NEW 24/12/00 --- Finally got around to adding a new links section to this site so you can take a look around at all the other fab and groovy terrorvision related sites around the web.

NEW 17/12/00 --- Another update in a few weeks, what the hell's going on here? Well nothing much has been added except a new layout as the regulars might have guessd, a bit more cheerful than the drab purple affair that I've had up for god knows-how-long. Anyhow I've been put on the Terrorvision PR mailing list and have been promised freebies and advanced single copies so expect some news on stuff like that soonish.

And now for some news;

NEW 30/11/00 --- Yup the videos are back as well as a few mp3's, Ill be hoping to get the rest up soonish as well as some new stuff including some scanned photos from the Sunderland gig I went to recently (stormin' new tunes!) so until then I'll send myself off back into exile ;)

NEW 15/8/00 --- Call off the search parties I'm back and ready to do something with this site again. First of all it seemed for a while that all the stuff that geocities deleted out of my account would never be replaced again since my hardisk went belly up on me but fourtunatly some other TV website had put copies of the files on their website after I'd announced the geocities fiasco, now I'm not too chuffed since I recived no mail about it and didn't get credit for all my stuff on there but cheers anyway, I'll be uploading it soon to a new account.

NEW 13/4/00 --- Well apparently Geocities in all their wisdom have decided to take down some of my MP3's, Video's and programs. Guess I'll have to find some other free webspace to put 'em. Any sugestions of where to go would be greatly recived, I'm looking for about 20+ mb of storage. Oh and does anyone have the MYMU mpeg video clip? I kinda forgot to bcak it up so unless some kind soul decides to post it to me it'll be gone for good :(

NEW 25/01/00 --- Sorry folks, I've been stuck up my own backside for the past few months for not treating you to more TV media goodies, all I can do is apologise and give you a special millenium peace offering of one of the best live versions of "My House" ever recorded at Reading 99 (bah they had monitors and everything there) it's in the Audio section. So how's that sound? We friends again?

NEW 10/11/99 --- Added a new guitar Tabs section, still needs some alterations to it but it'll do for now (just use the link provided above).