui so much! why did i stay in that
horrible other place for so long?!? 
    just had a marvelous day at the beach, testing
out my new sturdy green canvas parasol! lazing about
with my "The Gurdjieff Work" (great book) and drinking
Corona and passionfruit/guava juice. noshin a lil
banana bread and Heaven 17 "Bigger Than America" on 
da headphones, bra. sun, sand, snorkelling, the
beautiful women, the kids laughing, sandcastles.
just a fantastic afternoon!


I've been pretty busy the last month. Actually
conceived and executed a NEW CD entitled, 
"Darvtones" with a brainwave generator, featuring
some of my favorite brainwave window frequencies.
It's pretty effective. I doubt it has much
"commercial potential," but i'm enjoying it
nonetheless. I'm already working on a second one
based on the chakras and the sephirot of the
tree of life.


Time flies past i can't believe it's nearly
a month since the last post. i've certainly done
quite a bit in that time as i hope you have also.
got out to the Hana side of the island and visited
numerous waterfalls and beaches. it was great. some
close friends from Santa Cruz visited and we rocked.

Pic of Me 
Experiencing Bliss In the Waterfall at Blue Pool

I also finally got my entire snorkel kit together.
We went diving too it was great. Another pic, me
at Iao:

Darv Iao Lotus

my cd collection habit has become extreme! i rang
up over $150 in cd and dvd purchases last month alone.
but i've got some great stuff and fairly sated, altho
Cheb i Sabbah and Midival Punditz both just released
new discs, and Shpongle is soon! more reviews to come.
still totally entranced by the new Metheny. makes me
smile :)


I've always dreaded 4-25. i don't know why.
i was hired by that big santa cruz company
i worked so long for on 4-25, but i dreaded
that date even before then. i can't remember
why. The Moon in Sag appears active today,
enjoying a trine with Saturn yet squaring
off with Neptune and Mars.Sounds a little
   back to work. we'll see what happens.
dereckmeister fixed up the vacuum cleaner
i rescued. this baby will rip the carpet
right off your floor now! it's amazing what
people will throw away because their leaving
the island!


Getting ready for friends to visit from the
mainland. this is going to be cool! a little
trip to Hana, go up to the crater, days on the
beaches, maybe hike the canyon. lookin' up!
  i've really been getting into programming my
own video art using Milkdrop, which is a free
visualization plug-in for Winamp that you can
download at

Milkdrop UK website

i haven't gotten the math parts down yet, but i
can manipulate the filters and post-processing
almost as easily as i alter synth presets. kewl.
   made some new internet friendships lately
that are quite stimulating. smart people out


While things have been going smoothly on
this sleepy side of the island -- i've been
enjoying tidepool walks, good meditations and
my ever-burgeoning music collection (Todd
Rundgren's "Liars" disc of 2004 getting a lot
of play this week,) i have been feeling an
increasing sense of apprehension regarding the
impending Depleted Uranium scandal which
started to break recently. if this turns out to
be true, if we have been using uranium-laden
munitions in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is going
to be a BUM TRIP!! sometimes i wonder if my
country has just gone completely insane or WHAT?
   also added new listings to the "Conspiracies"
section of the Darvlinks.


April Fool's Day!
Here's the good one that happened to me today:
I was stocking the papaya display when one
of the hot young women who regularly shops at
the store -- is she israeli or brazilian? --
turned to me and said, "would you go out with
me?" surprised, i said, "sure!" and was about
to ask here what she had in mind, when she
said, "APRIL FOOL!!"
   to be fair, she thanked me for saying yes
and then, oddly i thought, said, "i'll go out
with you if you insist, miss." and then walked
   first time in 14 years that a woman asked
me out on a date....
 gotta love it, right? .....


What an amazing full moon on Friday!
I felt very full and stable. me and the D
brought a ton & half of produce from the
barge no prob.
received a very interesting e-mail from
someone who had read my NDE and found something
of value there, which makes me feel good!
in the e-mail, there was mentioned a plug-in
for Winamp which i then acquired and have been
QUITE impressed with it. it reminds me a lot
of AV3X and i'm sure i will utilize it under the
appropriate conditions eventually. i have Winamp
version 5.02 and the "Milkdrop" plug-in works
fine with it, but W --my longtime friend who
i've spent more time in the wilderness with
than anyone else -- couldn't get it to run on
3.0. if you have a Winamp system that supports
it i HIGHLY recommend the "Milkdrop" plug-in.

Link To Milkdrop

recently acquired the text, "No More Secrets
No More Lies -- A Handbook To Starseed
Awakening" by Patricia Cori, which was purported
to be a channelled text on a level with Ken
Carey. now, don't get me wrong, i don't
collect a lot of channelling, but i do a times
pick up texts that i feel are actually saying
something interesting (most channelling is
rambling, imho.) Ken Carey's "Starseed The
Third Millenium" was very inspirational to
me. i found value occasionally in the Ptaah
material and, of course, the whole Jane
Robert/Seth thing has very lucid moments.
Anyway, this new Cori book is 225 pages &
the first 66 pages have been mostly rambling.
i'm still waiting for the secrets to be
rolled out. i remember how "The Celestine
Prophecy" was such a big deal and i tried
to read it more than once and just couldn't.
it was awful writing. i couldn't even find
the wisdom skimming it. wtf?
for those of you who just want the insights:

The Nine Insights
anyway, i can't promise you any secrets, but
we'll see.


Working like a maniac at the store. We've
been so busy that it is difficult to stay
well-stocked. i've been trying to maintain
as much xanadu-like solitude as can be done
with the demands of my profession and the needs
of others for attention and companionship.
fortunately, i have felt the stirrings of a
renewed relationship with my muse and have
composed some music in the last month which
i feel holds promise for a new outburst of
   As is my custom, i have been acquiring
new music CDs at a breakneck pace and am
a little concerned that i may be spending
too much $$. but what is money, but
accumulated potential pleasure anyway?
   Totally blown away to see that this
darvinfo page has been visited more times
than any one of the music categories 
areas, with the exception of the brainwave
music area which has nearly double that of
darvinfo! i love you all too. i only wish that 
i could afford to webcast and then we could go
full circle. Know that my life has
taken a definite positive turn! and check
reviews from time to timecoz i got a slew 
of discs in the queue!


New friends, hanging out, more beach time,
it has been mostly hot and sunny, but temps
in mid to high 80s, so it's bearable. i've
been on a jean luc ponty and pat metheny
kick the last week and, wouldn't ya know?,
Metheny has just released a new one. i must
have picked up on the vibe, so i ordered one.
got a digitally remastered copy of XTC's
"Black Sea," a wonderful early Eighties disc
from my new wave days. sounds better than
ever! we have new Asian restaurants opening
just down the street! two of em! it's gonna
be great! also, a new cd store recently
opened, "Beach Street Records," so, slowly,
we're refurbishing the neighborhood to make
my stay here more like home *ha*
   got my first raise in 8 years! hey! i'm
a big shot! *feels good to be appreciated*
   i just got an awesome dvd video: 
"AV3X," which i am about to review in the
reviews section. if you are into mind-
altering brainwave tech and enjoy the
modern computerized fractal video arts,
this is an INCREDIBLE dvd! very intense
with a strobe light entrainment effect.
read more in my reviews.
   well, my meeting women skills are still
not too very good. i'm having an interesting
interaction with a woman who i think is
a little older than me, a customer at
the store. i tried to talk to her today
and within 30secs i was in 3 other
customer's way and then a guy i somewhat
know entered the store and wanted to
have a long chat about possible employment.
what's up with that? i'll just have to ask
her if she'd like to do something outside
the store i guess.
   having enjoyable messaging conversations
with my former housemate, a woman who now
dances for a living in Reno. it's good to
have her back in my life even if she's
hundreds and hundreds of miles away.


Where does the time go? Over a month since my
last post. didn't seem like it. very busy at
store. constantly acquiring new discs and
books. i'm very excited about my new book,
a compilation of writings titled,
"Neurotheology." i've recently collected the
"greatest hits" of 10cc as part of a
nostalgia factor and am impressed by how much
i enjoy looking back on this band that i
didn't collect at all during the time the 4
of them were releasing albums together.
   My Friend West sent me some Beatles' cds.
I'd never owned "Rubber Soul" before and was
surprised that i really got off on it.
   also discovered silverfish getting at my
immense library. this will have to be dealt
with i guess. i do so dislike killing little
creatures who pose no real threat to me.
but my book collection! it's my best friend,
man! *sigh*
   Eden has disappeared....well, at least i
got a title song out of it *chuckle*
   Laters & Happy New Year


Wow. Thanksgiving was wild. We sold a LOT of
food! I've been mostly working, on the internet
and listening to music. I wish i had something new
and flashy to report, but really it's me and my
cd's, which you can read about in my Reviews 
Someone in one of the chats turned me on to a
joke i found humorous. You might want to check
it out:
The Best Religious Joke Ever
i didn't think it was the best one ever, but it
made me laugh. Anyway, time for the Darv to do
some post-job unlaxing. More later, kids.
love ya!


