Welcome to Priesty´s Chelsea FC  Refuge - In memory of Matthew Harding

Surgery Notes - 23rd July 2007

Nice to read your well balanced response to recent media coverage. I agree with virtually all that you said, but it's what you left out that worries me.

1. Fuck Off Thierry

Finally Arsene spoke some words of wisdom when he stated that he sanctioned the sale of French has-been Henri to Spanish no-hopers Barcelona because “he is past his prime and cannot cut it anymore”. Arsene went on to add, off the record, “I’m glad to see the back of that dopey twat.” Welcome to the real world, Arsene.

2. Sheffield Utd, Terminal Wankers

So, grim northerners Sheffield Utd are taking their whining to the high court. Their beef ? They were shit and got dumped out of the Premiership, due to a combination of managerial ineptitude, a talentless bunch of hackers and has-beens masquerading as a team, thick northern fans and a rubbish ground. How they have the front to claim that they have been hard done by after their performances last season is beyond me. I hope the High Court bangs them all up and orders a cull of all whippets, pigeons, flat caps and pints of mild within a 10 mile radius of Bramall Lane. That will teach them for beating us in the 1915 cup final. Cunts that they are.

3. Jamie “Bottler” Carragher

I never realized that Jamie Carragher is a hard man with a reputation to consider. So I was mild amused when he rang Talksport Radio to offer presenter Adrian Durham outside for a tear-up. What had got Jamie so hot under the collar ? Adrian had suggest that the Liverpool journeyman did not have the stomach to fight for his England place. You are wrong Adrian, Jamie does not have the TALENT to get in the team. Even Ledley “the moose” King is ahead of him. My advice to you, Jamie, is to shut the fuck up. You are a bottle merchant and you know it.

4. Fuck off Kezman

On the subject of talentless, mouthy twats, I was interested to read Kezman’s recent outburst in defense of Robben. Basically Kezman reckons that Jose is stifling Robben by leaving him on the bench. This is the same Kezman who could not hit a cow’s arse with a banjo while at Chelsea. Twat.

5. The cannibal

I breathed a huge sigh of relief when I heard that the singularly awful Khalid Boulahrouz has been off-loaded to innocent dupes Sevilla. Not since Rocky Rocastle last pulled on a blue shirt have I seen such a waste of space. A cannibal ? More like a fucking vegan. Go on Khalid, get out of here before Jose sets Stevie Sidwell on you.

6. Sidwell, The Legend

So Becks came on for a stroll in the late Californian afternoon sun, expecting to spray a couple of passes around, take a corner or two and maybe even have a go at a free kick. Basically he expected a pleasant 12 minutes to show a cast of B list Hollywood has-beens that he is the king of footba, no sorry I meant to say cunting soccer.

Unfortunately he did not reckon with new boy Stevie Sidwell giving his ankle such a thorough examination. Well, Stevie, if you think that mullering an ancient icon of the beautiful game is going to win you the respect of Chelsea fans, you are absolutely right. I predict that Steve will become a legend whose name will be spoken in the same breath as Zola, Hudson, Jones (Joey not Vinnie), Droy, Newton, Chivers, Borota.

Reasons to be cheerful X 10
  1. The new season
  2. Malouda, Malouda
  3. No more Henri
  4. Robbie “God” Fowler signing for Cardiff. How low can you go ?
  5. Bryan Robson managing Sheffield Utd, Div 1 Express
  6. Roy Keane’s realization that no one wants to play for him
  7. David Dein: sign on, sign on, with your cap in your hand
  8. Leeds players not getting paid. Nice one, Ken.
  9. Terry’s new pay cheque
  10. Jose's commitment to all-out attacking football

You see my point ?


I have been alternately reading this and holding my head in my hands in anticipation of the legal action that is sure to follow. Many thanks, Les...


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