Friends at Uni

My Friends at Uni

Since coming to University I've made alot of friends, from all over the place, both on my course, and in halls of residence, as well as meeting plenty of people down pub!!!.

Ladies 1st,


Well, hmm, not the quietest of girls. Just joking Kerrie, no don't hit me ow!!!

I lived with Kez last year in halls and she's one of the girls movin in with me this year, So far we get on really well and I hope it carries on lke that.

Kez is from Doncaster, so she's always putting her point accross, especially when she's drunk (hahaha)!!!Take a looky at the photo and you'd see that Kerrie is just about always up for tryin' anything.

Her sister went one step further with the hair by dying it ORANGE. 1-0 to the sis!!!


The name's wierd but she ain't (tho' she does like to be called god!!!) Angy (often squeeled at her at a high a pitch as possi by the girls on the floor!!!) comes from the land of the great sheep god:- "Wales", and has sheepy icons hanging around over the floor. She doesn't often come out with us as she DON'T DO DRINKING, well not much anyway. So when she does come out she has a great time studying all the stupid things that we do during our pissed states and reciting them back to us the next morning (or afternoon, whenever we manage to get up!!!).


THE Trekky. Emma comes from Hull and, like Ang doesn't go out much. Emma loves most things sci-fi like X files as well as Sliders and the obvious, Star Trek. In fact she has got most the films on tape except ST3 so if anyones willing she might have it off ya!!! As well as this she owns a Saturn (which I spend alot of the time on, cheers Emma!!!) with a LOT of games. Turns out we've pursuaded Emma to move in with us this year, good look to us as between kerrie and Emma gallons of water must have been spread out over the floor of our halls over the last year!!!

Check out Emma's Trekky Page


Oh man can this girl DRINK!!! There's been many a time she's come (stumbled, literally from table to table-bang bang bang, from one table to another!!!) up to me, fallen onto our table and screached "Hi Steve I'm pissed as a fart!!!" before callapsing!!!

Kath, a typical London girl is definitely one of the most friendly girls I've ever met, yes, even when she's sober. She seems to get on with anyone.


When I first met Amy she was REEAAALLLYYYY, REEEAAALLLYYY quiet, then she got drunk!!! (hahaha what was I thinking!!!).

No, Amy is one of the nicest girls I know at Uni, she's good looking, friendly having a very bubbly personality, and erm, well I suppose thats it really!!!

Anyway, Amy is a big fan of the Spice Girls, (haha!!!) and knows the dances to most the songs, as she kindly proves to us whenever Stop came on in the clubs, whereby she'd get up on the tables in her various drunken states and dance to it!!! (highly amusing!!!)

Amy is also a big fan of funky seventy's music and loves going down the local seventy nights around Bradford.

AT the mo she's studying Biomed at Uni although she's thinking of transferring to nursing (wwehhaayyy, oohhh yeah!!!).

At the mo we seem to get on really well as we're both permenantly perched against the bar at the QH and I was looking forward to living with her next year, but unfortunately she's been forced away from uni and has transferred to Leeds (aagghhh traitor!!!) I hope Ames has a goood time on her new course and doesn't forget the times we all had in our first year at uni!!!.


Louise comes from Coventry, near me actually, and studies the same course as Emma and Angharad. Tho' being idle, never usually went to lectures and stayed in bed!!!

When Louise first met everyone on the floor she never usually drank anythink, then she turned into a right boozer!!! In factits scary'cos whenever she gets drunk she tends to hug as many blokes as possible!!!


Ellen is one of those people that never ever stops smiling, well scary!!! She always comes into the room smiling and it really cheers me up too. Ellen is studying EIMC (I think!!!)

...AND the lads!!!


Chris has long hair making him look like a freaky rocker!!! Chris is one of the 'C' floor mob that I hang around with. He studies Elec Eng, but unlike me, he managed to get onto the first year.