Eden becomes more fantastically beautiful
every time i see her. Is there an
upper limit? Quite Amazing....
   Am trying to remain calm during
this period of high stress. Work is so
difficult, so physically demanding, i
am unsure how i will be able to get
through this busy season without
collapsing. Why do people work other
people so HARD for such meager wages?
I've almost come to believe that
Americans really don't care about one
   But that could just be my cynical
side. This week, I realized after 16
months in Maui that i a) didn't get
a driver's license, thus b) didn't
get a radio show AND thus c) didn't
get the girl, PLUS right when they
SHOULD have given me a raise, d) they
didn't AND e) they took my assistant
away from me. now, the question is:
what attitude shall we take toward
this? at first, i felt sad because
being the loser all the time is
tiring, but this more i began laughing
hysterically, realizing that somehow
all is right with the world and that
it is my DESTINY to Lose!!
   Then, i went home and my new
cd delivery was there and i relaxed.


Well, it's official: J has left Santa
Cruz & i've no way to contact J. So i
am officially disconnected & probably
on a permanent basis. I so loved that
person....LE also contacted me recently;
another person i loved who didn't
realize...i guess there's a karmic
strain going on. the good news is Eden
is still friendly if a bit guarded. I
can't remember the last time someone
was actually friendly to me when they
realized i was in love with them. As
pathetic as this all sounds, i do
seem to be making progress...
   my sound adventures still blasting
along. i'll have numerous new reviews
soon and hopefully can get one more
shipment in before the stormy season.
the big news this week is that i've
found a way to get my favorite organic
coffee for near what i was getting it
originally before moving to the islands.
last time it cost me $15/lb; i'm
thinking i'll pay $6.60/lb this time.


How time flies when you are incredibly
busy. Finally have learned how to record
digitally straight from the music system
to the computer. Darvdisc #2 is now in
existence. Entitled simply, "Eden," is
is partly about a young woman i love &
partly about living here in paradise.
I intend to begin recording the pieces
i had composed at 1313 a year & half ago,
"Pathways To Ecstacy." The first three
are pretty much complete and there are
parts of the heart chakra #4 i think are
promising. i may strip down the pieces
devoted to the three upper chakras and
"reenhance" them. This will be a full
visionary album: no rock beats, no
   Repaired the links to "Implosion:
The Science of Ecstacy" at the top of
the Darvlinks. One can only view these
texts with a pdf reader like the Adobe
Reader, but Dan Winter's latest is a
wonderful thing and i would encourage
you to even think about buying it.


well, we haven't slowed down that much!
i was thinking of taking some time off
during the slow period, but it ain't
happening. guess i'll just save my
vacation time in case somebody comes
to visit. hope they give me some
advance notice!
   we're cooling off in Maui now.
the temps are down to upper 80s or
so. i'm finally starting to acclimate
because upper 80s feels cool. who knows
maybe i'll be shivering when we get to
lower 70s!
   Eden started talking to me finally when
she saw i didn't like that she brought
her boyfriend into my produce aisle and
started making out with him in front of
me. i tried to tell her how i feel about
her, but she ran away again. first woman
i've felt strong feelings of love for in
six years. i can tell the internet. at
least the internet won't run away.
   days flow together now
      addendum: more synchronicity:
Eden came to the store today and I told
her how i feel. i couldn't tell if she
liked it, but she accepted it and was
not adverse. she actually coaxed it out
of me in a way. how healing to be able
to say how i feel and have it accepted.
not like santa cruz AT ALL
hope springs eternal....


slow time in the islands. not much
tourism in sept or oct.
  big changes at my store. they are getting
rid of the juice bar and expanding the
produce department along with some more
freezers. this will present new stocking
and buying challenges. i feel up to it.
  i went through a big cd buying frenzy
recently and have lots of new music!
some i have already reviewed on this
website and more to come! my attempts to
get licensed so i can obtain a motor
vehicle in order to be able to transport
myself to the radio station (thereby
being able to perform on-air) are at
an IMPASSE right now.... least i am very comfortable,
can hang out on a cool hawaiian beach,
and find my inner life still very
exciting. my intellectual odyssey
continues with my readings regarding
the life and work of Giordano Bruno
and on the phenomenology of the
ayahuasca experience. i've also learned
to burn from vinyl to cd, so i have been
continuing to transfer great recordings
from my record collection to cd. a friend
sent me a large number of Santana's older
recordings which i am glad to have.
  i have been working on a few musical
ideas. one project i have not focussed
on is getting my new material onto cd.
this would probably require recording to
tape first and then to cd, so it's an
involved process i haven't attempted


Am really starting to relax into this Maui
thing and am hopeful i can get the hang of
it. i really feel more relaxed and happier
with who i am here. You wake up one morning
and realize that you just went a WHOLE YEAR
without anybody calling you a nigger. That
is amazing! and no woman has given me a
tonguelashing over some power fantasy in
her mind. Incredible! THIS IS NOT SANTA CURZ!
   Who knows? Another year of this and i
might actually be comfortable enough to
reach out to people. I still pretty much
feel like a hot electrical wire with no
insulation from all those horrible years
in SC, but I'm also sensing a healing that
is occurring as i find myself daily in
friendlier circumstances.
   This past week, a person at worker commented
to me that they saw me as a BASICALLY HAPPY
PERSON. wow! nobody has EVER said THAT to me.
that was a real healing right there. i'm so
used to being told i'm like gollum or something.
negative, depressed, mysterious, intense. it is
really great to hear from somebody that THEY see
ME as basically positive. i think that SC was
so negative and i am so sensitive that it just
wasn't a good combination. i am still trying to
cope with the damage that was done to me from
so many repeated attacks from nasty SC feminists.
i know this will not be a short process. whenever
you are violently attacked in your sexuality, it
takes not only time, but a healing sensibility,
a desire to get better.
    whether or not i am actually capable of
being in relationship remains to be seen. heck,
it's been nine years and i'm essentially in
learned helplessness. if a woman this moment
said, let's jump in the sack, i probably
couldn't do it. there are issues....but i
do think i'm beginning to unwind....


HA!! It Is Bloody HOT!!
   Anyway, I've been reading this fabulous
book entitled, "The Antipodes of the Mind-
Charting The Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca
Experience" by Benny Shanon, which is a
fascinating coginitive psychological approach
to studying the varieties of the DMT 
experience. Written by a professor at Oxford,
it reads like an upper-division university
text, which makes it a little slow going in
the less interesting areas, but overall
Shanon has done a splendid job of describing
the psychedelic mindstates induced by this
   still doing vinyl-to-cd conversions and
just yesterday dubbed off "Rainforest" by
Paul Hardcastle, which we used to play
after hours in the first health foods
grocery store i ever worked in back in the
    i really enjoy the peacefulness of the
place where i live. birds, trees in the
wind and venetian blinds flapping. that's
all you hear. occasionally, someone laughs
softly. it's great. an eight minute walk,
and i'm at this mellow hawaiian beach
with all the scantily clad people.
   have been listening to Joe Jackson's
Greatest Hits over'n'over. is that weird?
   still miss J.
   must learn to control my cd consumption
rate. *ha, ha*


As i write this, it is 4:20pm and you know
what that means? don't you? *smile*
   Where does the time go?!? It doesn't
AT ALL feel like 20 days since my last
entry. wtf?? such a lag....
   my copy of "Jack and the Witch" arrived
this week, so i've been watching it
multiple times quite blissfully i might
add as these strange animate visuals
blast past. (see 6-20-04 entry below for
internet link to synopsis of this odd
film. i've been pondering whether i
could or should write a paper on its
symbolic relevance and updating of the
"frog and the princess" fairytale. 
a little psychoanalysis wouldn't hurt
either. the strangest thing is: this
must be a 4th generation recording and
has some rather serious visual flaws that
one must ignore/accept pretty much for the
duration of the movie EXCEPT for the
section that was my primary motivation
for obtaining it: the part where the
mushrooms are chasing jack with lunar
pitchforks with the intention of
eating him and shrilling "BARBEQUE!
BARBEQUE!" in this one section, the
picture is relatively crisp and has
most of its color.
anyway, since i obtained the
original Jonny Quest episodes dvd set
that was just released in May and now
have this odd cartoon, it may be that
darv's second childhood is arriving
  I've recently written new reviews
on Kraftwerk and Vir Unis which you can
read on my reviews page. Other recently
obtained cd's i will review soon:
It's Tomorrow Already! by Irresistible
Jackal and Nine by Anubian Lights
   I don't think the bus can get me
to wailuku right now. perhaps this
weekend i will look into obtaining
a bicycle. i'm thinking wailuku, that
is, where the community radio station
is, might be a one hour fifteen minute
bike ride. *hmmmm*
   they tell me we've been near the
hundred degree mark here in kihei. 
hope tomorrow will be a classic beach
day; i've got the day off.


