NAME : Tetrahydrocannabinols

CHEMICAL NAME : Tetrahydro-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-1-ol




LD50 1270 mg/kg (male rats), 730 mg/kg (female rats) oral in sesame oil

LD50 42 mg/kg (rats) inhalation

From the Merck Index 12th Edition



Hemp has been used through out the ages with the first known use being for rope and fabrics by the Egyptians around 8,000 bc. (Hey! thats over 12,000 years ago) And hemp ropes are still demanded by the U.S. and Australian Navy to tie their Ships when in port. They were also the first to develop a pulp paper industry for hemp scrolls. In fact hemp is prefered by the paper industry because the plant has a longer fiber giving a better quality paper than wood chip.

Fact: The Sails on the transport ships were 100% hemp cloth!

Fact: Timber for paper pulp takes on average 100 years

to grow were as hemp's life cycle is only 100 days!

Hemp a strain of Cannabis Sativa L. will not get you high, it would take an acre of plant material to get mildly stoned, and quite frankly not worth the effort involved. There are literaly thousands of uses for hemp from textiles and paper through to building materials and personal-care products.It can be grown all over the world with little or no toxic chemical fertilizers, herbicides or pesticides helping the enviroment!

Fact: Henry Ford once built a car using hemp fiber for the body and was fueled by distilled hemp oil!

Fact: In the late 1700's Australian farmers were asked to grow hemp as it was considered such a valuable resource!

It was not until 1937 when America introduced the Marijuana Tax Act that hemp was outlawed. This was thought to be because up until the 1920's the harvesting of hemp was very expensive. Until the technological advances of the 1930's and the improvements in the mechanicl stripping machines and machines to conserve hemp's high-cellulose pulp that the cost involved came down to enable farmers to increase their crop sizes. As a direct result the timber and paper industries were severely threatened with large losses in profits. Also the flegling petrochemical industry was threatened by this boom in the greater availability of hemp seed oil.

Fact: William Randolf Hearst renamed hemp "marijuana" to distance it from the Industrial uses of hemp!

Fact: The first Levi jeans were made from hemp to make them more durable!


Unfortunatly even today with all the benifits now known hemp is still perceived as just a drug, as you can see it is more than that.