Eli So Sorry

What is this? A tabloid just hit the streets! Is this real? Eli sorry appealing from different religious organization for help in a hate campaign against the iglesia ni kristo? Is this just another one of those bouts of eli sorry stories?

I thought he hated other christian sects other than his?
This is sending bad vibes to his followers, or maybe not! LOL
Anyways, its too interesting to add to this little piece of information that he also
sought help from the Human Rights Commission for some lunaticky reasons, i think he went there
a few months back.

Eli eli! Hows ur little Piggery business doing these days? Are the pigs still happy?
Next time, i think you should join them in their fave past time of mud diving, that ought to cool your
air head : ) Sucking too much hose do a lot of damage ya know.

Hey! Those CD of yours I bought sucked real bad! You need to have a voice lesson Eli boy!