Really hot. almost stormy. they say this
is hurricane season. quite odd to see
it almost stormy in mid-july.
almost a year i've been on maui. got
to start building a life here. i've
been mainly working and studying and,
well, doodling on the computer at
chat sites.
we have a new bus system and tomorrow
i found out if and when it can get
me to wailuku, where the community
radio station is.
   by the way, if you haven't heard,
phil manzanera is about to release a
solo album which has all the original
Roxy Music members except for Ferry.
Eno, that's right, Eno back in the
Roxy game


New (to me) Info:
Brannan Lane has a nice new website i
just found:
Brannan Lane's Ambient Circle Music
     he has been quite busy lately with
various collaborations. i've been so
happy with the stuff i recently acquired
from Vir Unis, that i'm thinking about
getting his recent "Mercury & Plastic."
  i also finally found this animated
movie that has haunted me since i was
a teen:
Jack And The Witch movie synopsis
   gonna buy a copy from
this movie is so insane, pre-anime,
with carnivorous mushrooms even.
   still having problems getting my 
driver's license and the local bus
line closes down July 1, so the
logistics for getting back and forth
from Wailuku (so i could get on the
local community radio station,) well,
the logistics don't look so great for
the summer. perhaps i will have to
overcome my aversion to hitchhiking.
   things heating up in Maui. summer
is on the way.


enjoying this solitude. like an adept up in my
monastery. amother gorgeous mauian day.
lanai and kahoolawe enwrapped in cumulus.
i've been getting a lot of my favorite vinyl
recordings onto cd. this new digital tech
can make unlistenable vinyl to listenable
cd by digitally removing surface noise
and pops, even outrageously loud pops!
  anyway...another weekend lounging in
paradise...looks like the rains are over
time to start baking now...i hear brown
guys do well with vacationing visitor
women...summer arriving, i've brought in
peaches, grapes, nectarines, cherries,
the organic melons are back...all we
need now is some summer lovin'...more
on this later....


according to recent studies, i have gained
8 pounds since coming to Maui. must be
all that rich Hawaiian food. the "Big
Braddah" and "Sumotori" plates at Da
Kitchen are obviously high calorie. plus,
i'm getting out to sushi every fortnight.
my ass't and i have been trolling the
local sushi bar lately. an older woman
gave me her number today. she just
moved here in january from washington.
we'll see....


YAY!! SomaFM is back! I missed you guys
so much!! Nice to be able to have that
continuous stream of ambience.
     I've been in a routine of work,
laboratory and beach. It works out.
Still trying to create proper outline
for my eventual move onto fm radio
again. my previous hiatuses were on the
order of 2 years. it's been 2 years this
July since i left my show and nearly
a year & half since i've been on-air.


getting really lazy with the darvinfo
entries here. this has been a crazy
month in produce. new stuff: i bought
a rice steamer. burned cd copies 
of some ancient vinyl you can't get
on cd. recently picked up TJ Rehmi's
"The Warm Chill" which is beautiful
asian underground technoambient.
and my new prize possession:
"Co-Creation Code Deck" by Rowena
Pattee Kryder. as some of you know,
i read tarot and collect spiritual
art, especially if psychedelically 
influenced. see Kryder's website!

Kryder's Co-Creation Code Deck

on the computer rig most of my down
time now. burning, compiling,
mailing to friends or giving to
people at work. next project:
Darvtunes 2. i also plan to record
some stuff in my music system which
never made it to tape. perhaps i'll
go all the way to cd with some of
it. haven't done any 4-tracking since
i got here.
maui is heating up and i think i should
go to the beach soon since it might
cloud up around 130pm.


where does the time go? full bore
produce specialist and maui beach hound.
hoping to have a car situation going
soon, so i can do the radio. lots of new
music i should write some reviews...
yeah...that's it...


am bummed to find
out that a friend of mine who i lived
with for  the first half of 2003 is in
the hospital with a hard lump in the
sinuses which could possibly be a brain
tumor. still waiting for biopsy. this is
one of the kindest, sweetest guys i know
and very upsetting to hear...
   on the horizon: my package from Vir
Unis and James Johnson should arrive in
the next few days. i've ordered the
3-cd set, "Perimeter 2," and the new
Unis release, "Everything Seeks Balance."
reviews to appear shortly. stoked. by the
way, check out their Atmoworks website:



Having a blast on the new rig. Still
getting the radio proposal together.
It's a fine sunny day outside. I'm 
going to the beach. Here's what
my beach looks like: 

The Beach 10min Walk From My Pad


Well, contrary to what i was thinking,
there IS a noncommercial radio station
on Maui. It's called "Mana'o Radio."
It doesn't cover the whole island, of
course, but it gets Kahului, Wailuku,
and a lot of the Upcountry. I can't
get it at home, however. Anyway, i'm
in early negotiations for an air
shift. just have to find a way to
get to the station and back.
    New regs for webcasting price
it out of my range. I simply don't
have $150/mo to pay royalties. I
could get pirate software and run
it from my home, but that would mean
having lots of net users tapping my
rig. RIAA and FCC killed webcasting
last year folks. SOMA FM is even
down. what a drag.


Kids, i've got a new rig for the
internet, so i will soon be adding
to the Interface, making it sexier
and more up to date.
I am also looking into the 
possibilities of webcasting so
you can hear the music i write
I am also making cameos at
various forums and chats. I use
Yahoo chat quite a bit....
Religion 2 is typical.
Wish i had some new music to
review, but not much out there
except, i think, a new Alpha
Wave Movement. I recently got
"12x12" Thomas Dolby's remix
cd, but that is part of the
Darv nostalgia factor and
i don't know if i'll stick
it in the review section.
anyway, we are back to
the eternal summer in Maui
and i wish you were  here
so we could take a blaster
to the beach and listen to
some chill while baking in
the rays.


Well-ensconced now. Big pay raise,
on salary, customers telling me the
dep't is the best it has ever been.
There aren't any noncommercial radio
stations around here! I've been
considering webcasting, but that will
require acquiring a new computer
system that can handle that kind of
work. On the list right behind a
dozen other little "to-do" items.
Every week, i'm noticing little things
that make living here so much better
than where i was. I'm a regular person
now! I found myself thinking, "If
people in Santa Cruz have the good
experience that i'm having now, no 
wonder they think there is no racism!"
Also noticing how injured i am from
living there. Very reserved with any
kind of friendliness towards women.
And they're being really kind to me.
it's just those old responses from
living in a hostile place for so long.
i'll get over it. can hardly wait till
we get back into full on summer-like
conditions and the tourist pour in
from all over the world.


Just a few days until my b'day!
The "big" 45. Had a good afternoon
with a couple from Santa Cruz Co.,
Lompico, specifically: Kirk & Anna.
They recognized me when i was working
in the store. We met when i was dj'ing
one of the Cozmik Casbah raves at the
Vet's Hall in SC. So, we went to
Ma'alaea and had a wonderful time at
the aquarium. Even saw an octopus!
I'm about to go to Lord of the Rings,
so gotta run! Peace & enjoy yer
holy days, however you may celebrate


Been a while since i entered a
darvscenario here, but i've been
busy reviewing discs over at the review
section, check it out.
Highlight cd: Kip Mazuy "Ocean Euphoric"
probably my vote for best release of
the year.
eternal summer; dreams of Jenna; hard
work and delicious music. gotta love it.
every few weeks, someone from my old
neighborhood in calif cruises through my
Maui store. small world. (well, heck, it
IS Hawaii...)
i am pretty sure the webcasting thing is
shaping up for the near future. it may
take till spring.
anybody know who produces rave parties
on Maui?

I don't get to spend a lot of time 
working on the website these days, so
if you run across a link that doesn't
function, let me know so i can update
that artist's section.
My noisy neighbors got the boot from
property management, so it's all quiet
and peaceful at home. Wonderful! In fact,
i am going to go home and join in the
World Om when i get done here on the
computer. The OM is gonna coincide with
the lunar eclipse today.
Read Jane Roberts' "The Nature of Personal
Reality" recently. Not the whole thing,
actually, but just the Seth channeled
parts. I always avoided the Seth thing for
some reason, but have had this book 
recommended to me several times over the
years, so when i saw it for a dime, i
thot, why not?
still luvin Maui. tropical desert.
it's my thing!

