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Name of Sender: Rajiv Rajendran
Student:Unforgettable Prasad Padmanabhan

I'll never forget this incident about Prasad - this happened in the 9th. Ms.Shambhavi took our Moral Science classes and often asked us to "write a story with a moral science" !! So what did smart Prasad do ? He wrote -
There was once a cat who lived on earth.
The cat was very eager to know what happened in heaven.
So the cat died.
Moral of the story - "Curiosity killed the cat" !!!
Well if that has not amused you, let me tell you that neither was Shambhavi. She threw Prasad out and told him not to enter the class again !! And since that incident, Prasad has turned out to be a guy with a lot of morals, I must say !!!

Name of Sender: Shashi Murthy
Student:Saugata Chatterjee

I shared a Chem lab bench with a guy named Saugata Chatterjee.....very intelligent guy. The fellow was definitely one of those gifted few one can always find at Cottons. Well, things were proceeding as usual one day and everybody was quite busy with their own work. And then, I heard Saugata (a.k.a Soggy) turn to Pa (Mr.Vincent) and ask "Sir, where can I find dilute water". All he got in return was a pat on the back and "take it easy pa, don't think so hard."

Name of Sender: Srinivasa Rao
Student: Francis Samuel, Senior Prefects and Maggi

This was in the last term of 1993... the XII std. boarders were as usual bunking classes and cooking Maggi (in Jeetu, the Head of Boarders' room)... and all of a sudden, Francis Samuel enters the ISC dorm (this was only the third time he had come to the dorm in 2 years).
So he knocks on the door... there is panic inside. All 4-5 guys inside were senior prefects... almost sure to lose their ties, if caught.
These guys, took off their ties, hid in the small cupboard area, while one of them opened the door slowly. Francis Samuel moves his body inside and looks around, by which time all these guys have run out and into the science block.
But, our guys were not the type to give up... as soon as they saw samuel walking out, they run back in... hoping that the princi has not hogged their maggi... well, they were not disappointed!

Name of Sender: Nikhil Tivari Hon Sec OCA Bangalore
Student: Platinim Jubilee of the OCA

Calling all Old Cottonians........St Peter's Tide 2002 will be the 75th Anniversary of the Old Cottonians Association in Bangalore. I request all OC's to join us in Bangalore for the festivities. I think I'm giving you all enough time to make your travel plans, This will be a chance foryou to catch up with your old classmates and teachers (who are still around)
Contact me for further details at the School Office or at Phone 91 80 6616166.