1 Apr   Thomas Lamendola

It's good to see that four years (more in some cases, less in others) of college education has taught some of you how to read, write and use a computer. I am still living and working on Long Island. If anyone knows of other alumni on the Island, or ever visits here, let me know. I am married (she's not from Bloomsburg) and have two sons, Michael (2 years) and Peter (1 month). Life is good. I look forward to reading about you guys on the web, and hopefully hearing from some of you via e-mail. I still have my brick, and bleed Delta Pi blue....Tom Lamendola (340)


14 March  David Decoteau

Calling all brothers of the 1980s - I would like to propose getting together on Saturday, April 25th for an Alumni Spring Picnic in the Bloomsburg area. Anyone who is interested in this idea please contact me so we can work out location. I think having a picnic at the house blows for both the brothers and the alumni so we need to work out an alternative solution. Also, homebrewing brothers can supply the beverages and we can contrast and compare brews. Please contact me at as soon as possible and we'll work out the details.

16 February  Scott Stuhlmuller

What's up Delta Pi people? This web page is a beautiful thing. Thanks Billy Watt!

An update for anyone who cares: I'm living in Yardley (Bucks County), PA with my lovely wife, Kerry (a BU grad and honorary member of the 36th pledge class, 'cause she spent more time in the house drinking with the brothers than some brothers I know--but enough about Ron Seely). I have no kids yet, but I'm starting to become less concerned about preventing one from happening, if you know what I mean. I'm in my 4th year of teaching high school English Literature, coaching (high school) ice hockey, and playing in a band (a damn good one, incidentally, if anyone's looking for a wedding or corporate-party-type rock and roll band with kick-ass female lead vocals).

Dan Marett and I were up at the house one weekend in October '97, and some progress was underway on stripping and painting the outside of the house, and we had about 6 or 7 scumbags if I recall correctly--which was purportedly more than anyone else on or off campus for the Fall. Our gracious hosts even allowed us a special, unscheduled bag-lineup in celebration of our alumni visit!

I'm curious to hear about several things: how those bags made out, whether there's a Spring group in the wings, whether any partying is going on in light (or in spite) of the university's mandates, whether there's a Spring picnic of any sort being planned, who the current Corresponding Secretary is and why he hasn't updated the alumni lately, and what's up with that nasty, scary kid-falling-off- the- crag-law-suit situation. Any news on any of that stuff would be much appreciated.

If anyone wants to contact me directly, my e-mail adress is

Take it easy bruthuz. Stuhlly

16 December Michael Klaips


To begin, my compliments on the excellent web site. I am the anonymous composer of the Press Enterprise update, of which, I failed to identify myself. I have resided in Apt. F for the last two and a half years and have just recently resigned as Vice President of Delta Pi. The resignation came after my arrest which occurred during the accidental fall this summer. Needless to say my criminal justice career went down the tubes when I was charged with furnishing/selling w/o a license. Anyway, to get to the point, I was leaving the house on Monday, long after everyone had left for the holidays, when I received a certified letter notice, the contents of which we had all been naively denying. The Estate of Matthew Miller (deceased) is sueing Delta Pi or more specifically the insurance which covers our beloved mansion. I immediately forwarded the paperwork to Stephen King, who deserves praise from all for countless years of service and funding. King told me he would inform our insurance company and handle what he could. I know little else, but I am also very concerned. Even if our million dollars of liability cover the suit, should we not expect immediate cancellation of our policy? Well, I just wanted to keep everyone updated. If any one is interested, the lawyer handling the suit is:

Neal T. O'Donnell
Gramercy Park Building Suite 202
121 So. Main St. Pittston PA 18640

Maybe someone would understand better, or be in a position to help. As of right now, I believe it will be in the insurance companies hands. Thanks for your time.

Also if anyone can help me with my career predicament, I would greatly appreciate it. My ultimate goal was to become a federal agent. #569

16 December Bo Belaski

Dear Brothers ,
Here is another chapter in the book of " It's a small world ". I have relocated to Atlanta since my Bloom days . Since I have been here I have become a Braves fan but thats about it (Obviously since the Falcons suck ) On 12.14.97 I attended my first Falcons game -The Eagles were in town and I went with a friend who is a huge Eagles fan . He was talking about college and all that and I was talking about Bloom and The freak show that is Delta Pi . The guy sitting right behind had flown down from Philly for the weekend with his Dad to see the game . He heard me mention Bloomsburg . He informs me that he is a student there now , on break . Next Question -Greek affiliation ? Delta Pi !

