My best friend is my real love ECE  ERDOÐMUÞ!
She is my pretty girlfriend and I love her very much!

Ali Fuat Ergenç is one of my best friends since 1988. We met in Gazi Anatolian High School and since then we are like brothers. We have spent lots of beautiful days together, sometimes dealing with electronics in Konyalý (by the way he is my only master in hobby electronics, I have learned a lot from him) , sometimes studying physics in the physics laboratory (once caught by Veli Buzlu while watching TV and cribbing turnusol paper), sometimes chatting in the busstop in the icy-wind. Moreover, I will never forget our adventures in Kaz Mountains.

Levent Tavþancý, he is my indispensible project partner and best colleague. In this department we spent good and bad days together in order to get higher grades (sometimes lower grades!). But at last we learned that grades are not as important as we thougt, but there is a beautiful life out there with all its beauties. Please check out his homepage to learn more about him!

Finally, I owuld like to send special greetings to my brother Anýl Altuntaþ who made my life more enjoyable and happy and to my lovely cousins Alper & Gökhan Tekeli for their killing guitar solos!!

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