Check out the review section! Always
somethin' new!
Click for Review Section

Entered new reviews


It's a wonderful life.
Everything is coming together beautifully.
Have put in my first Backroads order in 
over a year, so am very stoked to be
jumping back in the Visionary Sound Arts
Kip Mazuy has a new one out, "Ocean
Euphoric," that, while rather expensive
(forty bucks!) promises to be a good
listen. I'll review it shortly (have to
get it first.)
I will also be perusing new efforts by
Toires, Entheogenic, The Saafi Brothers,
Carbon Based Lifeforms, and Professor
Trance with Wolfman, if all goes well.
This latest Backroads package is light
on the Ambient side because my downstairs
neighbors are so LOUD on the hiphop
jukebox (which i pay $1000 a month to
live inside) that, even with headphones,
ambient listening is a major challenge.
I AM interested in the new Deuter, Brannan
Lane's "The Relaxing Effects of Water" and
Sophia's chakra chants new release, but
these will have to wait for the next batch


Am now well situated in Maui. All my
stuff is here, basic training in job is
done. Time to look to the future!
   I am making plans to start broadcasting
"Adventures In Consciousness" over the
internet! This would most likely take the
form of a continuous 2 or 3 hour loop, with
weekly or twice-weekly live broadcasts!
I am still figuring out the logistics on
this, but am definitely working on it, so
check back here every so often for news
on this development. Of course, I will
post it at the top of my main page as soon
as it goes on-line. My plan right now is
to provide enough access for about 50
listeners at any one time. And thanks,
Carl, for the good idea!
   Currently, i am still getting my home
in order, enjoying the tropical desert
with beach, and doing some work on the
text i am writing. Every day there is
something to do.


Where does the time go? Working hard at
this new job. It's taking about ten
hours a day. Of course, i can only claim
eight of those hours for payment.
   Have been excitedly reading "Unified
Spiral Field and Matter" by Vladimir
Ginzburg. it tells the story of the
development of the torodial spiral field
theory from Archimedes through Copernicus,
Galileo, Kepler, Leibniz and others!
fascinating! and i knew that Newton was
rather abrasive and hard to get along with,
but, wow!, what a jerk! and wrong too.
   pretty much working and reading these
days. my stuff is on the way from the
mainland, so i am all the way out of that
horrible Santa Cruz, California, never to
return. thank Goodness!!
   haven't found a community radio station
or anything like that to broadcast my
visionary sound arts from. maybe i'll just
have to make one....i've been thinking about


So, I've been on the Rock for a month...
am plugged back in to the video reality
with a TV and my first-time-ever
cable hook-up. No more jonesing for
news of the outside world. i got
a hundred channels of shit on the
TV to choose from....stopped by the
main used book store on the island,
which is craftily hidden behind the
cane factory (the one spot around here
that passes for Hell) and across from a
decrepit, no longer used church. it's the
"Maui Friends of the Library" bookstore,
where the books cost a dime and are covered
with cane factory soot because the store
is more of a glorified shack.
picked up two books  : 
Jane Robert's "Nature of Personal Reality" 
and a book that i read earlier this year
which has strangely returned to me after i
sold it back to Logos: DeRohan's "The
Unseen Role of Denial." whut th'??
   making more money than i know what to
do with. oh!: i finally broke my Ray Ban
sunglasses and had to get a new pair. that's
news, ain't it? my organic Timor coffee
arrived from the Gourmet Coffee Warehouse
and it was a joy to have my first cup this
morning (my life is coming back together!!)
now it is time to get off this library
terminal and proceed to downtown for a 
little shopping...i need a chair or somethin


Well, today i was gonna go to town
(Kahului) and buy a TV so i'd have
more than a little walkman and library
books to entertain myself, but i had
some kind of allergic reaction to 
something & got the creeping crud
(upper respiratory) so i slept in &
missed my ride.
   am getting my job fairly well down
now. it is rather hectic and sometimes
i worry that not all the food is gonna
make it out to the racks in time. a
little fiasco here & there just to keep
things interesting....
   as some of you might know, i love
Thai food and am always interested in
trying out a new restaurant. fortunately,
there are two here in my town & i'm gonna
try one out tonight. I'm starting to
think that i won't find any great asian
food here (which is odd when you consider
all the asians who live here,) but i am
always hopeful of finding something nice.
i've seen a lot of praise in local media
for the vietnamese restaurant here. i will
sometime make the point of getting there
and testing it out.
   still without stereo, so i've no new
reports in that direction. i've started
reading Elaine Pagel's book "The Origin
Of Satan," which has been on my "to read"
list for years and just happens to be at
my libary.
   i miss having an apt where i can chant
loudly, sing and play music at dance hall
levels. have to be so quiet here dang it.
   looking forward to having a social scene
start up and maybe even getting back on the
radio once all of my stuff gets shipped
here from the mainland.
   still missing j, but what's a bro to do?


It takes a little longer to get a
blurb in here these days, since i have
to walk a couple of miles through the
sweltering south Maui heat to get to
the library, which only gives me half
an hour on the "wiki-wiki"terminal, so
sometimes i have to just do my e-mail
and split. But here i am again (and
rest assured i will continue updates
coz i have to do work on my website at
least once a month to keep it on the
   Well ensconced on the Rock now! I
bought a toaster! this last week. Exciting
huh? I've been so busy learning the new
job and chilling out that running around
in the heat hasn't been high on the list.
   Reread "The Gnostic Jung and the Seven
Sermons to the Dead" by Hoeller, which i
found at the library. Love that little book.
also making another attempt at Blavatsky's
"The Secret Doctrine," which i seem to be
at something of loggerheads with her regarding
some of her interpretations. The library
here doesn't have quite the selection of
what i'm used to and my personal library
is still in storage. 
   Saw Pirates of the Carribean, which i
was ready to dislike, but enjoyed immensely,
even if there was some maudlin sentimentality
and major logical gaps at the end (would the
British REALLY let the pirates skate on a
24 hour head start?)
   Haven't developed a social reality yet,
but the many years of sitting alone in my
room in Santa Cruz have paid off. I am actually
enjoying the solitude and quiet. All i have
is a Sony Walkman and a few tapes. Picked up
a cassette of Marcey Hamm's "Inward Harmony"
for $2 and it has already given me some great
sonic meditations. 
   I've been phoning friends on the mainland
for entertainment, as i have no TV, no cd's
or records and just library books (except my
cherished Thousand Names of Vishnu which i
like to chant and Yogananda's "Metaphysical
Meditations," both of which i brought with
me. And still deriving much enjoyment from
the new Steely Dan. Wish i was on-curve with
the latest in Visionary Sounds, but will get
there soon enough.
   e-mail me at:
   gotta run. ALOHA


Been a little while since my last
entry. I've had a bit of a cold what
from all the stress of travelling and
finding a new situation & whatnot. 
Also, been trying to learn my new job,
which is quite intense, just not enough
minutes in a day to get everything done!
I'm getting Saturdays and Sundays off for
the first time in my life! It's odd to
have a regular workweek....
  Just this moment, got out from seeing 
the bargain matinee of the new Lara Croft 
movie, Cradle Of Life. It's as good as the 
best of the Indiana Jones series, if one 
is in to that sort of thing. 
  It is hot & humid in Maui all the time.
Still acclimating. But it is still socially
so much better than Santa Cruz! Warm air;
Warm Water; Warm people. Women just as
beautiful but friendlier. Glad i'm here.
I'm still getting the living situation
together, so haven't been doing a lot of
going to the beaching and partying. BUT
   It will still be several months before
i have all my possessions here & can get
the computer linkup for internet so that
my vibratory research can be reinstated.
Rest assured that i will soon be updating
you on the cutting edge of visionary sounds.
Until that time, my friends, ALOHA~



So, not only have i arrived in Maui,
but everything just came together in
basically a single 24 hour period!!
The company I mentioned in my previous
communique was very interested in me.
This would have made it necessary for
me to work upcountry in the rainforest,
either living in it or getting a car
to commute to it. Suddenly, a whole new
set of parameters arose and i was offered
a job at a significantly higher pay, with
people i've worked with previously, on the
dry side of the island with my home about
a five minute walk from work and six 
minutes from the beach. My deck has an
amazing view of the beach and two islands --
Kahoolawe and Lanai! While i've only been
here little more than 2 days, i will be
right where i wanted to be with a starting
pay and financial situation similar to Santa
   Who knows? Maybe i'll find some kind of
radio situation and get back into Visionary
programming. Wouldn't that be a kick. With
internet broadcasting so you can hear it too.
If this can come together so quickly, it
isn't that unlikely.
   I'm so grateful to all the people who
supported me and encouraged me during this
last year, letting my process move at its
own pace. I am especially thankful for the
help i received over this last month when i
was starting to balk at the level of uncertainty.
THANKS SO MUCH to my Parents, my brother Victor,
Josh and Sue, and Weston. And a special thanks
to Tim, who has let me stay in his guest room
these last two nights and perhaps 3 nights
more, when i had no frickin idea of where i
was gonna be! And, again, THANKS DIVINE, for
looking after me. Although i was afraid, i
never doubted you!
    Keep checking the Darvlinks to stay
updated on "The Tropical Adventures of Darv."
If i can do it, you can do it!


