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GCW Armageddon 2000*
*Christmas Chaos 4 - Dec. 26, 1999*

GCW Armageddon 2000 - April 29, 2000

Match #1
Ito Base vs. Mayhem
Mayhem wins by pinfall.

Match #2
Handicap Match
Wrecka(w/Kathryn) vs. Gothic & Maniak
Wrecka wins by pinfall over Maniak.

Match #3
#1 Contenders match for GCW World Tag Team Titles
The Breakfast Club vs. InterMission
After about 5 minutes, The New Era (The GCW World Tag Team Champions) enter the ring, destroy all five men (including the referee), hand the belts over, and go to the bar.
Match is now for the GCW World Tag Team Titles.
InterMission win to become GCW World Tag Team Champions.

Match #4
"Crazy Nuts AssCrackness Match"
Maniak vs. Viva Gordita vs. Jose Vasquez Jr. vs. French Toast vs. Dumbass vs. Hood vs. Plunder vs. The Deadly Nightwulf.
Match ends when two ladies come to the ring and flash boobage at the participants. No contest Declared.

Match #5
GCW Underground Championship Match
Big Bad Havok (c) vs. The Shoe
Big Bad Havok retains the title after 3 H-Bombs on The Shoe.

Match #6
Furious Fatal Four Way Dance
GCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
"The Sultan of Speonk" Nightmare (c) vs. "The Ageless Warrior" Excalibur vs. "The Icing on the Cake" Mr. Vlad The Smoov Impaler vs. "The Shogun of Smoovburg" Big Daddy Smoov Optimus.
Miss Smoovette is Special Guest Referee.
Mr. Vlad The Smoov Impaler is eliminated by Excalibur after a "Canadian Crunch".
Excalibur is eliminated by Big Daddy Smoov Optimus after a "phantom punch"
Nightmare pins Big Daddy Smoov Optimus after hitting the Dreamscape to retain the GCW World Title. Miss Smoovette turned on Big Daddy Smoov Optimus, in that it clearly shows Optimus' shoulder is up before the 3 count, as well as the count was extremely fast. Miss Smoovette takes off her shirt to reveal a "VD" shirt, as Nightmare, Mr. Vlad the Smoov Impaler, Big Bad Havok, Mayhem and Miss Smoovette celebrate in the ring, Big Daddy Smoov Optimus clearly is extremely pissed off outside the ring as the show ends.

Christmas Chaos 4 - The Darkest Day 12/26/99

The Show begins with Big Daddy Smoov Optimus telling Mr. Vlad the Smoov Impaler that he does not care that Nightmare is his brother-in-law..They go way back and MVTSI is to make sure Big Daddy Smoov Optimus retains the GCW World Title.
Big Daddy Smoov Optimus is coming out of the front of the Temple of Smoovness when he runs into his opponent, Nightmare. They argue back and forth until Mayhem comes running out with a chair and blasts Nightmare.

Match #1
Havok (c) vs. JC The Damager
GCW Underground Championship Match

For some reason this match gets a tremendous pop, due to the fact that Havok is such a crowd favorite. Havok wins with the H-Bomb to retain his GCW Underground Title.

Backstage we see Havok talking to Big Daddy Smoov Optimus in his "office"

Match #2
Mr. Vlad The Smoov Impaler (c) vs. Eddie G
GCW International "Smoov" Championship Match
Pretty good match between MVTSI and the newcomer, Eddie G. Mr. Vlad the Smoov Impaler wins with a running Touch of Smoovness to retain his International "Smoov" Championship. Match was pretty incredible!!

Match #3
Reverend Mental vs. "The Overweight Porn Star" Matt Thunder
Back and forth as always.... Rev. Mental had a purpose and that was to go for OPS Matt Thunder's "bread and butter" if you will... Mental gets DQed when fellow Hoard member JC The Damager hits OPS Matt Thunder with the bottle. Music plays and St. Bruce, the leader of The Hoard, comes out. He goes after the OPS's nuts as well and puts the Claw on OPS. Grabs a stick, groans, and says "Christmas, the birth of Christ... why?? he has forgotten all of you...Jesus has left you....To know us is to envy our greatness" And a whole bunch of other ishkabibble that is too long to talk about here....

Backstage... Kathryn and Manican are talking about Gothic, and how they are not going to do anything for him anymore, and they have found a partner for Manican for the ladder match later in the show against the New Era.

Backstage, Nightmare looks for Big Daddy Smoov Optimus in the "office", but he's not there. Nightmare runs into Havok, who tells Nightmare that Havok will be the special guest enforcer for the GCW World title match. Nightmare tells Clean Chris Carlson he's coming out, to cue his music.

Nightmare comes down to the ring and works the stick pretty amazingly (is that a word).. Synopsis... he says Tim Stolz as Optimus is going to be the one to get screwed, not him.

