The Off Season 2003 Recipe Calendar

updated 29 October 2002

Okay, so I don't even have a show yet. But the project isn't totally dormant -- while I don't have any active production going on, I am working on a recipe calendar for 2003. It will be based around seasonal themes -- cookouts in August, romance in February, big honking birds and collapsing tables in November. Currently, the working themes will be:

I don't have recipes for all of those themes just yet, but I do have a few. If you're interested in helping out, let me know which month and I'll get some recipes for you to test.

Being a recipe tester means not only cooking the recipes but taking a picture of the final product; since this calendar will not be for sale (download only), I can only offer you photo credit and the right to reprint the calendar for your own profit. You'll recieve advance copies of all of the recipes (pre-testing), along with a copy of the calendar layout in PDF format. The final result will also be available as a PDF file from this website, hopefully by the end of November or early December.

If interested, contact me at