He was Tim Karramus (please excuse any name or spelling mistakes as the adult beverages were in full effect ) and a active brother now . I was floored !- what are the odds of that happening 1000 miles away from Bloom . We talked about the House and the incident and what is being done to keep the house in shape . Also we said alumni will be a priority in the future - as he is part of the new Exec Board ( Sage ,I believe ) I was great to get a first hand update on everything that is going on with DP . Final score Falcons 20 Eagles 17 ( EAGLES SUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Maybe there is hope for me as a Falcons fan after all . Fraternally Yours

Bo Belaski 471

5 December Jeff Reiterman

Subject: To the Sage of the Internet
I wanted to respond to "John 39"'s message about not being recognized by the University. On the surface it is the best alternative, unfortuanatly the rumor is that any Greek organization that goes it alone will feel the rath of both the university and the town. The town will come down much harder on parties and building code violation, and any student that is a non recognized greek will have a tougher time with their professors apparently. This would keep anyone that plans on getting a degree from BU away. So in essence we would have a fraternity full of Maggots! (that is Brian Reddish's) I say do it!

In response to Dakota.....Relax... Have a Home Brew. When is the first DP beer tasting. I've been brewing for about 2 years now. (got one going right now)

Recently went to the Eagles Steelers game with Ginsu and Fidel (as well as others) I was the only Eagles fan among 8. The bet was the losers had to do 10 push ups to I love the Eagles and 10 Bung Dips to "Oh Ah Fuck Me Bobby Hoying". It was great to beat Scumbag Steeler fans in public (Just a little public humiliation is good). Will send pictures once they are developed. Next time the bet will be dimal related.

By the way, How about a scumbag update..... Did any QUIT!!!! Take care Billy, Keep of the good work.....

10 November Michael Klaips

Press Enterprise release: Early September

Frat Knows Code Bloomsburg- Appearances can be deceiving at the Delta Pi Fraternity house these days.

On Tuesday, remnants of another successful Monday Night Football session were strewn about: Half filled beer cups on the tables, a keg in the foyer.

But the town code enforcer likes what he sees. After all, his job is too look past the beer cups and into the dark corners.

Fraternity brothers have restored the underpinnings of the sprawling, old Crag Mansion on West First St - from electrical systems to balconies, to siding - after being hit with 60 - plus code citations earlier this year.

"They have definately made tremendous gains in the vivolations that we have found," said Dean Vohnblohn Tuesday.

Delta Pi is working towards getting back its license to house three or more unrelated people per unit, a must for larger off campus Bloomsburg University Apartments.

" If they produce the right paperwork, and if they continue on the track that they are on, they will definately get a license," said VonBlohn.

The house has upwards of 25 rooms, and is divided into 9 seperate living units. That allows 18 people to live there without a license: two per unit. Once it gets a license: about thirty people can live there.

It has been a long road back for the fraternity. In March, VonBlohn convinced town council to go through the house with its own electrical inspector at $45 dollars an hour to search for possible life- threatening problems. Counsil did so, mindful of an October 1994 fire that killed five BU students at an off campus fraternity house.

Mayor Dan Bauman instructed Vonblohn to take an uncompromising line with the fraternity, and if it meant shutting it down, so be it.

On Tuesday, Delta Pi brothers invited a reporter into the house to show what work they have done. It began several months ago and continues to this day, they said.

Delta Pi brothers pooled money by paying rent early. Besides summer work, many worked on weekends. They hired a contractor where necessary, and fixed whatever they could on their own.

"It was do or die," treasurer Jeff Lombardi said. "If we didnt, we couldn't live here."

Pusczko says that the house has a new electrical box, a strengthened balcony and outside siding.

The list of violations has been whittled from 60 to 12, he said. Now he believes that only three remain. Now the fraternity has its sights set on larger improvements.

Delta Pi wants to repaint the Crag Mansion in its original colors- white with red trim- which hearkens it back to the days when the mansion was a hotel, and before that a home of the Magee family.

