a legend in his own eyes

Ilam was born at the age of 3 into a family which was consisted of two parents, two sisters, one brother and a cat. They all accepted Ilam very pleasantly, as if he was part of the family.
In the future joined the family another brother, three more cats, and a few fish. And 3 TV sets.
Ilam spent his childhood in Petah-Tiqva. Despite that fact, or maybe because of it, he was a happy child. And maybe not despite and not because. Just so.
Ilam's first novel is "Memories From Kuala-Lompur". However, since he'd never been in Kuala-Lompur, he had no memories from that place. And indeed, it was a rather thin book: a front cover, a page with Ilam's name and the book title, one blank page and a back cover.
The book was a worset-seller, but it's an important landmark in the development of modern civilization. Some history proffesors (two) claim that human history should be devided into two: "before this book" and "after this book". Of course these two are being ignored and even moked by other proffesors.
Ilam never gave up his artistic carear. He spent all his money on creating a web site for his favorite soccer team, MPT. This way he got himself a lot of reputation in the Israeli art society, and also on some primitive and retard countries (Pakistan, Andora, Jorden, Trinidad and Tobego).
Ilam is currently working on his second novel, "Two For One". Unfortunately, he has to live underground, after he turned entire nations againt himself (Pakistan, Andora, Jorden, Trinidad and Tobego), calling them primitive and retard on the WWW.
In the future Ilam plans to immigrate to Norway and make a living from listening to wierd noises.
He also plans to stop writing on himself in third person.

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