I am sure you have all heard this before, "why on earth do women find it
necessary to compete with men in every facet of life?"
I believe, the answer to that is quite simple, the money. I mean how hard is
that to figure out. After all is said and done if women since the beginning of
time were recognized for their talent and ability, don't you think they would
have gone about their daily routine quietly, without all the hop-la. Women
have had to work twice as hard and do twice as much as men, to receive the
appropriate amount of respect. Men on the other hand have always been
expected to just "Do It."
If there is to be a comparison made between men and women in professional sports, then you
must compare the sport activities themselves. Lets see, there is bowling, golf, (now
those are two really strenuous sports), volley ball, soccer, the dreaded "B & S" words
basketball, softball and heaven forbid now Hockey. What could this world be coming to.
My point is simply this, when two men compete against each other, it is to determine which one
is the best at something, and get paid a whole lot of money doing it. Why then
shouldn't the competition between women be exactly the same thing? Why shouldn't women be
paid using the same pay scale for the same type of sporting activity as men? Why
shouldn't women be recognized in the same way men are, for being at the top of their sport, just
as men are? I simply don't know the answer to this, I just believe that it doesn't take an
Einstein to figure out that women are still getting the short straw in the draw of life.
(my expressed opinion)

I'm sure a lot of women will appreciate your intro to Women in Sports, but, through the years, I
have come up with an answer to that question. I also wish women could get paid the same
as men, for the same thing. The truth is that men are, stronger, more aggressive,
braver, and just not afraid to get hurt or beat up. I see it all the time, and if women want to get
paid as much as men, they need to act more like men, because honestly, if you were to
watch a team of women play football, the game would loose a lot of "UMPH." I know a
lot of women will be upset at my expressing this. But, what I am saying is true. The
basic fact is, if women drew a spectator crowd like men's sports do, they would get paid just as
much. One example I can give is in regard to In-line skating. Races that I attend, and
participate in, 75% of the support is generated by men. That means if the women didn't
show up, the race would still be held the next year, but, if only the women showed up
they would not be able to pay for the permits to run the races. So, this may sound like a
sad commentary to women who devote their lives to being an athlete, "when we become
equal to men we will get paid equal to men."
(submitted by CLH)

A note from the world of Women's Tennis
Steffie Graf looses to Natasha Zvereva after 18 matches at Wimbledon.
Big upset in Tennis 6/26/98, Guess this is not the year for her 8th
Wimbledon win. Only 2 other players have won Wimbledon more times than
Steffie Graf - Martina Navratilova ( 9 times) and the
late Helen Wills (8 times). Graf turns 30 Next year and can't decide
whether to start a family or keep playing Tennis.

Another upset at Wimbledon - Samantha Smith beat Conchita Martinez 6/27/98.
Both Matina Hingis and Monica Seles won their matches.

FLASH July 4, 1998

Final women's match at Wimbledon
July 2, 1998
3rd Ranked Jana Novotna beat #1 ranked Martina Hingis.
Now Jana will play 16th ranked Nathalie Tauziat

Other items of interest: Nutrition | Diet | Exercise | Training (updated 7/04)


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