Act VI. Open Your Heart

The last thing he had heard about from his guards was a last minute confirm on the Battosai’s whereabouts. It was about someone seeing what seemed to be the fiery red hair of the Battosai’s entering the castle. He was coming to kill Aki, and he was coming to save an innocent. The thought degusted him, a man like the Battosai saving an innocent was unheard of to him. That was what was happening though, the girl was in the tower with Aki, and Fuyu was out looking for an idea new head fortress.

“My Lord, he approaches. Your orders?” one of his bodyguards asked. He looked at him in disappointment, by now one would think they would have figured it out.

“Kill him, I have no use for that weak Samurai that would save an innocent,” he replied. His own golden eyes were full of hatred for the Battosai and his friends. “Send a squad to the Kamiya dojo to eliminate them as well. Let none of them live as punishment for his weakness.”

“Yes my Lord, is the girl a target as well?” he asked. Those golden eyes sent a piercing glare.

“Kill them ALL! Does that answer your question? Now stop wasting my time, kill them!” he shouted. He walked off in a rage, his crimson cloaks whipped after him. His long silver hair was tied back in a high ponytail, it swung about behind him as he made his way up the stairs to his chambers. He was not worried about the Battosai anymore, he was not even worth the bullet or blade that would slay him. He smiled and changed his course to the girl’s room, he would kill her now rather than risk her escaping do to someone’s blundering mistake.

“What are our orders Koji?” another man asked.

“Our orders are to kill them all, send a squad to kill those in the dojo, and those that remain will kill the Battosai and the girl,” Koji replied worried, “I don’t know if we can kill the Battosai… He seems to be as strong as our Lord.”

“That’s an insult to our Lord to say that, Battosai is far weaker than him! He is after all the greatest man ever to hold a sword, the true Hitokiri of the Revolution!” the other man shouted. That’s when they heard the swords clashing outside; they opened the door to see the Battosai challenging about 1,500 men. The Battosai had a full length Katana and no patience. He was cutting down about 10 at a time, but even that wouldn’t be enough to save him from what fate had in store for him.

‘Damn… they’re endless! Isn’t there anyway to kill them all quickly?’

Not that I know of… There is no technique in Hiten Mitsurugi that would change the inevitable.

‘What do you mean by the inevitable?’ the Battosai thought harshly. He was starting to get tired, he had only slain about 180 of them. They were starting to land some of their attacks.

There’s over a thousand of them! Battosai we can’t win this, how can we get to Aki if we can’t even get through the door? Let go of your pride and run! That or surrender before it’s too late! Battosai didn’t like that response he only went faster and harder at his many enemies. He wasn’t going to run, and he wasn’t going down without a fight.

‘We could combine and make the effort a little better you know…’

Hadn’t thought of that… still pointless. Do really think it would be the difference?

‘Yes unfortunately, that’s our only option that would keep us alive longer.’

So be it, we shall not lose to these cretins. The Battosai liked that answer a lot better than the previous. He started to absorb the Rurouni’s Spiritual power first.

‘Hope you’re ready,’ he thought as he cut about three feet around them in a 360 circle.

There was a pause in the Battosai’s movement as he cut the circle around him, the soldiers that remained alive from the deadly arc of his Katana moved back behind others. That’s when he stopped dead in his tracks, the surrounding enemy looked on unaware that they were about to meet a cruel fate. Despite their attempts to subdue and kill this intruder they had been very close to succeeding. The Battosai’s eyes had closed; he stood still for about a minute. No one dared to move, then they heard their orders. Kill the Battosai, this is the perfect opportunity for them to get rid of him once and for all. Or so they had thought…

The Lord had finally arrived at the girl’s chamber, by this time he had regained his temper. He opened the door to see Aki talking to the girl, telling her about the Battosai’s past. Aki turned around to see who had entered, she went pale as she saw him.

“My Lord I...” she stammered, “forgive me.” She bowed at his feet, he didn’t care at all, she had done everything she was told.

“You are excused, now help the guards dispose of that buffoon that is known as Battosai,” he said calmly, Aki nodded and ran out the door, “you… so you are familiar with the other side of the Battosai?” The girl nodded, she was scared of him. He thought she was just some idiot whelp that would cause trouble, but this girl was a little smarter than that. Perhaps not that much smarter considering her choice of clothing.

“Why do you want to get rid of Kenshin?” she asked, then she saw a small bit of lavender in his golden eyes, “those eyes… are you related to Aki and Kenshin?” She stood up slowly to face him.

“That is not your concern, but as for the Battosai he will be dead before he knows,” he said smugly, “so will you for that matter. Just how long you live depends on how well you behave.” The girl stepped backwards, she had finally figured out why Aki was afraid. He gave a smirk then walked over to the window, his hair tickled her face as he pasted. He was rather pleased to see what came next, a circle of solders came at a still Battosai and made their assaults. The Battosai crumpled to the ground, in so much pain that he could not move.

“You, you’re the one who wants us dead… Why?” she asked. She hadn’t seen what was going on outside yet. He turned to face her, his golden eyes full of bloodshed.

“I want him dead, because he has something I want,” he said plainly, “Aki doesn’t have it, and neither do you. To add to that he is an annoying pest that does nothing that he should. Before I even say more can I ask you to tell me two things. The first is your name, that way I know the name to put on your tomb… and two why you think I’m related to a dead man.” He pointed out the window at the Battosai who was starting to drown in his own blood.

“Kaoru Kamiya… WHAT?” she screamed as the full reality of what he had said hit her, “That can’t be...” She stepped up to the window to see Kenshin fall to the ground. He did not get up.

“You are as strange as they come, you know that… I really don’t see any real resemblance, either you’re gifted or just plain lucky,” he said as Kaoru started to back away in disbelief. Not in her worst nightmares had she ever thought it would end this way… Or maybe this was just a nightmare… That would mean Kenshin was safe and not on the ground dying outside. Yes, it must be a nightmare.

“If this really so hard for you why don’t you just kill yourself? It would make all the pain go away,” the man said quietly. He turned to face her as she started sobbing so hard, he took a step toward her and opened his arms. She ran into his open arms and cried.

‘It must be a nightmare… but this man’s warmth, it’s exactly like Kenshin’s maybe he’s lying…’ Kaoru thought, but then she felt his heartbeat increase as she held him tighter.

“I will not die… I just need to wake up from this nightmare,” she cried. She buried herself in his cloak, he felt so warm while the rest of the world felt so cold. Maybe she was awake, and maybe… just maybe Kenshin would come save her despite his injuries.

“My Lord, Battosai has been taken to the healer for his injuries. When will you be there to question him?” the guard asked panting. Kaoru gasped, he was alive. Barely, but he was indeed alive in this very castle, and Kaoru was not alone again. At least… she was at least in the same castle as him for now.