State of Colorado:
Infested with Right Wing/Mafia/
Homeland Security/Military/
Nazi/Police State SCUM

The US State of Colorado is today completely infested with right wing/mafia/homeland security/military/nazi/police state SCUM. These insect vermin need to be, and WILL soon be, crushed completely out of existence in the fullness of time.

The infestation consists of billions of taxpayers dollars being wasted on military bases, prison systems and nazi homeland security command centers (mostly near the Colorado Springs vicinity). Truely it is high time for these fascist nazi police state vermin right wing trash to be EXTERMINATED from off the face of this planet for all time.

Their's is a baseline reptilian low life level of consciousness that puts secret and illegal spy and surveillance cameras and audio recording devices on their public bus systems. Like mad and insane dogs, they also purposely inundate their public water systems with fluoride, to medicate, sedate, poison and willfully introduce cancer-causing chemicals into their own bodies and into the bodies of other members of the community. These are people who ruthlessly censor public information from public bulletin boards and restrict the use of the internet, simply because the detest the content and the social networking potential for peace, justice and freedom that would accrue as a result.

These psychopathic, sadistic, control freak, mafia, homeland security SCUM are the ones responsible for installing cameras on top of our street intersections, insidiously tracking, recording, monitoring and identifying each passing vehicle without the public's knowledge, permission or consent.

These are the SCUM fucking military police state bastards who build and weild thermonuclear weapons of mass destruction on earth and in space, threatening the existence of all life on this beautiful planet for eons to come, unless they are stopped. Truely they have crossed ALL lines and are marked for eternal damnation and a 'fate worse than death' in Hell come Judgement Day.

Its time to rid the Earth completely of these children from hell and put them in the place where they truely belong: HELL-FIRE. And may their punishment be everlasting pain, torment and misery for an eternity upon an eternity.

So let it be let it be done.

BURN them ALL Father, BURN them ALL.