INTERMISSION with Nightwulf as Britney Spears, performing "(You Drive Me) Crazy" A MUST SEE!!!!

Backstage we see Nightmare and Mr Vlad the Smoov Impaler. Nightmare wants MVTSI to "do the right thing". MVTSI tells Nightmare that BDS Optimus wants MVTSI to make sure that The Shogun walks out with his belt.

Match #4
The New Era (Wrecka & The Shoe)(c) vs. Manican(w/Kathryn) and ????????
GCW World Tag Team Championship Match
Ladder Match
Manican comes out, The New Era comes out, then "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" plays. A person in overalls and a bandana comes out. We'll call him Country boy for it is NOT SPIKE DUDLEY!!! Crazy match!!! IF YOU HAVE A CHANCE ... SEE THESE MATCHES!!!! Manican grabs the titles and falls off the ladder with the belts!! Winners and New GCW World Tag Team Champions, Manican and Bo Jaster!!!

Match #5
Big Daddy Smoov Optimus (c) vs. Nightmare
GCW World Heavyweight Championship Match
Mr Vlad comes out as special guest referee, then Havok comes out as special guest enforcer. Mayhem is commentating in the booth. Nightmare comes out. Big Daddy Smoov Optimus comes out with the lovely Miss Smoovette. Nightmare attacks BDS outside the ring, but BDS takes charge by throwing Nightmare into the fence, then into the Deadly Shed of Doom 2. Nightmare regains control, throws BDS into the ring, and hits BDS with the Night-Asser...2 count. Throws BDS into the corner and works him over. Speonk whip on BDS, and BDS comes back with a clothesline... then a suplex... 2 count. Throws Nightmare outside the ring. Sets up a chair, Nightmare blocks and rams BDS into the chair. Sets the chair up, off the fence, and into BDS. Slams the chair into BDS' right leg, then throws Big Daddy Smoov back into the ring. Nightmare sets up a ladder, climbs to the top, then comes off with a clothesline on Optimus. 2 count. Speonk whip into the corner... goes for a high cross body, BDS catches him and power slams him. 2 count. BDS has Nightmare in a chin lock and chokin him too. Nightmare gets back up, drives elbows into BDS, sends BDS off for the ride, BDS Shoulder blocks Nightmare. Runs off the orpes, Nightmare ducks under, goes for a leap frog, and BDS catches him and spine busters him ... 2 count. Nightmare gets back up and goes for another Speonk Whip, BDS reverses and clotheslines him... 2 count. Optimus whips Nightmare, goes for another clothesline, Nightmare ducks under, comes back the other way, and a double clothesline. Nightmare finally covers BDS after a 9 count, 2 count. Nightmare chokes BDS, then starts pounding on the head of Big Daddy Smoov. Nightmare tries to pick up BDS, but BDS goes low. BDS tries to catch his wind while Nightmare is down. BDS drops a deuce on Nightmare while he is draped over the ropes. BDS picks Nightmare up as though he is going to power bomb him, Nightmare reverses, and slams BDS' head into the mat... 2 count. Nightmare chokes BDS over the top rope, then comes across and slams BDS's head over the rope. Drops a leg. 2 count. Nightmare wrenches the neck of BDS, then drop kicks him from behind.. 2 count. Nightmare goes for a slam but BDS falls on top of him.. 2 count. Optimus does a "wrestling move" BDS throws Nightmare into the corner. Pounds on him... Whips him into the corner and follows up with a clothesline. Catches Nightmare, then a DDT.. 2 count... BDS drops a deuce then a smoov elbow. 2 count. Looks like BDS hurt himself on the elbow. Nightmare gets a two count. Both get up.. BDS reverses whip, goes for a choke, but Nightmare drop kicks him... Nightmare drops elbows to BDS' knees. Nightmare drops a knee. 2 count. Nightmare pounds on Optimus... BDS gets caught in the ropes....Nightmare pounds on him, drop kick.. Optimus falls... 2 count. Nightmare goes for a whip, BDS reverses, Nightmare ducks the clothesline, comes back into a bear hug by BDS...Nightmare comes back and puts a bear hug on BDS. BDS slaps Nightmare's ears and hits a belly-to=belly suplex on Nightmare. 2 count. BDS goes for the choke slam, but Nightmare goes low. Nightmare goes for the Dreamscape but BDS pushes him off into a clothesline. Havok and Mr Vlad are arguing while Mayhem grabs the belt, and BDS is holding Nightmare. Mayhem hits BDS and Nightmare covers him. Mr Vlad counts 3 very fast. All of them then attack Big Daddy Smoov Optimus as Nightmare's music plays. Nightmare tells BDS that he has been screwed by a little VD!!! Nightmare defeats Big Daddy Smoov Optimus to win the GCW World Heavyweight Title

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