// Welcome //

Welcome to the Official Daa! Daa! Daa! fanlisting dedicated to the anime series which is approved by the Anime Fanlistings and thefanlistings.org

A fanlisting is a place for all fans of a particular show, movie, actor, actress, singer, etc. to come together and build the biggest listing of people from all around the world who are fans of that subject.

- April

  • Since: July 28, 2004
  • Member Count: 170 members
  • Last Updated: March 31, 2006
    UP FOR ADOPTION: After handling this fanlisting for almost 2 years, I decided that I don't want to handle this anymore. So for anyone interested in adopting this fanlisting, just email me. Here are the rules in adopting this fanlisting:

    1. You should have basic HTML knowledge and web designing skills.
    2. Please do credit me as the previous owner.
    3. Keep the member list and codes upon adoption.

    Thanks guys for supporting this fanlisting!

    Listed/Part Of:

    Anime Fanlistings Directory // Fanime // Listed @ Pinoy Listings

    Strawberry Mint Ruu Official Fanlisting Kanata x Miyu Official Fanlisting

    Interested to be an affiliate? email me. Only Daa! Daa! Daa! sites are accepted.