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PREQUEL TO : Black Roses

PAIRING : Angel/Faith


SPOILERS : Faith’s in jail.

DISCLAIMER : I do not own these characters.


            “FAITH! VISITOR!” The guard announced as she walked down the hall to her cell.


            “Who else? Not like you get many visitors! Now get your ass up! Commercials ending soon and I gotta get back.”

            Faith stood up and the guard opened the door. “Right, cause Judge Judy is *so* important.”

            The guard slammed her into the bars to put the cuffs on. “That little mouth of yours is gonna you into trouble one of these days Faith. I’d watch it. You might find yourself sharing a cell with someone who’s been in an awful lot longer. How long you think you can fight ‘em off?”

            “Fuck you!” Faith spat out.

            “Watch what you wish for Bare Girl.” One of the prisoners from the next cell said.

            “Now let’s go.” The guard pushed her out into the hall and Faith landed on her ass on the floor. “GET UP!” The guard kicked her stomach and she got up quickly.

            Angel sat in the designated booth. *Their booth.* That’s what the guard said. “Sit at your booth.” He’d been a regular visitor for the past two years. Every other day at 4:30 he’d sneak away from the office and brave the sunlight to see her for two hours and by the time he went out, the sun was below the tall buildings of Los Angeles.

            He had some good news. Good for him anyway. He watched as the large guard thrust Faith into the room and screamed at Faith. Faith never talked about the guards too much, but he thought they abused the prisoners. He wished there was a way to get her out of there. He couldn’t admit it to her, but in the course of two years, they’d become really good friends, but he wanted more. He’d fallen in love with the brunette slayer.

            She sat down and smiled at him. They each picked up their phone. “Hey you.” She said.

            “HEY! How’s it goin’?” He asked.

            “Okay. You?”

            “I brought a picture for you.” He took it out of his pocket and held it up to the window.

            “WOW! She looks great! I take it everything went okay then?”

            “Yeah, Buffy should be in Honolulu now happily enjoying her first night being Mrs. Alexander Harris.”

            “How are you Angel?” Faith asked.

            “I’m good. I’m okay. It was a beautiful ceremony. Even Spike got teary eyed.”

            “He’s a sap.”

            “Yeah he is.”

            “Are you sure you’re okay?” Faith asked again, knowing how much he used to brood over the blonde. She tried to hide her jealousy over his constant love for Buffy, and she was glad there was glass between them so he couldn’t hear her blood rush when she saw him, or smell how badly she wanted him.

            “I’m fine. Buffy and I just weren’t meant to be. Besides, she’s much too short for me. I think I need someone taller. And darker. She was much too blonde for me.” He usually said things like that, but Faith took them with a grain of salt.

            “So... any big bad demons?”

            “Actually, a huge one. I swear, ten feet tall, covered in slime. It was nasty.”

            Faith laughed. “You’re kidding.”

            “NO, serious. I ruined my favorite shirt.”

            “GASP!” She said, clutching her chest jokingly.

            “Mock not. It’s how I afford to pay for the gas to come out here.”

            “You don’t have to.”

            “Sure I do.”

            “After two years, you’ve fulfilled your duty humble warrior. You’ve saved my soul. Good work! Go team Angel!”

            “I come here because I like seeing you Faith. We’ve been through this before.”

            “I know. I just don’t want you to risk your life to come see me.”

            “I’m not.” He said as he noticed another prisoner brush against Faith. The prisoner said something, but he couldn’t quite hear it through the old phone.

            “You can’t hide forever Bare Girl.” Faith heard Kat say. Kat had been coming on, if one could call it that, to Faith since Faith had been arrested. Faith was the outsider. She refused to join one of the clicks, preferring to stay alone. She’d taken numerous beatings from the guards because she didn’t have protection, but she figured she deserved it.

            “Faith?” Angel asked again. She zoned out some times.

            “Hmm? What?”

            “What’s going on?”

            “Nothing. They just don’t like me very much. Especially now.”

            “What’s now?”

            “Oh, just some stupid thing. I actually wanted to know if you could get me something.”

            “Sure, what?”

            “Well, I found out today that after two years, you’re entitled to congical visits. I wanted to know if you could-”

            *Fuck you?* Angel thought. *NO! Stop that!* But he couldn’t help it. He wanted to badly to possess her. To touch her, kiss her, love her, and make her whimper in pleasure...

            “Angel?” He  blinked and looked at her. “I was wondering if you could bring me a vibrator.”

            He just stared at her for a minute. They’d talked about sex in the past two years, but she’d never been that blunt.

