Aleksander Sasha Abt


Photo copyright by J. Barry Mittan



Name : Aleksander Abt ( But we call him Sasha)

Birthday: October 22, 1976

Birth Place: Moscow, Russia

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 139 lbs

Coach: Rafael Arutunian

Choreographer: Tatyana Stepanova

( from left to right) Sasha Abt and Evgeny Plushchenko. They are sooooo cute!!! :o)
Photo copyright by J. Barry Mittan


Things about Sasha :

When Sasha was 6, his grandmother made him take skating lessons. But, he really wanted to be a hockey player, but, he was too thin for that! Now, he likes so much skating, that he is planing to stay as amateur untill the 2002 winter olympics. He is a real different skater. When he is on the kiss and cry arena, he usualy messes his hair and when he get on the ice, he touches it :" It's jut for say 'hello' to the ice" . He also likes to chage his programs style all the time, he likes all the different kinds of music. His favorite skater is Kurt Browning. He is just an amazing skater! He is not that kind of skater that jumps and spins..He jumps, he spins and he dances! Fopr those who saw him on the long program of the 98 season, knows it well. "He is the most musical skater since Viktor Petrenko!" said a lady from the german TV at the German cup (part of grand prix). All I can say is HE IS AMAZING!

J. Barry Mittan©

What does Sasha likes?

He loves to read. His favorites stories are detectives stories and fantasies.He loves to travel, especially for USA (I belive he never came to Brazil..hehehe). He likes computer games but he really loves to play soccer, tennis and basket ball. *BREATHE!!* Where does he finds so much energy? Well, he finished his school at 17 years of age and the stood for 2 years on army. His favorite sports besides skating is Basketball, tennis, soccer..Wow, what a hotie, huh? Unfortunately, Sasha has a girlfriend..

Photo copyright by J. Barry Mittan.

Thanks to Eda Tseiniev for sending me a Sasha Abt's tape with his performances! It's great! :o)
