Between the ages of 8 and 16 weeks of age your puppy is ready to learn simple things like where to do his business, sit for food, come when called, stay, and leave things alone.  You could teach your puppy a special word, (one only he knows) and say that word before you give him any food.  It will help teach him not to take food from strangers, and eliminate the risk of him being poisoned or stolen.

Your puppy is ready for regular obedience classes at
6 months, and besides the lessons of heeling, and sitting etc. he will learn about other dogs and that you are the Leader of his pack.  This is an ideal way to get answers to the behavioural questions you will have, and for you to meet other dog lovers in your area.

DO NOT take your puppy out visiting etc. until he has had his last vaccination from his vet, usually about 12 weeks.  Your puppy can pick all sorts of infections and diseases and could even die if you do not do this.

For obedience training to proceed smoothly your puppy must consider you his PACK LEADER.  This means YOU are the boss. But do remember that a Pack Leader has to deserve his position.  Do not use fear, punishment or brute force to achieve and maintain your position, instead use calm consistancy.  Don't get mad at your puppy if he has done wrong, as puppys and dogs don't understand fury, and it just makes them more excitable.

Training is extremely important during adolescence, your puppy will test and/or challange your position as Pack Leader.  Do not neglect to correct his behaviour.  You don't need to be too hard, just make it clear you will not tolerate his bad behaviour.  For example, don't let your puppy jump out of a car until You have given him permission to do so.  Don't let him jump up for food in your hand, or push past you when you are going through a door.  If you train him right from the start and be consistant, and don't let him ignore the commands that he knows he will be a pleasure to be around.