welcome to care bears galore! you are being redirected to my care bear domain at www.care-bears.net.

07-25-02: everythings up! go to www.care-bears.net (12:50pm pst)

07-25-02: very exciting news today! care-bears.net is finally going back up. after way too many months of being gone, i have finally worked out the hosting problem. so within a few hours (hopefully by 3pm pst), all your favorite pictures should be back up! i'll keep you all posted.

07-18-02: special announcement!!! care bears are coming out of hibernation! click here! i wish i was in ny sooo bad. if anyone is going, please let me know how it is and i would love to see pictures!

07-02-02: im trying to get care bears galore back up and running. since i cant get my own domain hosted, im trying to stick with geocities and hopefully they wont continue to shut my site down due to bandwidth excessiveness. its taking me many hours to redo this whole site because of its size. so far only two pages are up, but dont worry, all the others are on their way. right now pretty much none of the links work, but they will shortly. as soon as i find some more time. thank you all for visiting!