            “If you don’t want to, that’s fine, I just.. it’s been so long and it’s not like I can get myself off in the shower. Nothing is private here. Do you think you could?”

            “Why don’t you just get a guy?”

            “Well, ideally I’d love that Angel, but I don’t have a husband or boyfriend. Or friends really. Unless you think Wesley would forgive me enough to overlook that whole torture thing.”

            “Wes has a girlfriend.”

            “Well, you know anyone else? Demon or vampires are acceptable too, as long as they aren’t going to kill me, impregnate me, or eat me in a killing me way.”

            “How does it work?”

            “They give you a room. Not like it’s a hotel suite or anything, but... anything you could do would be great.”

            “The next time I come, I’ll bring something or someone. I’ll shop around.”

            “Okay. Just let me know if I should close my eyes.”

            “What?” He asked.

            “Some demons are not that pleasant looking. Better yet, if it’s someone, I’ll just go in there and blindfold myself.”

            “Okay. I’ll find someone.”

            “Someone big.” She specified. He just looked at her, raising his eyebrow. “What? I’m a slayer! I can handle it. And it’s been a while. That last guy I fucked was Riley.”

            “OH, I understand now.”

            “So what else did you do this week..........


            Two days later, Angel was on  his way to visit Faith with a surprise.


            “WHAT?” She screamed.

            “GET UP YOU LUCKY BITCH!” The guard said.

            “WHAT FOR?”

            “It’s time to get up and showered.”

            “But...” the guard opened the door and grabbed Faith by the hair.

            “GET UP!”

            “WHY? I showered yesterday.”

            “Yeah well, you’re schedule for a fucking buddy, so you get a shower beforehand. Standard regulations.”


            He sat in the room with the lights off, waiting for her. She had said anyone. The door opened and she stumbled inside. “Hello?” She whispered. “Anyone here?”

            He stood up and walked over to her. He slid his hand inside her robe and gently grazed over her nipple. “Oh god...” she whimpered, nearly losing balance. “Did Angel send you?”

            “Mm hmm.” He mumbled, not wanting her to know it was him. He knew it was a trick, but he needed to touch her.

            “Okay, you’re cold. You’re a vampire?”

            “Mm hmm.”

            “No biting. Angel said no biting, right?”

            “Mm hmm.”

            “You don’t say much, and that’s fine, as a matter of fact, don’t say anything.” She said as his lips sucked on her collarbone. “Oh god that feels so good... just keep touching me... don’t stop until I come.”

            “Mmmm...” he moaned into her skin as he gently pushed her back onto the bed.

            His lips left hers and she whimpered. “Come on... please...” she begged before she felt a soft feather running up her leg to her freshly shaven pussy. That was thing she did keep. It was a pain in the ass, but she liked the feel, and it was cooler in the cell that way. “Oh god...” she whimpered as she felt his fingers slide up her leg and tease her wet cleft. “Oh please... please touch me...” she writhed under his hand as he slid a finger inside her drenched pussy. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god...” He added another finger, and another and within minutes she was shrieking in ecstasy as she came. “OH FUCK!” She moaned.

            He continued working her body even after she came. He leaned over and kissed the wet slit at the apex of her legs. She was heavenly. He lapped at her clit, and at her juices. “Oh fuck... please... inside me... are you big?” She whimpered, reaching out for his hair. He’d purposely left the gel out of it, so she wouldn’t think it was him.

            He stood up, he was already naked. Her hand sought his body out and he took her hand and led it to his cock. He practically came when she touched it and gasped. “Oh fuck... god yes... please...”

            They were rushed. He wished he could tease her for hours, but they two hours. He lowered himself onto her body, supporting his weight with his elbows. Her hand sought his cock and guided it into her soaking hole. Penetration was slow as she was so tight. But it was worth it! When he was fully sheathed in her molten heat, he let out a growl and she giggled.

            “OH GOD!” She moaned, feeling stretched beyond what her body could take. She pushed against him and he started strong hard thrusts into her body. She writhed, bucked and moaned into him. She bit his shoulder as she came, and he continued to stroke her insides.

            Her nails raked down his back, luckily they were not long enough to make him bleed. He had to thank his lucky stars, because if he smelled blood, he’d want to bite. And he didn’t want to scare her. He felt her squeeze around him and he exploded inside her as she came around him.

            He rolled off her and she stood up. “Thanks. Tell Angel thanks and I’ll see him next visit.” She opened the door without looking back. She stopped for a moment. “Will you come back?”

            “Mm hmm.”

            “Same time next week?”

            “Mm hmm.”

            “Okay.” And with that she left.