And yes, they still have parties there but the experience of saving money, hiring contractors,doing house repairs and working with town hall has not been lost.

"You learn a few of life lessons," said Rusty Davison.

And Vonblohn seems content to endure a few beer cups on the table if the fraternity can satisfy regulations written by building Officers with Code Administration (BOCA) which the town enforces.

"Its not the prettiest building in the world," He said," but BOCA doesn't say pretty."

We also had a building inspection on approx. Nov. 5th, the inspectors praised us for staying out of trouble and said that other fraternities were taking the stress of our backs. The said that the town officials were aware of how well we are doing and that it does not go unnoticed. They praised all of the work that was completed and told us that they would work with us on the extended projects. We are financially broke because of all of the rent which was paid in advance, so any donations would be greatly appreciated and utilized. Money can be sent to Jeff Lombardi at 269 West First St. Bloom 17815. You will be happy to know that it is a dismal week for 7 random bags. Appreciate all of the inquiries.

Michael Klaips 569

4 NovemberDavid Decoteau
Dear Bill;

Man,am I surprised! Who would have guessed you had it in you to create such a great web page? I am sickened by myself, that I could have ever lumped you in with the other card carrying members of the "Low Brainwave Broters". That is why I feel compelled to envoke a little known privledge provided by my glory days as past President of Delta Pi and proclaim you the first honorary Electronic President of Delta Pi! ( I think if you look it up in the Charter you will see that I am well within my rights to proclaim you as such).

That being said, let me say "Hello" to all brothers past, present and future. This Web page is just the thing the fraternity (or should I say "club" now) needs to get brothers organized into a cohesive unit. Here is a perfect example: I saw on the news board that brothers were going to get together in Kutztown for the Bloomsburg game. I contacted Hank Riordan, and he gave me the scoop. So Saturday morning I got in my truck, and drove the hour or so from Hatfield to Kutztown in the driving rain to see the likes of Hank, Twit, Moff, Rabbit,Tom Todd and others for a few hour and have some beers. But, low and behold, no brothers showed-up! What are you afraid of a little rain? To good to go drink in a thunderstorm? Well not me!

It is good to see that "Dicking a brother" never goes out of style! On the upside if you are ever in Kutztown sitting at the Basin Street Pub around 11:45 am.waiting for fraternity brothers to show-up and you get hungery; they have a pretty good Rueben sandwich. On to something more positive.

Brief Bio: Married 6 years to Molly "Morgan" Buehner (AST). Have a 4 year old son Jacob Adam. He is a genius: will probably pledge Beta sig. Started a design/build landscape contracting business as a way to make extra money after college and stuck with it ever since (I like a challange and not much pay. Bill, are you still with Brickman?). I stay in contact with a few brothers on a fairly consistant basis (Frank Fendler, Chris Snyder, My homo lover - Domes, to name a few). Recently started playing less golf and making more beer. Other Delta Pi beer makers include Rabbit, Fondle-her, and Domes. If there are any others let me know, I was thinking of having a Delta Pi homebrew party (not too specific, do you think?) Just an idea Steve King if you are reading this, - The Crag would make a excellent brew pub:Just think about it; no pressure.

That is enough boring, C _ _ T alumni rambling for one letter. Just want to start a few rumors before I wrap it up.
  1. Is it true that Weasel has converted to a weird form of Budism that worships Richard Gere's undergarments?
  2. I heard that Bat-mite invented a computer chip that could "Bob for Onions" in the toilet 40% faster than the traditional "pledge" method.
  3. Did anyone else hear that Damien Davison got a severe case of moss growing on his north side and as a result was "spiked" by Earth First at an anti-logging rally?

    David Decoteau

    2 November John McLaughlin

    I agree that we need to address this question (to be recognized by BU or not). I believe that we have bounced back and forth with being recognized for some time now. I think that the only result of our attempting to get back on campus by abiding to their 'no pledge classes' penalties over the years have been reductions in our membership numbers. The restrictions that the campus is enforcing these days are simply unrealistic (no kegs inside fraternity houses, no pledge classes for 1 year). I too question the value that being a recognized fraternity presents in today's day and age. Here are the pros and cons of recognition as I see it:
    • being able to advertise rushes on campus
    • being able to use campus facilities for meetings, etc.
    • participation in IFC sports

    • feeling the obligation to abide by the administration's directives (e.g. no kegs or pledge classes)
    • skipping pledge classes (kills the much needed membership)
    • not having parties (parties are essential for attracting future pledges)
    I'm sure that I missed some points, but my main concern is that missing pledge classes could be a devistating blow to our fraternity at this point.

