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3/8/04 9:16pm

Food is a language known internationally. The profession of cooking is universal throughout the world. Common terms and definitions make it possible for chefs all over the world to communicate Even if they all speak different languages.

These terms are the foundation for the chef's common language.



Abaisse- A piece of dough rolled to requred size

Abattis- Winglets, giblets of poultry

Abricot- Apricot

Agiter- to stir

Agneau- Lamb

Aigrefin- Haddock

Aiguillettes- Meat of fish cut into ine strips

Ail- Garlic

Airelle Rouge- cranberry

A la- In the style of, ex-(a la Francaise =in the style of France)

a la carte- A list of food items each priced seperately

a la mode- In the fashion

al dente- firm, to the bite

Allumettes- Match sized knife cut,(usually potatoes)same size as julienne)

Anchoois- Anchovy

Anglais- English style,(meaning bland-plain cooked food)

Annoncer- To announce(call out orders)

Antipasto- Italian cold appetizer

Argenteuil- District in france known for its asparigus

Aromates- Herbs, spices & flavorings( aromatic)

Arrowroot- Starch obtained from the arrowroot plant;used to thicken

Artichaut- Artichoke

Asperge- Asparagus

Aspic- A clear jelly made from the concentrated liquid in which meat, poultry or fish was cooked.

Au bleu- A term to describe the cooking method of cooking live fish in court bouillon(see glossary)

Au Four- In the oven

Au jus- THe natural juice TOP


Bain-Marie- A double boiler used for cooking(insulated from direct heat)

Ballotine- Stuffed boneless game or domestic bird

Bar- 1. Bass(fish) 2.gin mill

Barder- To cover meats with fat during cooking proces

Baron- Mutton or lamb; the saddle with legs attached

Barquette- A sall boat shaped piece of pastry or mold

Bar raye- Rock salmon

Basilic- Basil

Baste- To moisten the meat in the oven, to aviod over-drying

Batter- A liquid dough, usually thin enough to pour

Batterie de cuisine- Equipment found in the kitchen

Becassine- snipe

Bechamel- Basic milk sauce(white); one of the five mother sauces

Beignets- Fritters

Beurre- Butter

Buerre Manie- Butter (kneaded) used for thickening sauces

Bien Cuit- well cooked

Bisque- A thick cream soup made from shellfish ex;Lobster,crab.etc

Blanc- White

Blanc d'Oeuf- Egg whites

Blanchir- To blanch, to par cook by immersion in water briefly, and "shocking" in ice water

Blanquette- Ragout or stew made of veal or lamb in a rich VELOU TE sauce

Bleu- Blue, applies to very rare-cooked meat

Boeuf- Beef

Bombes- ice cream dessert

Bordure- Border(usually applies to plate presentation)

Bouchees- small puff pastries

Boudin,Noir- Blood sausage, or black pudding

Bouillabaisse- a fish stew, naitive to southern France

Bouillir, Bouilli- To boil, Boiled

Bouillon- Reduced meat stock

Boulanger- Baker

Bouquet Garni- thyme,bay leafs, celery, parsly & leek tied together and used to flavor stocks nd soups.

Bourgeoise- Meats served with vegetables

Bourgogne- Burgundy

Braiser- to braise

Braisiere- braising pan or stewing pan

Brider- to truss or tie meator poultry

Brochette- Cubes of meat on a skewer;broiled

Bronoise- Vegetables cut into fine, small dice; madefrom julienne

Brut- course

Bruxelloise- In the Brussels style (with brussels sprouts)



Cabillaud- Cod fish

Caille- Quail

Canapes- Pieces of toasted bread, garnished & served as appetizers

Canard- duck

Canard Sauvage- Wild duck

Cantaloup- melon

Caramel- Melted sugar to the brown stage

Caramelize to- to cook to release natural sugars, or until reaching brown color

Carbonnade- braised steak

Carcasse- Bone structure without the meat

Carpe- carp

Carre- Rack of veal or lamb

Carrelet- Flounder

Cartouche- a greased round of paper used to cover meats during cooking process

Casserole- A fireproof dish, or food prepared in a casserole dish

Cassis- Black currant & black currant liquer

Cassoulet- Dish containing beans, pork, mutton, goose, or duck

Cayenne- a hot red pepper

Celeri-rave- Celeriac or celery root

Cepe- Edible fungus, native to the mushroom family

Cerefeuil- Chervil

Cerise- Cherry

Cervelle- Brain

Champignon- Mushroom

Chanterelles- Mushrooms

Chantilly- whipped cream sweetened wit sugar

Chapelure- Bread crumbs

Charcutier- Butcher and sausage maker

Charcuterie- Butcher shop

Chateaubriand- Double steak cut from the beef tenderloin

Chaud-froid- hot, cold; Food coated with cold, white sauce

Chef de Cuisine- Chef in charge/executive chef

Chef de partie- Chef in charge of a section of the kitchen

Chevreuil- Venison

Chicoree- Endive

Chiffonnade- A ribbon like cut of leafy vegetables ie;lettuce

Chinois- A cone- shaped strainer or sieve

Chipolata- A type of small sausage or/a type of pastry used for eclairs

Choucroute- Saurkraut pickeled with salt & fermented

Chou-fleur- Cauliflower

Clouter- Onion cloute; an onion studded with cloves

Cocotte- An oven proof dish (small)