Life sure has a way of keeping things
interesting. No sooner did I start
trying to make Maui happen, but I got
a wonderful communication from a company
that works in the industry right up my
alley, potentially offering me a slot
that would give me something to work
with on the island. I just might not
land flat-footed! Sweet! Sleeping better
know that something with some shape
has started to form.
   It looks like my jet flight will
be Thurs, maybe Fri. Still hard to
imagine that i'll suddenly be somewhere
else, half an ocean away, after all the
years in this town. Wild, baby, 
absolutely wild.
   Are you ready to start following 
"The Tropical Adventures of Darv"?!?
After such a long wind-up, i would think
so! You probably never saw so many previews
before a movie in your life!


Activating The Dream
   I have taken the initial steps.
Flight path and ground plan are
solidifying. I have been reaching
out to contact potential friends and
desired employers.
   Yesterday, I contacted Raphael,
the archangel who was one of my closest
friends in the Nineties, and asked for
his healing help and assistance.
   "Master," he said to me. "Why do
you not use your powers?"
   I get somewhat uncomfortable whenever
I am referred to as a "Master" or
"Enlightened." This is because I see us
all as being deep, powerful beings who
simply are tuning in to different levels
or ranges of awareness. But, I have realized
that this is the way certain beings communicate.
These are internal dialogues of course, so I
am imputing these words to Raphael because
that is how I set it up.
   "My powers?" I queried. "What powers are
you referring to?"
   "You call on me to provide for you what
you already have in great strength. I am but
your instrument to direct thy Will."
   "My Will...So, it is up to me to create
the circumstances and effects."
   "Through me, you can amplify and 
concentrate certain events, just as with
the other beings who are your friends."
   And so we entered an extended session in
which I focused on concentrating my Will
on specific problems and challenges I am
facing. It was very interesting to observe
how my Will can have direction when I choose
to use it that way.
   I also reflect on how various beings I
have met -- Vishnu, a being I call "Teo,"
and Buddha -- have worked with me on the
subject of Will. It seems I somehow keep
relearning this. I will have to return to
the Tree for more contemplation on this

The Crux Of The Matter
Follow The Dream
Take Financially Prudent Direction
   Millions of years of fending off
predators in the jungles and now
afraid to take a little Journey with
a pocketful of money and stars in one's
eyes. Cool enuf. Crazy Vortex. Bwah!!
    With the lid off....


Feeling like Elliot in "True Romance."
"I don't like this anymore. I wish
someone would just come and take me

Well, perhaps not that bad, but this is
the most uncertain time of my life,

Things seem to be proceeding to a
conclusion, i just wish i knew if i'll
be able to afford it in the endgame.
Last thing one wants is to be in a
situation where there's more $$ going
out than coming in. I miss that security
of my old job, knowing that the money
will be coming. "Don't miss the funky
attitudes and i don't miss the fights,"
however. Miss J.

Reading a great book by Christian De
Quincey titled, "Radical Nature." Great
overview of the debate regarding the
relationship of "matter/mind."


OK. So we now know that we are running
out of time....
Looks like i'll spin the wheel and head
out to the Hawaiian Islands first week
of July. See if i can escape the Santa
Cruz Vortex.
My friend, West, sent me a copy of the
new Steely Dan. You can read my thoughts
on this recording in the Darv Music
Reviews. Thanks, West!
I'm 44&1/2 today. Where does the time go?
Also, an old friend of mine from high
school, who now lives in Seattle, got in
touch with me a few days ago. I've been
trying to find him for years. Cool!
Have to admit that this coming transition
is more scary than exciting for me. 24 years
in Santa Cruz and moving out for parts
unknown. Need less pain and more love, but
we'll go through the changes nonetheless.
   It's really gratifying that the Interface
main page is getting 2-17 hits a day. Love it!


Five days in a tent in the woods.
Peaceful alternating with paranoid.
guess i'm just a city boy....
tonight, i'll have a solid roof over my
head and access to a telephone, so i can
start laying out moving plans.
had my first onslaught of anxiety this
last week. after two decades of pretty
much knowing what comes next, i'm gonna
be, already am, all alone out there.

Wow. Can things just fall apart "like that?"
I've no place to stay after the end of 
the month. Played out the options.
Time to go to the islands?
Sure wish i knew what came next....



O Divine Mother-Father
Birther-Creator of the Cosmos

Let our individual lights harmonize
with the pure vibration of Your One Light.

So that we may radiate peace and higher
awareness to all beings in the 
material realms.

Enable us to love beyond our ideals and to
express compassion for all beings.

Grant us a pleasant day today and provide
us with the nourishment, nurture and
meaningful experiences we each need 
to fulfill our individual purposes
in your Divine Design.

Help us to forgive ourselves for the harm
we have done to others and to forgive others
for the harm that they have done to us.

Give us the insight to see to the heart of
every situation that we find ourselves in,
and the strength to liberate ourselves from our
misinterpretations of the diversity-in-unity,
so that we may be healed of our feelings
of loneliness, shame and guilt.

For You, Divine, are the Root and Source of All Being,
Eternally Recurrent Archetypal Essence,
Perfect, Astonishing, and Profoundly Beautiful.

Truly--Power to these Statements--
May they be the Basis of All of our Aims and Actions.
*Blissings & Blessings to All Beings*


Where does the time go?
It's as wacky as the address.
Read "The Atman Project" by 
Ken Wilber for the third time this
last week. Amazing to still be gleaning
ever deeper insights from this text.
Got a copy of "What Is Beat?"--a
compilation of the best of the
English Beat (this also being part of
the Retro syndrome i'm going through.)
Just wish it had "I'm Your Flag" on it.
This all relates back to the early 80s
when i was the Friday nite New Wave
Dance dj on the UCSC radio station,
KZSC, 88.1fm in Santa Cruz. And, hey,
the cd only cost me five bucks....
I have lost the plot at this point and
am patiently observing what happens to
know what to do next. Am meeting in an
hour with my former best friend of 8
years who i haven't hung out with in
probably three years now. It's a long
story. Anyway, it will prove amusing
in some degree, i'm sure. Just picked
up "The Crown Of Life" by Kirpal Singh
at the library today. I looked into it
because Wilber wrote that Singh described
7 chakras ABOVE the Crown chakra in one
of his writings. Having looked through
what is available in the SC library, i
thought this one had some interesting
stuff on samadhi. But can't find the
extra chakra info anywhere *sigh*.
I think i might go search for it now.
PS: also very inspired by chapter in
Joseph Chilton Pearce's new book, "The
Biology of Transcendence," which describes
the nascent discipline of Neurocardiology.
It would appear that the heart is part
of the neural system and has a significant
field around it which tarnation if it don't
look like a merkabah!


The Beat Goes On...
HOT HOT HOT in SC, enjoying some
lackadaisical daze with the kids
in the sun roaming free through 
forest and wood.
Most of the ducks are lined up now.
Still don't know where i'll end up
or what i'll be doing.
miss doing the radio show and being
up on all the new releases.
going through a retro Psychedelic
Furs phase. Ultravox too.


Just had to jot down a little note
here as a sort of reference. On
5-10, my friend Yoshi and I were on
the Pacific Garden Mall in Santa
Cruz and bumped into JOE MONTANA!!
While i'm not into sports, really,
Montana did give me some wonderful
exhiliration jolts in the past and
it was good to thank him for it in
   I know i keep saying this, but the
time is certainly near when i will be
out of SC for good. Am looking at
airfares, most everything is squared 
away in the locker and i've used up
my options for hanging around.


Recently picked up an arabic
downtempo disc titled,"Arabesque,"
on the Ryko label. I've been
collecting modern music influenced
by Arabic vibes recently and this
one is a great addition. More in
the Reviews section on this.
   Also, House Double Sacrifice has
been getting into the Psychedelic
Furs lately, much to my nostalgic
pleasure. Almost like rediscovering
them all over again.
   Spring cleaning has occurred and
the interior spaces have opened up.
Rethinking the grand strategy. 
   New tune on the groovebox. "Luv
Luv Luv." Rereading "The Feminine
Dimension of the Divine." Found a
vinyl copy of the first Polyrock
album, after all these years, for $1.
   Rested up, eating well, and have
some friendly female company :) Life
is good. What is next?


Enjoying the new Robert Carty cd,
"Tonalities," immensely. Partying
regularly and relaxing as much as
  Have been consolidating the stuff
in my locker in preparation for
Hawaii. I was actually going to split
on 4-18, but it looks like perhaps
another two weeks. At least i'm having
fun with people who like me. 
Definitely detoxing *whew*


The time is rapidly approaching where i
actually will be getting on a jet for the
Hawaiian islands. Probably on the one to
two week range.
   This last week, composed a five minute
song titled, "Tyrant," a pretty hard 
rocker about our favorite dictator and
his adversaries.
   Getting back on the beam after an
interlude of relaxation and general
"jelling." Very grateful for the kindnesses
my friends have shown me and excited to
be arriving at a true leaving from Santa


The computer where i've been staying is
down, so i haven't had regular internet
access. almost a month has past. i 
continue to compose music in a quiet,
country-like setting, far from the
uptight attitudes of Santa Cruz proper.
very relaxing. the walk to the library
to use the county mainframe is about
half an hour, but this morning was warm
with a brisk air.
   i will just have to say that i still
consider myself to be in a convalescing
mode. the pain in my neck has finally
alleviated (!) so it is really about my
head finally "resuturing."
   going to the Islands is still my plan,
but i will not be seeking work until my
body has completely restored itself. when
i left that work situation, i had
hoped to be back in form in a few months.
now, here i am, completing the eight month
out. rather expensive, this, but i need it.
   miss my radio show now, but have to 
move forward. my heart still mourns
Santa Cruz, but i hope this will
heal in time, especially when i finally
make the Big Move.
   haven't bought a cd in two months!


