My February 05
week #1
lesson from the PSPUG.

This lesson had to do with making frames from gradients.

I start with a picture I took in my front yard this week the morning after a light snow. I used duo light blue gradient set to repeat of 10.

Next I used a picture I took of Rosedown Plantation in Louisiana. This is one of the most famous entrances to the plantations. Lots of Live Oak tress with Spanish Moss. I used the dou ivory gradient with repeat set to 10.

I lived in the town of St Francisville in Louisiana. This is the old Town Hall. Here I used metal brass gradient with repeat at 10.

Here's another shot of the Town Hall using metal brass and then raindrop gradients set at repeat of 10.

During this lesson I could see a lot of possibilities for using gradients as frames for pictures.








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