Commis- Apprentice in the kitchen or dining room

Compote- Stewed fruit

Concasser- to chop roughly(usually tomatoes)

Concombre- cucumber

Confiture- Jam

Coq au Vin- Chicken in which is cooked in a wine sauce

Coquille-Cooked and served in a shell

Coquille St Jaques- A scallop

Corbeille- Basket

Corser- To flavor and enrich

Cote- A cut of meat; a piece of meat attached to the rib(cote de boeuf)

Cotelette- cutlet

Couper- to cut

Coupes- small bowls

Courgette- Zucchini

Court-Bouillon- A poaching liquid used to cook fish, etc.

Creme- cream

Crevette-(rose)- Prawn

Crevette-(grise)- Shrimp

Croissants- Crescent shaped french rolls

Croquette- breaded, deepfried

Croustade- pastry crust

Croutons- toasted(usually fried) piececs of bread.

Cru- raw

Cuire- to cook

Cusine Brigade- Staff orginization set up within the kitchen

Cuit- cooked TOP


Darne- a thick steak cut of salmon

Debarrasser- to clear away

Debrider- to remove trussing twine after cooking process

Deglacer- To dilute the roastin plaque with an acid(wine-etc)

Degraisser- To skin off grease from stews, sauces etc.

Demi-glace- Half glaze, usually meaning Brown Sauce made from veal bones

Demi-Tasse- meaning "half Cup"or, a small cup of black coffee

Demi Moore- actress

Depouiller- To remove scum from the surface of a cooking liquid

Des- to dice

Desosser To debone poultry or fish

Diablotins- Small gnocchi or croutons topped with grated cheese and browned

Dinde- Turkey

Dindonneau- Young fresh turkey

Dredge- To coat food with flour

du Jour- meaning literaly "of the day"

Duxelle- Chopped shallots and mushrooms seasoned, cooked in butter



Echalote- Shallot

Eclairs- Choux pastry baked in the size of thick fingers, then filled with cream

Emincer- To mince

en- In, meaning "served in"

en Papillote- technique of cooking (usually fish) in parchment paper

Entrecote- Steak cut fron the sirloin, between the ribs

Entree- United States term, meaning the main course

Entremets- Desserts, or sweets

Entremetier- a chef in which prepares vegetables & egg dishes

Epaule- shoulder

Eperlan- Smelt

Epinards- Spinach

Escalope- a slice; or scallop

Escargot- edible snail

Espagnole- Basic brown sauce

Estouffade- Brown meat stock

Estragon- tarragon

Etuver- To cook slowly covered with a minimum amount of liquid



Fagot- Faggot,Bouquet garni

Faisan- Pheasant

Farce- forcemeat

Fenouil- fennel

Filet- Fillet; a thin cut of meat, fish, poultry removed from the bone

Filet mignon- Small steak from the tenderloin of beef

Fines herbs- A fine mixture of herbs used to season

Flamber- To flame

Flan- open tart

Fletan- Halibut

Foie- Liver

Foie gras- Goose liver

Fond- Basic stock or essences

Fondant- Thick liquid sugar icing

Fond Blanc- white stock

Fond brun- Brown stock

Fonds de Artichaut- artichoke bottoms

Fondue- a cheese dish of melted cheese.Pieces of bread are dipped

Fontaine- A well made in dry flour to add liquid

Fraise- strawberry

Fouetter- to whisk

Framboise- Raspberry

Frangipane- a custard-like pastry creme

Frappe- iced

Frapper- to ice

Fricandeau- said fast, sounds like a swear word.-Veal braised until very tender

Fricassee- a white stew

Frit- Fried

Fumet- Concentrated stock or essence from fish or shellfish



Galantines- Stuffed chicken or veal in the form of a large roll, usually glazed with CHAUD-FROID sauce and decorated for cold buffets

Garbure- a thick vegetable soup

Garde-Manger- Cold kitchen, a chef who is in charge of the cold foods in the kitchen

Garniture- to garnish

Gibier- game

Gigot d'Agneau- Leg of lamb

Glace de Poisson- fish glaze

Glace de Viande- Meat glaze

Glacer- to; (a) freeze or chill (b)to cook to acquire a shiny surface (c) To slightly brown food under a salamander(broiler)

Gnocchi- Dumplings made from potatoes

Gratin- Browned surface of foods cooked in a hot oven or salamander

Groseille- Currant



Hacher- To chop finely

Haricot Blanc- Bean (white)