Quite some time since my last entry. Have
been enjoying a long period of respite.
Composed two new DarvTunes in the process.
Still sashaying on the shillyshallies in
the Western Vortex. Rested up, still
unwinding. Adding new entries to the
DarvLinks all the time. my email is
getting overwhelmed by spam. WMAP results
have been most exciting.
WMAP Results


Last 3 days have been constructing a cover
of Stones' "Beast Of Burden." Lots of fun
with that. Good tune... Have been indulging
in further free-floating hedonism...Nice...
nice temporary set up (thanks & a tip of the
proverbial hat to Yoshi for making the space)
still right across the street from UCSC....
*sheesh*....kinda took some time off from
the suite. maxed out. this next week, then...

Haven't seen any texts or discs to collect
lately. I've had a hankering for the Police
"Ghost In The Machine" recording, which is
probably my fave album by them, even if it
doesn't have my favorite songs on it. I like
the production values -- kinda dark reggae
ska mix compared to other, more high gloss
recordings they did....rambling now....
say, does anybody know how to mesh the two
halves of your head back together?


Just added Ambient Temple Of Imagination to
the "Technoambient" section. Also: link to
Center For Neuroacoustic Research articles
added to Darvlinks-Sonics section.
   The suite is mostly finished except for
final mixdown, conversion to Wav and then
burn to cd. Not bad for 3 weeks puttering
   January winds to an end and it is almost
time to make the big move. Tum ti tum...


Just added WTC video clips to the Conspiracies
section of Darvlinks....still at double mem
for the is proceeding moderately
well on the Suite; learning some new sound
tricks to journey the boundaries smoothly.
the house just got fitted for dsl and the
phone is working again, so  i'll be out there
more. mostly in hermitage composing....


Haven't had internet access for a while, so
just catching you up now...I am storing my
body in an undisclosed location near UCSC.
Have spent the last week composing what will
be my *first* Visionary Sound Arts SUITE!
Tentatively titled, "Pathways To Ecstacy,"
it is a seven-piece journey up the chakras
on a graduated vibrational acceleration
towards the "samadhi pulse rate" of 12hz.
Each piece attempts to convey some aspects
of each chakra that i have experienced during
my journeys on the inner planes. The idea is
to allure the listener into successively
higher vibrational states which lead to a
white light ecstacy (with a long bath in the
ocean of bliss subsequently.) I have been
composing on the MC505, which i am still
learning to use. If i'm lucky, will burn to
cd this week and have copies available for
close associates.
     This last week has been an intensive
sonic hermitage, although i'm at a house 
where a gazillion people are wandering through
all day! It's been interesting to open the
door and have all this activity taking place.
So different from living downtown where there
are lots of people but a social vacuum.
     The earthing of "Pathways To Ecstacy" 
will be my penultimate event before
moving forward toward the tropical landscapes
of my future. ALOHA!


Just returned to Santa Cruz after several days
at KKUP, doing the NewAge/Visionary Marathon.
We met our goal of $6000 raised for the station!
Now that that is over, i have no future plans.
Anybody out there have an extra corner to store
a visionary dj? i'd love to be a "kept man."
anyway, it looks like the decision possibilities
are narrowing down to going to Hawaii with
no effort on my part, so barring sudden
fortuosities, i'll probably head out there soon.


Just published an account of my near-death-like
experience here on the website. Check it out:
Darv's NDE


Just spent a week at Cindy's Paradise in
Campbell, then my bday & xmax at my sis's in
San Juan Batista. Is this turning into musical
    played enough "Grand Theft Auto" to know
that it is addictive and probably makes ya want
to run people over, in your car, in your spare time.
also, saw Lord of the Rings "Two Towers" and Star
Trek "Nemesis." part of the holiday festivities.
saw Lord of the Rings on dvd, "Fellowship of the
Ring" about 3 times. and animated 1977, "The 
Hobbit" movie twice. so: megadosing on video.
   "Two Towers" is a great view, by the way. looking
forward to seeing it again. Did you know that
"The Lord Of The Rings" is the second most-read
book of the 20th Century (right after the Bible,)
according to a commentator in the dvd appendices,
at least. You CAN have hope when all seems lost.
the creative work on Gollum(Smeagol) blurs the
line between animation and live action. amazing.
when i saw the 1st movie earlier this year, i was
somewhat bummed. they should have released it as
it is in the dvd version, with the extended scenes
and the deleted scenes. much happier with the dvd
version. perhaps the new movie is more complete, but
there is also more action and the depiction is
stunning to say the least. this trilogy, if the 3rd
is of same level (which i assume it will be because
they recorded it all as one project,) will easily
surpass Star Wars not only for conveyance of Vision,
but also philosophically. Frodo versus Sauron is
a more satisfying nemesis, for me, than Luke Skywalker
versus Darth Vader. Perhaps it is that Frodo is truly
noble and Luke is,well, a handful. You know what Luke
would do with the One Ring....
     Really noticing how frazzled i was from sitting
so many years in the Cauldron of the Before Times.
i thought 3 months was going to be the outer time
frame of my Convalesence, but i am almost at the 5
month mark and am still unwinding. every day, i have
certainty that i am healing and moving towards Health.
the Recovery Time is occurring and i am improving.
     scheduled for the NewAge/Visionary Marathon on
KKUP Wednesday, January 1 from Noon to Six PM, with
Eric Mystic and various guests. so, we'll have a few
little surprizes and sonic tidbits available for you
Going to get my passport photos done this afternoon. 
*Thailand* the two stream dream becoming clear: Tropics
or The Sonical Adventure. I should like both, so this
may require an extended agenda. You only go around
once in life, so grab all the gusto you can. (Is that an
old beer commercial? sheesh, Darv!)
    i know my process is taking a long time, but be
patient with me. "I know half of you half as
well as i should like, and i like less than half of
you half as well as you deserve." *ha*
     don't worry; be happy


Still in Santa Cruz. Staying at Shaw's who is
an old friend, yoga-beatnik from way back. I've
been running out of lounge options and may have
to go over the hill to the San Jose region in
order to hang out. 
    Picked up the new Patrick Bernard cd,
"Love Divine," but have only heard it once, so
i'm not ready to write a review of it yet, but
i can say that it sounds pretty much like any
of his aquarian-style discs, this one being pretty
focussed on Krishna....i'll have to try it out
under pristine conditions. Also: the "Mandala
Oracle" by Heita Copony is now out -- a card
deck of 37 exquisite mandalas that capture the
divine energies perhaps better than any other
visual images that i own. You can find some
examples in my "Mandala" section in the Darvlinks.
    also: if you have Winamp and can stream music
from the net, check out the "Internet Radio"
section i just added to the Darvlinks.
Darvlinks click here
    check out this cool article on "Generating
Generating Happiness
    New entry in "Cutting Edge Science" section
of the Darvlinks: finally found a link to the
work of Vladimir Ginzburg, a Russian scientist
who has done some fascinating work on the spiral
toroid theory of the atom.
    Also, am currently reading "The Unseen Role
of Denial" by Ceanne deRohan, which was
recommended to me by a friend. It's a fascinating
mythos of the beginnings of consciousness. Lots
of cosmic sex in it too.
Some excerpts
    Being in town has given me some opportunities
to see Jenna again. I told her that i love her
when i first got back to town. What i would like
to tell her before i go is that the only place
that i have felt "Home" in the last 10 years is
in her arms. But whatever....i'll probably be
out of Santa Cruz again in a few days. possible
never see her again...*sigh*....
    Where Is "Home?"
    It's been great seeing so many friends! I
feel like i really have said "goodbye" now. Have
started the process of getting a passport so that
the Thailand possibility can get on line. Sure
wish i could reach a decision about which way to
go. 3 months in Thailand and then to Hawaii sure
sounds good, but getting a sound system and touring
Northern Calif sounds great too. what do you think?
drop me a line at


I was thinking of being around the Santa Cruz
area until new year's, but i may have to move
on sooner than that. Don't want to wear out
my welcome, which does seem to be wearing
after a week....It's been great being up in
the pine and redwood forest. Should have gone
on a hike to the moon rocks. My back and
neck are doing fine now, but i'm a little
disappointed that, nearly 5 months after
getting out from under the intense physical
labor at work, my crainial situation is not
resolving, but throwing new wrinkles in like
"benign positional vertigo" (which means
everything starts spinning when my head is in
a certain position.) my plan had been to be
all healed up by this time, since i have to
make some decisions about what i'll be doing
these next weeks. i did get a chance this 
past week to have some truly delightful 
interactions with the people in this area that
mean the most to me. it's almost over though,
time to fly out to the islands. i guess i've
been pushing it into the future because it is
a big, expensive question mark. but...can't
couch surf my whole life (leave that up to the
    by the way, there's new stuff in the 
"cutting edge science" section of the darvlinks.
and new UFO stuff too! the WTC UFO video clip
is far out -- and "probably" hoaxed. but fun.


