These pages were brought to you by Holliday Real Estate serving Hamilton County Indiana and surrounding area.


     Our league season starts the first Tuesday after the July 4th

activities.  We pitch for six weeks.  The sixth week is a tournament

and cookout.

     During this time we learn how to measure and count points, keep score,

learn safety and some rules.  We even work the pits when we're done.
     We're divided up into three groups.  The little kids, 6 - 8 year old

pitch 10 feet.  Then we have 20 foot group ages from 9 - 11.  The big

kids 12 and over pitch 30 feet or more.

     Our adult leaders do make acceptions to the rules.  If one us kids

between 6 - 8 or 9 - 11 age groups are big for our age and can pitch

real high scores we have to move back the next year.  At the end of our

season some of us win trophies.  All of us get certificates for pitching.

We get our awards at the cookout held for us.


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