sac state's best/worst study areas

Best places to study


In the library:

The Union 2nd Floor. Most people here tend to study hard, so don't bug them.

Empty classrooms. No one can find you here, but you'll have to leave if a class starts.

In front of the Pub/Riverfront Market. Here on the grass is a great place to kick back and study. But make sure the grass is dry, or you'll be hating it.

Your car. Yes, as long as there is light, there is time for a before-test cram session.

Alumni Grove. This can be a great place to people watch or study during the daytime.

Denny's/Lyons The study area of choice after the library closes.

Worst places to study


Dorm study rooms. These are study rooms, but more chatting goes on than studying.

The pool. Waaaaay too many distractions here. You can bring your books, but don't expect to get anything accomplished.

The Quad. If you're Greek, the Quad is the place to be and socialize. Studying does not happen here, until after 4 p.m.

The Pub. "Hey, let's grab a beer and study for that bio exam!" What part of this does not make sense?

Your dorm room. You've gotta be a really good student to be able to thrive here. This has distractions galore, from the phone to your roommate.

Got any others? e-mail us!

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