    Additionally, I found some pretty good snapshots of DP Halloween parties, beach parties, a 70's party, and a couple of shots from past alumni weekends. Would you want to put these shots into the photo album on the website? If so, let me know how I can get the pictures to you. I have a good amount of pictures (mostly of brothers from the 36th-43rd pledge classes), but I'm not sure what your server space limitations are.

    Let me know.

    John 39th

    30 October Mike Domin

    Hey Billy Watt:

    This is terrific! You really weren't the Low-Brainwave Brother (LBB) that I thought you were. Just kidding. Have you or any of the other brothers heard any news about what happened to Skip (Brenner). I had heard that he died in a truck accident in California.

    Anyone know any more information. I would appreciate it. He was an awful pledge-brother but a lot of fun and a real great brother. Sure going to miss him.

    Take it easy

    "Domes" 352

    23 October Paul Lewis

    I was in Bloomsburg for Homecoming and as far as I can remember it was a pretty good time. The house is looking better, new doors and some siding on the outside. It may actually survive a few more years. I unfortunately never got around to making a contribution to the brothers, so who do I send a check to? Any word yet on how many bags we got, if any?

    Paul Lewis, 482

    23 October

    Bill, this is a truly great medium of communication for the brothers. I'm already enjoying it and I'm looking forward to keeping abreast of all the happenings in the Delta Pi world.

    I have just one question to ask. Is Homecoming dead for Delta Pi? If so, can someone tell me why. They used to be a great time for both active brothers and alumni. Now, there is no beer at the house, no brothers at the house, no alumni at the house and I'm confused. Where did everybody go? And no, they weren't all hiding at Russel's. Hoping for a rebound in years to come. Maybe the picnic will be a little more exciting.

    17 October Hank Riordan

    For those of you who can't make the trip to Bloom this year for homecoming, some of us are planning to go to the Bloomsburg/Kutztown game (at Kutztown) on Saturday Nov. 1. The West Chester game is at Bloom and it sure beats going to Cheyney.

    We will be meeting at the Basin Street Bar (KU's version of Hess') at 11:30 for pregame foolishness. After, Mike Tricoski has been dumb enough to invite us back to his house (near KU) for more of the same.

    So far, Egg, Twit, Moff, Rabbit, Dunny, Balloon, Galen, Tric, Sarge, Tommy Todd (the only real name I still remember) are all going....but of course, the more the merrier. Hope to see you there.

    hank riordan 322

    13 October Ted Qualli

    Home coming is the weekend of October 17th. I don't know if letters were sent out but the word from the house is that they hope for a large turnout. I have been up there recently, and the place looks good. I don't know if many people are aware of the situation with the code inspector this summer, but once again things got tight. If yo do make it up there this weekend do all of us a favor and bring some MONEY. Whatever you can spare and find Craig Pusczko 557 and thank him for almost single handedly fixing every violation. Not that other people didn't help, but if you ever lived in the house you know how it is. If you didn't ever live in the house maybe you could donate a semesters rent. Spread the word about homecoming.

    Ted Qualli 548

    11 OctoberMike Tricoski
    just wanted to drop ya a line to say great job in creating this web-site! would be nice to somehow get email addresses of all the bros(if they have 'em)! once again great job willie wad...later !

    mike tricoski 332

    3 October
    Who is planning to attend? I have not seen anyone talk about it yer? Glad to see the word continues to get around about the website. Keep up the nice work Billy WaTT.

    8 October Tom Todd

    Great job on the web page. I just heard about it. Just a little info about myself now, I am living in Royersford, PA with my wife Colleen (Pixie Sister).

    Future Brothers ! I have a 3 year old boy, Tommy Jr. and on September 28, 1997 our second son, Ryan was born. Congrats on your new edtion. I've been working at Lufasco Inc. in Exton, PA for the past 11 years as the sales manager.

    Again super job on web page, I hope to see everybody in Kutztown for the game on
    November 1.

