Say Hi to my nephew...

His name is Xavyer Bishop Rousseau. His mother is my sister Karen; his father is her ex-boyfriend Max. He was born 9 October 2001 (John Lennon's birthday); he was 9 lbs, 6.9 oz (yeah, my sister had a couple of post-partum problems, but nothing major).

There is an ongoing debate over his nickname; I call him Javi (after the Spanish version of his name, Javier), but my sister seems to like Zack instead. We shall see...

So, a few pictures...

First look: about a week after Mother's Day 2001, my sister pulled out a couple of sonograms. Took my parents quite a while to recover from the shock, but they seem to have done so nicely :-)

There he is...

...And this is the new family.

Obviously his uncle the webmaster has to put in an appearance...

Proud grandfather embarks on the long process of spoiling his grandson

That's my mom -- she doesn't look like a grandmother, does she?

And this is him, age about a year. He's big for his age, I think, and very smart (though as of 12/02 he wasn't quite talking yet).

Bye bye...

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