Always United In Christ...Never Apart!

Dear Alumni:

The long strange journey is over. You've graduated!! Best wishes for a prosperous and safe and healthy future.

While IVCF will miss you dearly, we want to make sure that you're never far from your hearts. With the technology we have today - e-mail, cell phones, Internet chatting, messaging, 10-10-numbers - it's not hard to stay close to those you love who are physically far away.

This portion of the IVCF page is all for you...our alumni!! We want to be able to reconnect with old friends, maybe meet some new ones, and have the chance to share in your experiences in the Lord after your York College Days are over. Yet, in order to make this a reality, we need your help.

If you are interested in this endeavor, please go back to the Main Page and e-mail Kate Kosturski, Web Person (there are links throughout) with the following information:

1) Name
2) Current E-mail (please, no work e-mail addresses)
3) Street Address
4) Year of Graduation and Degree
5) Current News

I also urge all of you to look at the InterVarsity National Office Home Page. There are many intriguing resources geared for IVCF Members in their post-collegiate careers.

Good Luck and I look forward to hearing from all of you!!

Warmest Regards In Christ,

Kate Kosturski
Web Person
(soon to be Class of 2000)

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