got any more ideas let me know


Also known as bucket bongs, beach bongs, and depth charges, this is essentially a device that uses gravity and air pressure to draw the smoke into a large chamber and then expel it quickly into the lungs. This gives much larger hits than most instruments, and it is possible to get quite fried quickly with a relatively small amount of weed. The most popular method is to take a 2-litre and a 3-litre bottle. Cut the top off the 3-litre at the point where it starts to curve into the neck, and the bottom off the 2-litre. Attach a bowl to the top of the 2-litre (or, preferably, attach one to the lid so it can be taken off). Fill the 3-litre up with water. Place the 2-litre into the 3-litre and attach the filled bowl to the top. Then light the bud as you slowly draw the 2-litre up. This will create a vacumn in the 2-litre bottle and suck the smoke down into the chamber. Once you get near the top, quickly remove the bowl, expel all the air out of your lungs, put your lips over the top of the bottle and push it back down quickly. This will force all the smoke into your lungs quickly.

You can experiment a little bit with this design, using different sized containers and such, but the model above works as well as any other I've tried. It's easy to use it in a kitchen sink filled with water as well. Another popular method is to just put a small hole in the lid instead of a bowl and placing a lit joint in the hole. Draw the bottle up, and it's possible to get an entire joint into the bottle to be taken in your lungs at once.



Simple Bong

This is a simple design, but the most efficient bong I've found. Take a 1-litre plastic bottle and put two holes in it, one about halfway down the bottle and the other on the opposite side about an inch up from the bottom. Take a pipe & bowl (toilet tube is perfect, once again) and insert it in the lower hole. Hold the pipe up at about a 60 degree angle so that the bottom of the pipe is almost at the bottom of the bottle and the bowl is sticking up as much as possible, and seal/glue it in place (I use hot glue for this one and change the bottle about every month, scraping out the old one for resin, keeping the toilet tube). Fill the bottle up with water to about halfway between the two holes. You hold the bottle straight up so that the bowl is pointing up and away from you. The hole halfway up on the back is your carb, and suck from the mouthpiece of the bottle. You can also make it out of smaller bottles for more portability, or link two or more bottles together, or use bigger bottles for a larger chamber... experiment.

Fruit Bong

(Idea from

get a decent sized fruit like canolope or honey du melon and cut a cylider shaped hole in the top and squeeze some of the juices in there. punch a hole with a screwdriver in at like a 60 or so degree angle, make a tube with a bowl at the end. use it as if is where a bong. if the fruit is cold is goes down smooth, but you can only use it like 1 time or 1 day.


Coke Can Pipe

(Idea from

get an empty coke can and flatten 1 side. next poke small holes on the flattened side with a knife or any other sharp pointed object stick your weed over the holes and spark up


PVC Bong

Take a piece of pvc piping aproximently 2.5 ft long.(it is your own preference for the width) Now take and put an end cap on one of the ends. Simply heat a screwdriver end and poke a hole through the tube, about 5 in from the base of the unit. Now, take a hose from a fish tank air pump and insert it through the hole. Make the hose about 8 in long. Seal it with calk. Take a Bic pen cap and insert it in the opposite end of the hose. This is where your dope will go. Now fill the bong with water about 1/4 of the way up, stuff the cap, and lighter up.


Foil Pipe

If you like smoking weed out of a pipe but dont feel like spending $25 and up on getting a pipe, heres a real easy way to make a cheap,efficient pipe.


1.Tin foil (preferably the heavy duty kind but it doesnt really matter)

2. Something to use to wrap the tin foil around when making the bowl and the stem (a big pencil and the inside part of a bic pen work fine)

3. Something to make holes with (a sharp knife will work fine as long as your careful and dont cut yourself)

4. Glue (a glue gun works fine)


1. Take whatever your using to shape the inside of the stem and break off a piece of tin foil.

Note: The amount of tin foil you pull is going to be the length of your stem

EX. If you pull the tin foil out 5 inches, your stem will be around 5 inches.

2. Wrap the tin foil around the object your using. Make sure that you get it as tight as you can without ripping the tin foil. To make the pipe sturdier, add more tin foil of about the same length.


3. Take the object that you are going to be using to help shape your bowl. The thicker the object, the bigger the inside of the bowl will be and visa versa. Take a piece of tin foil and shape it around the object. Keep doing this until you have a fairly good foundation

4. Make sure you push the top part of the bowl down a little so no parts of tin foil are sticking out.

5. Cut some squares of tin foil out (the size depends on how big the bowl is). You will be using these for a screen, so the more you have the thicker the screen. Push the tin foil in to the bowl so they are deep enough to put your weed into the bowl, but not too deep that you cant put the stem below it. I like to put my screen a little past half way down. Push the outer edges of the screen against the outer part of the bowl.

6. Cover the bowl again with some more tin foil to cover the edges of the screen and to make it sturdier. Add as much as you would like again (the more you add, the sturdier it will be).

7. This step is optional, but I strongly suggest you do it. Cover the whole bowl with a sheet of tin foil. Then find where the bowl is and cut a hole and push the small parts of the tin foil that hang over the bowl inside of it. By doing this step, it makes the bowl look nicer and it makes sure there is no loose things that could come undone.

8. Using your "drill-like" tool, put a small hole in the middle of your screen. It needs to be small enough that things cant get through there, but big enough that you can draw air through it. Next, drill a hole near the bottom of the pipe so you can put the stem in there. This is why you left a thin layer at the end of the pipe (so it will fit into the bowl). Make sure you dont drill the whole too big that air can escape and not too small that it will close the stems hole and you wont be able to draw any smoke.

9. Once you've placed the stem into the hole in the bowl, place a sealant (glue, preferably a glue gun) where the two meet. This will keep air from escaping from any space near the hole. After that dries take a hit as if something was in there to make sure no air is escaping from anywhere else. There may be some bits of tin foil that get in your mouth when you do so, but after doing that a couple of times it wont be a problem.

10. Get some weed (or tobacco), but it in the bowl, and light that shit up. :)