Stuck in Bonny Doon for the day with a DSL
internet computer! Have added a "Mandalas"
section to the Darvlinks which i think is
pretty far out. Also, just discovered that
the mandalas of Heita Copony are available
again in a laminated 37-card deck. Her
classic book, "The Mystery of Mandalas" has
been out of print for some time (although
Amazon says they have it for $51.)
click here for Mandala Oracle info
Have been communing with old friends & my
brother, Vic. 


Back in the Santa Cruz area for some final
adjustments before winging away into the
future. Up in Bonny Doon. Looking forward
to hanging out with a few friends and
then, when the weather gets wet, off to
Hawaii!! If i'm here long enough, i'll
participate in the KKUP visionary-newage
marathon, but i've yet to figure out 
exactly what the timelines are, so check
future updates for more on that.
Went with my brothers and niece to see
Wes Craven's new flick, "They." (Yeah, i
know, horror movies are demonic...) If you
like nightmare slime creatures from the
abyss that creep in shadows, then "They" is
right up your alley. There's really not 
much of a story: slime monsters come back
for the people who, as children, they
marked. good doesn't stand a chance against
evil in this one. i found myself peering in
to suspicious shadowy areas around the
house i was staying at that night....
no new music to tell you about. my youngest
brother burned some cd stuff for me like
Best of Police, Brand X "Livestock," Best
of Berlin, Steely Dan "Katy Lied," and a
strange hip-hop collection featuring
Tupac's "California Love," a song i've liked
and idly wished i had a copy of but didn't
want to buy the whole disc. "How Do You Want
It" was the song he played as we drove to
mom's for the last time *ha* 
hey, drop me a line at


Howdy folks! It�s been difficult to get
Some net time so I can keep the updates
Coming at ya. Seems like I�ve been on a
Different course from the local computers.
However, things are going well. I�ve been
In the UnderRoom for some time now, healing
Up. My back pain is gone and the head pain is
Slowly resolving itself. I remember years ago,
A woman friend of mine who got out of the
Produce game told me that it was amazing coz
After only two or three months, your body just
Opens up and the pain slides away. Just slides
Away, goin� down that stoking offramp. I�ve
Been out of the game 4 months now and am 
Just getting into a shape where I stand a chance
Of not being in constant pain. Here�s hoping!
   It�s been fabulously HOT down here & I�m a
Bit nostalgic for the desert. Like, Sedona would
Be good. It�s been terrific just being a short
Distance from the beach. Been chanting the
Thousand names of Vishnu almost every day.
Writing some memoirs. A whole new wave of
Sacred geometry is starting to emerge in my
Journals. Keep missing Jenna, but I guess I�ll
Just go through it until I forget her�.
   The current plan is to spend Thxsgvng in
Atascadero, then back up to Santa Crud to make
Final adjustments for HAWAII. Until then, lazing
Around the los angeles beaches will do. Peace.
   Here's a good bumpersticker West just made up:


Incommunicado as of late.
Have begun writing new text, my 1st
novel in @20 years. About a young
adult who gets involved with
angelic magic & plant sacraments.
Somewhat alchemical. This lead me
to a new glyph and restatement of
the DarvParadigm, Deep Orientation.
You wouldn't believe what my head
looks like inside! *whew*
The days are flowing into each other
as my healing continues. The back 
pain is gone (hey! that only took
4 months.) The cranial pain is still
severe, but recent shifts have been
promising....i never really knew the
joys of the microwave oven, but have
had some interesting encounters with
one lately. back in the day, frozen
food was *ugh* *irk!* now, it's not
half that i'm out of the
DarvLab, my writing abilities have been
reblossoming. interesting to observe....
still constantly missing that young
woman i so loved for so long. but gotta
face the facts....i am the ipso facto
sui generis non pareil, a farce only
a mother would love, more fool me....
and, so, lonely bachelor out from under
the thumb of the wicked old witch.
oh, and by the way, Santa Cruz sucks....
the rains have begun. letting the events
shape themselves. soon, i will have to 
move on to more tropical climes....
as for the political climate, i guess
we will just have to have the gov't we
didn't vote for. go to Hawaii, give USA
one last try, then....ptui....
wait'll you see the bats....


The last ten days have been a pure
testament to the state-of-the-art in
bachelor living. *chuckle* We've
completely squandered all available
time in the continuous ritual use of
legal mind-bending accoutrements.
To wit: salvia divinorum is going to
be illegal in a couple of months, so
you better stock up while you can 
still obtain it legally. Check the
"plant sacraments" section of the
Darvlinks as regards this development.
     For those of you not familiar
with Lady Salvia, if you want the
bottom to fall out so you can slide
down the rabbit hole to the fishbowl
side of things getting stretched out
like googly taffy in the 2D running
paint light show, then this could be
for you. It's legal (for now.) Very
relaxing. Not necessarily beautiful,
but *mutated*
On the other hand, and it's always the
other hand that gets in trouble. We've
been in fine position to observe many
beautiful women at the Coffee Bean Cafe
in Manhattan Mall and at Thai Rama. No
notes of outrage to comment upon yet,
will let you know when a woman from SC
finally arrives here and flies off the
handle *heh*
     Uh....there is a new Patrick Bernard
release out there, called "Love Divine,"
which i will check out post haste. At
least 2 new Al Gromer Khan discs too.
PB is one of those musics that should be
listened to psychedelically in order to
appreciate its full value.
     Anyway, still in the Underroom at
Wejping's. Full throttled unmarried
middle aged men reverting to teenage
wildlife. Courageous or pathetic? 
You be the judge.
     At any rate, i'll probably be
sashaying through SC in the next few
weeks before running away to Hawaii to
seek my Fortune or meet my Fate.
Till then- eudecide.    


"So, what is Darv up to?" "So, what is
Darv doing?" "Is Darv going back to
     i've only been off the ratrace
treadmill 3 months! i might take another
13 off! *hooeee!* let's face reality:
     i enjoy wasting time listening to
music and sitting in cafe-life watching
all the blonde surfer gals and elegant
asian beauties stroll by. invisibility
has its rewards. no one to be, no thing
to do. now true, this is low-budget 
bachelor-style living. heck if it was
a trailer, i'd be trash. but better
happy trash, than living amongst the
'just better' empire.
    the initial foray is reaching its
vector collapse. the rains are coming
and soon Darv will have to adjourn to
sunnier climes. the plan will come...
     having now inventoried the condition
of the various 'committed' relationships
amongst my extended family, living like
a low life bachelor in cutoffs and a
duct taped cot seems like paradise.
    i wanna get one of those jobs where
i get paid a lot of money to do virtually
nothing. something like, uh, "personnel
director" or "beta tester" or "music
critic." yeah....that's it....
    but until then, we're gonna kick
back and drink one more Outhouse.....
(*that's an inside joke*)


Saw the Moms off to Africa from LAX 
yesterday. The LA thing appears to be
winding down. Soon will be on the road
again back to SC and probly up into
Bay Area before winging away to Hawaii.
Opened new designer website, currently
titled, "Ambient Music," which is
in its infancy at
it is mainly an attempt to start getting
attention on the search engines when 
people ask for ambient music. 
....anyway.... i finally found
a young woman i've been looking for for
15 years. she's at a halfway house in SF
with an infant. will talk to her soon!
also, i'm starting a new reviews page
so you will be able to find out what i'm
listening to at the moment. check it out


Various goings on in LA. Shuttling back &
forth between El Porto UnderRoom and the
Momfolks, Manhattan Beach. Things are
winding down & i have to start making
decisions for the upcoming months. I have
4 major options: (a) run away to Thailand
for a few months. this has the benefit of
inexpensive dental & body work. my body is
still recovering from 17 years of hard
labor. also, of course, Thailand is a
friendly place & could help me heal socially; 
(b) head straight out to Hawaii
and begin developing my new way-of-life.
the longer i go casual, the fewer resources
i possess for the major transition;
(c) acquire the DreamSystem and begin 
developing my bay area & northern calif
connections for ambient rooms at raves;
(d)pick an area in Calif & look for work
in organic produce, as i was doing.
each of these options has an appeal & a 
downside. i'll probably go for the more
hedonistic one and spend some time in
Thailand....let's see....speaking of Thai:
very pleasant couple of interactions with
a young Thai woman whose American name is
"Tina." West thinks she likes me. I feel
like i just got out of prison, that is,
"House Arrest," (Santa Cruz,) and am just
returning to the World. It's been great to
meet some women who find me attractive and
not be working AT ALL! (not to mention, not
working in a hostile workplace.) My back
pain is gone, the neck&head pain greatly
lessened. I'm becoming a real person again,
as compared to the hellish SC travesty of
of life. Still in love with that woman up
there. i'd melt if she was suddenly near me.
but it is great to have some positive
attention. it is really hard not seeing her
or being near her at all....


