My Personal Constitutional Crisis

Latest Court Decision:

Granted My Request for Continued Retention of Record
of My Employment Sex Discrimination Case

The federal district court judge granted my request to keep the record of my case v. the temp service and its clients in the local U.S. courthouse, by scribbling "Granted this 23rd day of March, 2001" with his signature, on the paper version of the following document. This was very nice of him, considering that he had dismissed the parts of this case against the G&E company and the bashwuckers (tree-trimming) service in 1996, and had also dismissed my pro se case v. the community college et al in 1995 (yep- it was the same judge!)

My original Request, filed on paper, did not feature paragraph numbers-- or hyperlinks, of course.

I prolly can't copyright the actual court pleading, but I am copyrighting this online version with my comments.

Disraely Hapend,


[Bullfight] Temporaries,
[Bombarounyurclok] Gas & Electric Co.,
[Anwrplundr Bashwuckers] Service,


Civil No.++/+++-93

[1.1]     Plaintiff Disraely Hapend hereby requests that the complete record of Civil No.++/+++-93, Disraely Hapend v. [Bullfight] Temporaries et al, including original and amended complaints and all pleadings, orders, memoranda, attachments, clerk's notations et cetera, be kept in its present location at this United States District Court for the District of [Morldeth] at ##### zz zzzzzzzzz in [Bombarounyurclok] for another 3 years, that is, through December 2003 at earliest.

[1.2]     Plaintiff is still owed the entire amount of 40,000 granted her in this case by the default judgment against [Bullfight] Temporaries in December 1996. Plaintiff has some faint hope that she may yet collect some or all of what is due her, and will need access to supporting documentation.

[1.3]     In this sex discrimination case ++/+++-93, both this, and later another Court's, dispositions of the question of temporary service client responsibility are of interest to the local community in comparison to handling of this issue in other parts of this same country.

[1.4]     This case ++/+++-93 is very much related in evidentary documentation, witnesses, and First Amendment considerations to Plaintiff's case v. [Acid Rain] Community College et al, ##-###-94 (although this connection was suppressed by Plaintiff's former attorneys and others.) Plaintiff suspects an even more sinister connection between the two sets of Defendants. This Court has granted Plaintiff's request to retain the record of the latter case in [Bombarounyurclok] until December 2003. Although this case record ++/+++-93 takes up more space in the

__________[page break]__________

[2.1] [Bombarounyurclok] courthouse than the other, it does not use nearly as much as if it had proceeded to trial.

[2.2]     Plaintiff is determined to obtain criminal investigation into this matter, although Plaintiff's most recent applications for assistance to both federal and local agencies remain completely unanswered. Plaintiff has also been disdained recently by some of the nation's finest Male civil rights/Constitutional attorneys, some of whom have nevertheless considered suggestions very similar to Plaintiff's for the electoral arena.

[2.3]     Plaintiff continues to publicize her story on the Internet, although at present with fictitious name substitutons. But Plaintiff must balance privacy considerations with the necessity of explicating her important Constitutional matters to the nation. When actual names and locations are inserted in the website, there should be many requests for official paper documentation from the Court. If ++/+++-93 is shipped to the zzzz storage facility, requestors of court document copies will incur additional expenses both in time and money, and court clerical personnel may be required to repeat transfer procedures.

[2.4]     On this twenty-seventh day of February, 2001, for the above-stated reasons, Plaintiff requests that Civil No.++/+++-93 remain in its present location in the United States Court House in [Bombarounyurclok, Morldeth], until December 2003.

[2.5]     Plaintiff further requests that if there be any charges to her for such special disposition of her case record, that such charges be waived. Although Plaintiff has received some superficial attention from relatives and some expressions of appreciation from job supervisors and other members of the community, her income remains at the poverty threshhold.

Respectfully submitted,
Disraely Hapend, Plaintiff pro se
#### zzzzzzzz zz
zzzzzzzzzzz, [Morldeth] #####

Disraely Hapend

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, America's Most UnWanted, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link,
(an Earth-born female adult human woman).

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First World Wide Web publication of my Constitutional crisis story was in this site ( on December 9, 1998. Previously "The Poor People's" and "Poor Good Student's" C.C..
First Web publication, as far as I know, of this (Granted) Request for Continued Retention of Record was December 23, 2001. On January 11, 2002, I modified the fictitious name of the tree-trimming service because it seemed to dismay some of the finest Male anchorpersons. My apologies to the makers of Aspartame/Nutrasweet, the ill effects of which I drink about 25-75 milligrams of calcium saccharin per day to avoid, but have not been PROVEN on very many OTHER people. (This is not to slight MSG'n'E Oinkment, which knocks me down for 2 days at a time, even in Paste, Cream or Gel form, although it provides a cohesive, if cementary, effect on the entire [Morldeth] community.) Go use your fat life fat, fat Oprah! You ain't got nuthin' on ME and the First Amendment.
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