A Kitten

He’s nothing much but fur
And two round eyes of blue,
He has a giant purr
And a midget mew.

He darts and pats the air,
He starts and cocks his ear,
When there is nothing there
For him to see and hear.

He runs around in rings,
But why we cannot tell;
With sideways leaps he springs
At things invisible –

Then half-way through a leap
His startled eyeballs close,
And he drops off to sleep
With one paw on his nose.

Author Unknown

Oscar's Photos

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Stay tuned there will be more pics as I get them

  1. I am the Lord of thy house.
  2. Thou shall have no other pets before me.
  3. Thou shalt not ever ignore me.
  4. I shall ignore thou when I feel like it.
  5. Thou shalt be grateful that I even give thou the time of day.
  6. Remember my food dish and keep it full.
  7. Thou shalt spend most of thy money on toys and gifts for me.
  8. Thou shalt always have thy lap ready for me to curl up in.
  9. Thou shalt shower me with love and attention upon demand.
  10. Above all, thou shalt do anything and everything it takes to keep me happy.