            She sat down and picked up the phone. “You look good.” Angel said into the phone.

            “I feel good.”

            “Any reason why?”

            “You know why. Where ever you found him, you did good.”


            “OH YEAH! Thanks. Much better than plastic. Although I was a little worried where you found a vamp. Does he know I’m the slayer?”

            “Yeah. He owed me a favor. He was getting picked on by ten-foot tall demon. Anyway, I threatened him and he said he’d do it.” He looked at her, wanting to tell her the truth.

            “Well, he said he’d back next week.”

            “Is that okay?”

            “Oh yeah, completely. It was amazing! SO much better than humans.”


            It had been one year since that first time with Faith. It was a good thing his soul was permanent, because he’d been way happy on more than one occasion. But she still didn’t know that. He’d been going anonymously every week for one year, and in one week, she’d be getting out of prison.

            She at down and smiled. “Hey.”

            “Hey you. How are you holding up?” He asked.

            “I’m good. I can’t believe that in one week I’ll be free.”

            “What are you going to do?”

            *Besides seduce you? Nothing.* Faith thought. Although she knew she had a better shot with her mystery vamp lover, than with Angel. They were friends. “I don’t know. I was thinking I could get a place or something. Help you slay.”

            “That’d be nice. Any plans with Johnny?” That was the name he’d given her for his other self.

            “He’s coming once more, day after tomorrow.”


            He was sitting in the room, fully clothed this time. The door opened and she walked in. “Hey Johnny. Look, can I tell you something?”

            “Mm hmm.”

            “I’m getting out in a week and I can’t see you anymore. Don’t get me wrong, it’s been great, wonderful in fact, but I wanna find something else. I wanna find someone I love. You understand right?”

            “Mm hmm.” She’d done some thinking. She wanted to have Angel. But he wouldn’t have her, she was sure.

            “But we could still have sex once more, if you want.” He stood up and walked over to her. He pressed his lips against hers for the first time. They had never kissed. She kissed back for a second before pushing him away. “NO! Stop it! I can’t.” He started for her again. He wanted to make sure she didn’t want to see him again. He wanted her to have a clean break.

            His lips were persistent. She wished that Angel would kiss her like that. She wished it had been Angel all along. She sometimes would play the scenes back in her mind and see then with Angel. “Oh Angel...” she whimpered, realizing what had just slipped.

            He froze. Did she know?

            “God, I’m so sorry Johnny. I didn’t mean... I’m sorry. I just... forget it. Just please, don’t say anything to Angel. She clutched his shirt. “You can’t because then he’d know that I wanna kiss him and touch him, and things would be awkward and...” she tried pleading her case, but he gently grabbed hold of her wrists and pulled her somewhere.

            Before she knew what was happening, the light came on and she blinked while her eyes focused and she looked up. “Oh my Gods... Angel?” She said.

            “Surprise?” He said hesitantly.

            “ANGEL?!” She asked louder. She clutched her ribs and walked around the room once. “ANGEL!?”

            “Yes. It’s me.”

            “It’s *been* you?”

            “It’s been me.”

            “Why?” She sounded outraged.

            “Because I couldn’t *not* touch you Faith. I fell for you but I know, or I knew, that you didn’t want me. Don’t be mad. I couldn’t take it.”

            “ANGEL!” She screamed louder. “HOW COULD YOU?!”

            “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have... I just... I don’t kno-” His pleading was stopped abruptly by her lips claiming his.

            She pulled away and looked at him, “you stupid jerk!” She hit his shoulder. She sat on the bed.

            “What was that for?”

            “For being an asshole! Stupid jerk, we coulda had a year! But I thought I was fucking Johnny.”

            “Like I would let anyone else touch you.” He looked at her. “I love you Faith. I have for the past two years.”

            “I’ve you forever Angel.” She went to kiss him, but he stood up quickly.



            “No. Not here. Not now that you know. I won’t make love to you face to face *here*. We’re gonna do it right next time. You can wait a week.”

            “Okay.” She whispered. He kissed her gently on the forehead and walked out of the room.


Onto the Sequel : Black Roses




©2004 site design, crazy evil dru, webmistress

MY EXTREME THANKS TO: dru's bitch, evil willow, ryan & sanne

Disclaimer: Please note that characters resembling Buffy & Angel characters do NOT belong to crazy evil dru by any stretch of the imagination. They belong to 20th Century Fox, Mutant Enemy & Joss Whedon. I’m a poor college student with nothing better to do than fantasize about television characters, no copyright infringement is intended. This fiction is strictly for my own amusement, and apparently that of others.