Haricot Vert- Grean bean

Homard- Lobster

Huitre- Oyster



Jambon- Ham

Jardiniere- A fresh mix of vegetables cut into julienne

Jaune d'Oeuf- Egg yolk

Jus- The natural juice of meat

Jus Lie- Thickened meat juice



Laiture- Lettuce

Langue- tongue

Lapin- rabbit

Lard- bacon or salt pork

Larder- To lard by inserting strips of fat into tough meat with a larding needle to make tender

Laurier- bay leaf

Liaison- A thicking or binding agent, commonly egg yolk or heavy cream to ticken soups & sauces

Lie- slightly thickened

Lier- To thicken (usually with egg yolk)



Macedoine- Diced, mixed vegetables or fruits

Maigre- lean

Mais- Maize, sweet corn

Maitre d'Hotel- Restaurant manager

Marquereau- Mackerel

Marinade- Blends of liquids & flavorings used in marinating to tenderize and flavor tough meat

Marmite- Stockpot

Marron- Chestnut

Medaillons- Round pieces of meat

Melanger- To mix two or more ingredients together

Menthe- Mint

Merluche- Hake

Meuniere A method of cooking in which the meat of fish is DREDGED in flour and shallow fries in butter & served with sauce meuniere

Mirepoix- Diced vegetables and herbs used to flavor stocks,sauces &soups

Mise en place- Everything in its place. A means of kitchen orginization

Mollet- soft boiled egg

Monter- The beating og cream, eggwhites..etc

Monter au Beurre- "to mount with butter" to thicken sauces with pieces of cold whole butter

Mouton- Mutton

Mulet- Mullet

Mur- ripe

Mure- Blackberry TOP


Napper- to coat with sauce

Navet- Turnip

Noisette- A round piece of meat of veal or lamb tenderloin.(b)small potato balls

Nouilles- Noodles

Noques- flour dumplings



Ole- Goose

Oignon- onion

Oseille- Sorrel



Pailles- Straw (straw potatoes)

Panada- a binding agent

Paner- to coat with breadcrumbs;pane

Paprika- Hungarian & Spanish red pepper

Parer- To trim meat

Parfumer- a bouquet of aromatic herbs

Paysanne- Triangular shaped slices of vegetables

Peche- peach

Perche- Perch

persil- parsley

Petits Fours- small fancy cakes, decorated & iced

Piccata- small veal cutlets

Piece montee- Centerpiece on a platter or buffet

Pilaf- a rice dish without meat

Plat- Plate or dish

Plongeur- Pot washer

plat du Jour- dish of the day

Poach- To cook in simmering liquid

Poire- Pear

Poivre- Pepper

Pomme- Apple

Pomme de terre- Potato

Porc- pork

Potage- Soup

Pot-au-feu- Rich soup with bountiful meats and vegetables

Potiron- pumpkin

Poule- Hen

Poisson- fish

Poussin- Young chicken

Profiteroles- Small balls made out of choux

Prune- plum

Puree- Mashed, sieved or blended



Quartier- to quarter

Quenelles- dumplings made of different meats

Quiche- thick pie dough filled with a cooked egg mixture



Radis- Radish

Ragout- a rich stew made of meat or poultry

Railfort- Horseradish

Ramequin- A dish in which food is cooked and served

Ravioli- An Italian pasta filled with meat or cheeses

Reduction- The result of reducing by boiling down sauces to increase consistancy, richness & flavor

Ris- sweetbreads

Romaine- Cos lettuce

Roquefort- A blue semi-soft French cheese

Rotir- to roast

Rotisseur- Roast cooking method

Rouget_ red mullet

Roux- Thickening agent made of equal parts of whole butter and sifted flour, cooked

Royale- Type of cusstard cut into different shapes, used to garnish consumme

Russe- Stew pan



Sabayon- Dessert made of whipped eggs, sugar and wine

Sasir- to sear meat surfaces in hot fat

Salamandre- Salamander-Broiler; top fired grill

Salpicon- a mixture af finely diced meat of ham and mushrooms in sauce

Choucroute- saurkraut


Saumon- Salmon

Sauter- to "jump"; cooking by using high heat and tossing.

Sauteuse- Shallow pan with sloping sides(often confused with a sauter pan)

Sautoir- Round shallow heavy pan with straight walls & long handle

Selle- Saddle of lamb

Sorbet- a water ice served between meals to stimulate appetite

Sous Chef- Assistant to Executive Chef

Supreme- Breast of chicken, bone in TOP


Table d'Hote- the set menu at a fixed price

Tasse- served in a cup

Terrine- earthenware casserole

Thon- tuna fish

Tournedos- a small steak from the center of the tenderloin

Tourner- To turn, To shape vegetables or potatoes with a knife

Trancher- to carve or slice

Truffle- a black fungus which grows underground in france TOP



Veau- veal

Veloute- A thick textured white soup or sauce

Viande- Meat

Vol-au-vent- Puff pastry in a shell in which ragout or fricassee is served

Volaille- Poultry



Zabaglione- see Sabayon

Zest- The outer rind of citrus fruit

copyright 1997 Patrick Collins

Email: Patrick's Culinary Files