If I Could Reach Up
Rowland R. Hoskins, Jr 

If I could reach up 
and hold a star 
for each time 
you've made me smile, 
an entire evening's sky 
would be in 
the palm of my hand. 

Across The Years
Robert Sexton

Across the years I will walk with you 
in deep green forests; on shores of sand, 
and when our time on earth is through, 
in heaven, too, you will have my hand. 

Cupid Poop
I couldn't send you flowers
And candy wouldn't do
And mushy cards just didn't
Say the things I want them to.
So I got you something special
And here's the inside scoop
I found you something very rare
Its genuine Cupid poop.

Use those tiny red hots or conversation heart candies.  Put them in 
a baggie and attach the poem.