I know i've been making weekly updates, but
throwing this one on spur of the moment.
Still in MB, shuttling between lodgings.
The next few days will be hot, so i hope to
get some beach time in because the days are
running short and i will have to begin the
job search soon...there's really nothing
cooking so i'll have to make something up.
vacillating between going to Hawaii and
cruising around, looking for work, taking
more time off and going to Thailand for
some in-depth bodywork and dental work, or
acquiring the Dream System and looking for
deejay work....hmmm....


Time seems to be passing more quickly now.
It's the SURF PUNX! Tequila, ultravideos,
sun'n'sand, and every person is a
BEAUTIFUL person. LA, LA, LA. Lady Salvia,
Salton Sea, Hawk and *hey!* the new Peter
Gabriel, "Up," is bloody fantastic! A
dark vision, but about facing one's fears,
working for a better future when the one
on the horizon isn't looking too groovy.
Reposado, Kona Fire Rock, Ultimate Rama.
Could it be that there has been this latent
surfer within the Darvparadigm this whole
time? Lazing around four blocks from the
beach, audiophile systems, stated grades
of green, the de rigeur beach babe, 
"Bridget," next door, zipless jazzfunk.
My childhood friend's dad had to go to
the hospital - congestive heart failure.
So Hollywood on hold. Holed up in Manhattan.
Holocaust survivor this morning & then
lunch with the bro who ripped his toe.
What Dreams May Come.....tonight. Jenna.


In Hermosa Beach down in LA!
At my bro's house about 2 blocks from the
beach in my home town. Everything's the
same, but different. Built up, but stripped
down. Staying with the momfolks in Manhattan,
then surfpunking the Strand. hot weather,
the unending proscession of tanned bodies
in bikinis, scarfing the traditional meals
at GoodStuff & Souplantation. "Whatever."
Going to group meditations with my brother
& then playing music. "It's a humid flippin'
day," as my bro just said.//Still got this
cough from six weeks ago...what's up w/dis?
*hack!* *hack!*//This brings back memories
from a quarter century ago. Makes me misty.
But i couldn't have enjoyed Hermosa any
better than S.C. Ultimately, i must press
on....but for now it's a good place to 
visit. wouldn't it be cool if i ran into
an old high school flame? *ha*


Last night in Atascadero. Tomorrow morning,
will go to my hometown, Hermosa Beach in
LA to hang out with my momfolks. But tonight,
one last hot tub under that waxing gibbous
moon! Looks like i missed the potential
connect in Maui, but i am open to 
possibility now, so we shall see, my precious.
Oh yes, we shall see...
Saw the latest Robin Williams movie, "One
Hour Photo," yesterday. Now there's a movie
that knows something about loneliness! Of
course, Sy Parrish cracked, poor chap. I
related to the guy in some ways, tho. I know
what it's like to be outside looking in. 
Sometimes that fantasy of being a part of
the life of people who barely know that 
you're alive is ALL YOU'VE GOT. You know you've
gone too far when you find yourself stalking
them, however. Waving a knife around is simply
out of the question. Unless you've gone bonkers.
Learned a new phrase in Chinese: "Shen
Jing Bing!" it means: "that's crazy!"
Don't worry, i won't go bonkers. one is never 
alone with the Divine. and visiting family.
sure hope i heal from angry feminist land...
realizing this week just how much damage
was done....i mean: i can relate to Sy
Parrish?!? so glad i'm out of Santa Cruz...
there's always hope!


Now in the high desert of the central coast
of california, visiting my father. It is
quiet up here! 8 acres of scrub canyon &
a hot tub. Out of range of KKUP for the
first time. No "Neptune Currents" this
morning (alas!) Neck and head starting to
relax. Perhaps in a month i'll be opened
up! Quite a thing to look forward to after
so many painful years. Finished second
reading of "The Mystical Mind" by D'Aquili.
Continuing to write my 5th book. New Peter
Gabriel due out on 24th! Hoohah! They have
farmer's markets every day of the week 
around here. I've been helping my dad
finish the plum harvest and pruning the
trees back for winter. Looks like the coons
or possums took the last of the apples.
Today we play croquet! Y'know, there just
might be something to this retirement


I've spent the last two weeks getting out
of Santa Cruz itself. Sometime i'll write
my memoirs! It was so classic! People who
are supposed to be your friends take your
money and then attack. I was so hurt that
i was ill for a week. Meanies. $1705 gone.
Shows ya who your friends are, however.
This last week has been better. With my
sister in San Juan Batista, helping her
with the little ones. More love in my life
this last week than in the entire previous
year. It's like finally breaking out of
the Twilight Zone and coming back Home.
And a tip of the hat to my brother, Victor
Revere! A saving angel in the midst of
adversity. Hope i can return the favors!
Bless you, my Brother!


A full month now since my last work shift.
Body limbering up; less muscle bound. New
somatic shifts into more pleasant condition.
I could live with this. Looking forward to
how relaxed i'll be in a month...or two!
It's worth it, leaving the job & home.
Darv Krizton: on the hoof. It's also good
to experience that i DO have friends who will
support me when i need it. About to commence
the journey to see the folks. And then....
Hawaii? Let's not get ahead of ourselves....


Numerous requests for a copy of a reading i
did on my two last shows have motivated me to
include it here in the darvinfo updates. During
a time in my life of intense spiritual activity,
there was one week where i was performing
automatic writing. This occurred about three
times during that week, and the following was
written in a local Santa Cruz cafe as the final

It is quite simple. Let the feeling loose to
flow about you as it will. Sickness comes from
not doing so, from holding back. You must strive
to keep the energy flowing from within you out
into the world. Becoming part of the flow. 
Let the changes happen. There is nothing for
you to be afraid of: your own attachments are
the only shadows that there are to fight.
If you simply allow reality to form as it will
around you, you simply reside in a centered
interior space of tranquility and positive
quiet expectation and all things will form to
your highest good. You are a very talented,
special individual who has a great capacity
to manifest anything into your life that is
desired. You must cultivate the ability to
aspire without wanting. It is the obsessive
wanting which is defeating.
    By simply being here-and-now, residing in
the tantra, the alchemy of your life on an
unfolding basis, you can create any positive
change in your life that you desire, but you
must decide to do so. You can tell yourself
the same sad stories about how horrible life
was and still be making it so, but that will
never replace good, clean, positive
transformation in the here-and-now.


All moved out of the apt where i lived for 16
years! Still in the area for another month or
so & then the whirlwind search for new situa-
tions begins. This is an exciting, and perhaps
a bit scary, time. Being out of my usual
environment is providing me with new insights
into my own being. It is good to experience
how flexible and friendly i actually am; how
easy it is for me to move into new realities
and connect with new people. I'm also realizing
how detrimental Santa Cruz was for me; how
hurt i am from all the feminist attacks. I hope
to be able to heal my physical pain from the
heavy lifting in refrigeration job i was doing
and the soul pain from the intense anti-colored,
anti-male hate that exists in Santa Cruz in a
relatively short time. it will be nice to have
my sexuality back! i've already made some good
changes that i hope will provide as much
benefit for the people i've encountered as they
are giving me.

I'm beginning this area of the site because i
am going through some major transformations and
there may be some few of you out there who want
to know what the scoop's the deal:
   I've been forced to move out of my rental 
unit of 16 years. Since i haven't enjoyed living
in Santa Cruz these 23 years & haven't enjoyed
my job of 13 years & have been single for the
last 7 years, it makes sense to move on to
another place to live where i might be happy.
   Unfortunately, this means leaving a lot of
stuff behind me & the radio show is one of them
"Adventures" has been the highlight of my week
for the last 5 years. If i could take the gig
with me, i would, but i can't & i'm not going
to stay here. so, there ya go.
   I must say here that, frankly, i don't see
where Santa Cruz gets this reputation as this
cool, open, enlightened place. My words regarding
the general populace would be along the lines
of Cruel, Aloof, Condescending. Especially the
   Anyway, i have precious little idea of my
next moves. I think i may find myself in the
state of Hawaii shortly. I seem to fit in better
there. There are also possiblities of doing some
rave deejay work, taking VSA to the entheogenic
masses. we'll see....
   today is my first day of not having a regular
job. i'll do Cosmik Casbah tonight & finish up
packing....stay tuned...

See You In The Dreamtime!

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