It's everyone's favorite! The rules!!!!
Alright, I promise I won't have to much. It'll be a poopy
clique if it's like that then. And the rules are:

1: You need a website. -- Where would the code go?!
2: No constant TyPiNg like that; a bit if fine. -- Annoying.
3: No hate sites. -- A cruel person doesn't have ANY kind of Angel.
4: Code must be up! -- I'll give you a week, then you're off.
5: Character must be from Anime, Manga, Video Game, or anything else
Japanese related. -- Morning Glory is fine.
6: No one can have the same character -- Defeats the whole purpose.
7: Have fun! -- Try to tell lots of your friends about this clique!

That's it! See, not the hard, right?! Well, go get the code!

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