    Tom Todd 357

    8 October

    Steelers vs. Eagles

    A group of brothers and friends are going to be at the Steelers/Eagles game on November 23 at the Vet. If anyone else is attending drop an email to me so we can organize a tail gate party. The last time they played in Pittsburgth and we had approx 10 brothers attend. We are also planning to disturb Philly the night before so we are nice and primed for Sunday.

    28 September John McLaughlin

    Bill: Please post this message on the message board
    Outstanding job with creating & maintaining the Delta Pi Website. It looks great! You get the 1997 DP anti-slacker award. I was just at the Crag yesterday (9/27/97) when some of the active freakazoids told me about the website. Needless to say, I was thrilled to hear about it. This communication tool is a godsend to all of our efforts to keep in touch with each other and to stay abreast of what's happening at the house. I think I may have some relatively entertaining pictures from DP parties & whatnot - if I find some winners, I'll forward them to you for the photo album.

    When I stopped by the house, I was very happy to see the new fencing on the Crag wall. Additionally, a new back bar was built in the basement, a new window was installed in apartment A, and some other various carpentry had apparantly taken place - good progress. I am also to understand that Steve King is helping with the financing of the exterior painting project (thanks, Steve!!). I understand that the guys up there are waiting for some type of super-kickass sander to come in that has been ordered. They will begin the project when it comes in.

    On another topic, I learned that as a result of the accident, we are not allowed (by the University) to take pledge classes for 2 semesters. I was wondering if the active president could give all of us an update regarding whether or not we actually will take pledge classes. I will be very concerned if we decide not to do so, as our active brotherhood numbers are struggling as it is. Possibly, some Alumni input on the decision (if it has not already been made) may be helpful so the active guys can benefit from knowing about any history of similar situations and lessons learned.

    Also, I ran into a bunch of brothers at Andy Billet's wedding (483) in Allentown earlier in September - congrats, Andy! It was fun for all, complete with a DP pyramid at the reception. As for me, I married Robin Traenkle (also a BU alumnus) on May 25, 1996; no rugrats yet.

    Some of my info -> John McLaughlin
    Pledge Class: 39th
    Graduated: Dec. 92
    Working for SmithKline Beecham Clinical Laboratories / Collegeville, PA
    Bill, thanks again for hitting a home run with this website. You the man.
    Fraternally yours,
    John - 491

    27 September Steven J. Hull

    Saturday september 27th we will be starting to paint the house, the estimated cost with everything is $1500. we expect that the scrapping will take two weeks to complete, and then the painting will be another two weeks. The colors as of last nights meeting were decided to be the original white with maroon trim. but that can change many times until the painting actually starts later. the house will look great with the new coat of paint.

    Steven J. Hull - 578

    19 September Steven J. Hull

    I am steve hull 578. well I was at the site and maybe you would want to tell all that yesterday we got inspected and it was supposed to go bad because of all the violations. but they gave us a list of things that needed to be fixed and we did fix them so when they inspected us yesterday it went good they gave us an extension on the roof and exterior until april. which means we still live at the crag. always a good thing. the house looks good now lots of sawdust and new wood and new doors. everything is going great but parties suck NO KEGS just freshman girls like always. does any active brothers keep in touch with you on what is going on now? well gotta run

    steve Hull 578

    9 September Drew King

    Billy Please post the following letter on the site:

    Yo Brothers, 1st of all lets do something about the back of the CRAG. The crag was made for tossing scumbricks, couches, and occasional refrigerators. The death of someone over the crag is a sad thought. Let me know if money is needed for some fencing along the wall. END OF SERIOUS STUFF.

    Glad to here that the golf outing was successful!!!!!!!!

    Crawdad, I hope you are now reading these pages, your party was great......thank your wife for me!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anyone who was invited to hower's 40th birthday party and blew it off --------- You missed a winner. Thank's Liz

    I plan to talk to Squid to get permission to host a party next summer. NO I am not henpecked---It 's just that karin has not forgiven weasel for sleeping in her oven at my last party. It is time to get some bro's to visit my crib...

    Everyone keep spreading the word about the site>>>>>>

    Bill you are doing a steller job updating the pages.

    And to all you bro's who did the nasty with quassimotto W H Y. And don't hide, we know all, see all and remember all.


    Read Some Really Old Messages Here.

    You are the person to access this page since March, 1997.