A Page Dedicated to the Group Known As LLRT:

LLRT is a group of Super-Nifty people. LLRT originated at CTY (Home) Lancaster 98.1. (There is a much older LLRT, but this page isn't about them). We're descended from the Digiclan, the elder LLRT, and various other people. (Or so we claim, anyway :) ) We have that wonderful CTY crazyness! If you have anything to add to this page, or just want to talk or whatever, e-mail me at magekat@hotmail.com or IM me.


The Stuff That's Actually Here:

"Regular" LLRT '99 Pictures

Second Saturday Pictures

Links to other nifty CTY pages

New Years 99-00 Reunion Pictures!

CTY 2000 Pictures!

Birthday Party Pictures

Eish Pictures

Coming Soon:

Some Thoughts On CTY, a Guestbook?