Subtle Energy Crop Circles


Crop Circle


Crop Circles - Two Men Stomping on Boards or more....

Crop Circles: Two Men Stomping on Boards or More?

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Since 1974 more than 3,000 crop circles have mysteriously appeared in grain fields around the world.

The higher vibrational frequencies of authenticated crop circles imprint the circles' grain and provide a resource of subtle energy not available anywhere else. This is one reason the energetically aware will travel so far to experience one when they occur.

Formed in cooperation with physicalness, crop circles are a manifestation of Consciousness. The manifestation of these patterns comes through different agents of cooperation. Mother Earth, the human heart, and other intelligence are some of the various agents through which Consciousness manifests these patterns.

Hidden within authenticated non man-made crop circles are coherent patterns of sacred geometry and their correspondent vibrational signatures. These patterns in resonance with pure Consciousness act as a conduit for subtle energy transfer. The vibrational signatures and subtle energies imprinted upon a crop circle's grain repattern the grain's cellular structure.

Take a look at our books and videos to help you learn more about the power of crop circles.

Crop Circles: The Best Evidence, Volume 6 - The Crop Circle phenomenon continues to mystify scientists and the public alike. The Crop Circle Archives contains the largest collection of films, photographs and research ever assembled on the Crop Circle phenomenon.

Each film represents a different filmmaker’s perspective and collectively represents the largest body of evidence ever assembled on this phenomenon. Footage from these videos was used in the production of Signs, starring Mel Gibson.

Witness for yourself the stunning beauty and grandeur of Crop Circles.

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