[yes, I love soccer]


Me and Daisy (June 7, 2003)

"we should be dancing?"

Daisy's debut (July 2002) - Me (Big sister "Ate") ,our baby "bunso" and mom

@ Daisy's Debut! (July 2002) - Michelle, Dianne, Me, Leizel

Big Bro "Kuya" and the family, Ate Gretchen and little Mia

Back in Angono - Ate Brenda, JB, Joylee, Louie, Tito Irog

left to right:
1.My cousin Rachel looking cute for the camera.
Infanta, Quezon (April 2000)
2.My god-son Jasper enjoying the calm of the waters.
Row boating in Ngayon Pilipino in Manila (April 2000)
3.My Cousin J.B. on his Grad! (2002)

My god-daughter Krista Leigh on her first birthday! (2002)

U of M Convocation (May 2003)- Congratulations Michelle!

Me, Michelle, Daisy, Venus