Centre for Social Policy Studies
University of Ghana, Legon


Workshop on Ageing: in collaboration with African Gerontological Society (AGES) and HelpAge Ghana.

Theme: Appropriate strategies for ageing in Africa

Date: Tuesday 29th January 2002

Venue: Conference Hall, Centre for African Wetlands, University of Ghana, Legon.

Funded by UNFPA.


Workshop Theme : Appropriate strategies for ageing in Africa.

Workshop Objective:Venue: Conference Hall, Centre for African Wetlands, University of Ghana, Legon.

In April this year, the UN is convening the second World Assembly on Ageing in Madrid, Spain. During the Assembly, the current International Plan on Ageing adopted by the UN in Vienna in 1982 will be reviewed and a new proposed plan adopted. The central task of the newly proposed International Plan on Ageing is to provide a framework for the formulation of national plans and programmes of action on ageing and by so doing, promote the quality of life for older persons. The UN document is available on its website: http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing/waa/index.html

The African Gerontological Society (AGES), in collaboration with the Centre for Social Policy Studies (CSPS), HelpAge Ghana and UNFPA, New York, is organizing this workshop to enable a regional review of the revised document and most importantly to plan appropriate implementation strategies of action for Africa. The meeting will have participation of AGES delegation across Africa as well as local participation.

It will be formally opened by the Hon. Mrs Cecilia Bannerman, Minister of Manpower Development and Employment.


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