The Chris man is the old man of the gang as he's just had his 21st Birthday where we managed to get him completely paraletic by making him down a cocktail of Metz, vodka, archers, whisky, and rum. The whole drink came to about 10 quid, so to make sure he'd be drunk we "made" him down it, oh and was HE pissed!!!(hahaha).

When it comes to music he usually goes for heavy stuff (ah, thats why he's got freaky hair!!!).You can check out chris' totally new page out here!!!


Another one of the 'C' floor mob of last year. Paul comes from Bolton and IS a witch, no he really is, he's sex mad and the lot!!! And all the educated among us know that all witches are sex mad, they use it as a form of worship!!!

Check out Paul's website.


Simon comes from Glossop (I think thats how you spell it!!!)and worships the Boddintons Brewery at Strangeways.

If theres any man I wouls really call an alcoholic, then this is the man!!! Simon spent last year getting totally paraletically wankered every time we went out, I think this had something to do with the fact that he can down a pint in 2 gulp (we timed him at 2.12 seconds or something!!!


Andy lived next to Graham when we lived in halls together. He comes from Leicester and is studying Pharmacy (oohh yyarss!!!)


Graham's one of the X "C" floor lot and is now living with Andy, Paul (the witch) Helen and Chris nearby, so we get together most nights ta go down ta pub.

Graham's an absolutely hhhuuugggeee bloke at like 6'7" or something like that, I don't care I still need a loud speaker to talk to him!!!


Gareth lived on 'C' floor last year and is again this year!!! He was doing but has since moved to America and is apparently getting married(in America)!!! Congrats Gareth!!!

Cec "Smoothy"

Cec is the man who first helped me put this page together, so cheers!!!

Cec is another Londoner (born in Hudderfield- obviously an imposter!!!)currently doing his second year here at uni on a Computer course. He has BAD taste when it comes to football as he supports Spurs (well he's definitely not a glory hunter!!!-only joking, spec, now you've got George Graham)

Cec likes to think of himself as a somewhat of a sex god, but I've got to admit he's definitely got the touch (tho he's getting on a bit now, so he's kinda losing his touch!!!). But hey he's tied down right now, if you know what I mean!!! (So the female population is safe for now from his Smoothness!!!).


Mo is the "man who knows" of the floor last year. You want to know some really obscure piece of info and he'll know it, never fails!!! His specialities are sport, ask him what was the squad when, say Arsenal played so and so and he'll tell ya!!!

Mo comes from Blackburn but supports Liverpool when it comes to football, but I think his fav sports are cricket and F1.


Steve made the bad choice of living with me next year, hey you don't know what you're in for!!!

I met Steve when he got off with one of the girls on my floor, but we've seemed to get on ever since.

Another one with bad taste when it comes to footy. He supports Spurs as well.(aarrgghh damn them all....hahahaha)

But apart from that minor blip Steve's a cool guy, ready to have fun, and I'll enjoy living with him this year (as long as he washes up!!!).

This man seems to have taken over from Mo in the second year as "the one who knows all".

...AND my mates from my course in the 1st year I was here.


All my mates on my course seem to live in Bradford so I never get the chance to go out with them, Brendans no exception. He lives in a quiet little village over the other side of bradford, but's told me that when he gets drunk he used to get violent-once he even gave one of his mates a bloody nose (god help me!!!)


I met Si at the course registration on the first day here. Si comes from Leeds and is a serious rocker into Maryln Manson, and pcsycho stuff like that, in fact he'll often walk along "singing" the lyrics like "CUT YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF" as well as other "more pleasant" stuff.

Si commutes into uni from Leeds, well Morley, which could explain his curious behaviour, like his fascination for knives!!!

Simon's become a good mate at uni, (even if he is psychotic!!!)


The guy with the freaky sideburns, and another Londoner.

As we all failed the course in style they've all left or changed course, but I chose to repeat the year, so its back to the drawing board an'all that starting again from scratch.!!!Wish me luck

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