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Do we have anything to offer unto the Father? Can we do anything that will make us more acceptable to Him?  What does it mean that Jesus is all in all?

  I would like to reiterate a phrase Paul wrote so many years ago."O foolish Galatians who has bewitched you?" Does this question reverberate through the years to us today and is it now applicable to our 'Christianity'? I am compelled to answer yes. I would say to you, we are as guilty of reverting to law as the Galatians were. Any time we imagine that anything other than nurturing our relationship with Christ will put us in better standing with the Father we revert to works. Ask yourself this question, is anything I do, anything I give, any devotion I involve myself in motivated by anything less than a desire to express my love for Him?
  He alone is all in all! He alone is the door! He alone is the way! The price required for man to draw near to the Father is paid in blood. It is finished!

  "I am the Way, I am the Truth, I am the only Life, apart fom Me you have no life of your own. If you will, you can draw near, but only by the blood. Is the work I have done for you somehow lacking? Would you that I should die again? Call upon Me while I may be found, come near by the blood and you will find a plentitude of nourishment for your soul. True rivers of living water will flow from your belly, you will be My true diciple."