Up since Dec 1996.

Contact Chuck at chuckr 44 @t gawab dot c0m. (As of 11-1-05 this is my new email address. Ignore the old address on the other pages of my site.)

Chuck Roberts page

Last update: 2-27-09

NOTE: if you get a "Document contains no data" error when trying to access this page, it means the server is busy. Try again in 5 minutes or during non-peak times.

Also, if you get a "Page not found" error, it could be that my website exceeded the quota that Yahoo imposes on free webpages. Try again in a week. If you know of an ISP with a larger or no quota, please email me. See address at left.

My genealogy pages are now here.

My Misc stuff


  • CDRs, CDs, ripping audio, backup up CDs, all the software you need here. CDR software in list format.
  • Freezone Freeware - 1300+ files with descriptions. Alternate site: Bravenet also has a mirror of my freeware file and appears to be more reliable. NOTE: Freezone is now hosted at Bravenet. The link above will take you there. Download zip file from Geocities (Dec 1, 2005).
  • Linux - various forms of linux, their sizes and CPU/memory requirements, and cost.
  • Midi. Free midi programs - not crippleware, not shareware, but fully functional and free.
  • Peer2peer applications - Gnutella, Napster, clones and associated file sharing programs.
  • For mainly Windows raytracing programs and utils go to raytrac3.htm. Also with Macintosh raytracers and modellers, Gnome modellers, Unix raytracers.
  • Free/low cost web page providers - lists monthly fees, if any, if they have banners, ftp, and their monthly transfer limit in MB.
  • Free stuff on the internet - my own personal guide to free stuff on the internet. This includes free services like email, web pages, advertising, stock programs to get quotes over the internet, etc. This one is updated fairly often.
Lockergnome - great shareware reviews.
Help find the cure for leukemia. Go to www.ud.com.
This site is a member of the Freeware WebRing. To browse visit

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