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There are many more stories where these came from. It's up to you to tell 'em.

(NAME)  Pat Bowen
(CLASSOF)  1999
(Pick_Something)  Depression got in the way

(NAME) Andrew Bozeman (EMAIL) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) University of Alabama (CLASSOF) 00 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- lets see. the dorms sucked, the scholarship sucked, the doctors gave me narcotics, which in turn, sucked. classes got in the way of my alcohol and schedule of women, and having no money sucked, and the food sucked, my roomate was an asshole, my friends were just as lifeless and alcohol-dependant as me, and being a minor and a smoker, social life sucked. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I wanted to devote myself fulltime to the Web (referred-by)
(NAME) L.C (COLLEGE) University of Michigan (CLASSOF) 98 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I did pretty much anything and everything to get out of exams and papers. One time, I had a final paper of 15-20 pages due and all I did was paste and copy one paper I had written to the second paper I had written that term. I ended up with a B+ in the class. "Bravo, to me!" I say. I have been to the doctor to miss exams, faked deaths in the family, filled in C for over 100 questions on a Chemistry exam(received a D-), got permission to turn in ONE paper for my entire grade and then never went(received an Incomplete for the course), and finally DROPPED OUT:)!!!!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I was lazy
(NAME) B.J. Clitherow (EMAIL) (WEB) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Penn State (CLASSOF) 92 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey! I went to South America on spring break... and didn't come back. Well, I came back eventually, but not in time to finish classes. So, here I am, editor of a magazine, with no degree, all because I need a class called English 202. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) A relationship got in the way
(NAME) Matt Fleenor (EMAIL) Wheeler (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Northeastern State University (Oklahoma) (CLASSOF) 1998 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decided I'd rather have a good time than study. Then I discovered that it's hard to have a good time with no money, so I had to get a job. So now I work all the time, never go out, and never have any money cause it all goes to pay the bills that my parents quit paying when I dropped out of college. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) School was my enemy (referred-by) Internet Yellow Pages
(NAME) Traci Haley (EMAIL) (WEB) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Central Oregon Community College (CLASSOF) 2000 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just recently dropped out of college after spending a couple terms taking classes I hated to have a career I despised. I feel like I've been in a tornado, but I'm happy about what I did, now I can try and pursue a writing career. It's nice to know I'm not the only one ever to drop out of college...some people around here have made me feel like that's exactly what I am. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I did not fit the school's mold (referred-by) Yahoo
(NAME) Tyler Hernandez (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) CalState Los Angeles (CLASSOF) 90 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wanted to study computer programming, OK? So instead, 2 years into this, I find myself still taking Art History and Principles of Accounting and Geology 101 and all this superfluous trash...finally I just dropped the whole thing, bought a C++ manual, taught myself and got a job If it wasn't for the parties I'd say I wasted my time --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I was lazy (referred-by) accident
(NAME) Paul Hoch (EMAIL) (WEB) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) American Univeristy/ Western New England College (CLASSOF) 93 (story) I'm a 2 time dropper outer. American U and WNEC. (Pick_Something) I wish I knew
(NAME) NIJ (EMAIL) (Pick_Something) I regret it
(NAME) Julie (EMAIL) N/A (COLLEGE) North Arkansas Community/Technical College (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I graduated from high school in 1993 and that fall I started at Ouachita Baptist Universtity and like most Freshman starting out on there own I feel into the wrong crowd. I partied five nights out of the week and had some really terrible experience with a couple of roommates. I don't think I cracked a book the entire time I was there. My grades were terrible, I only lasted a semester and a half. I ended up moving home in March, while I was home I worked at a steak house and tried yet another school called Petit Jean Vo-Tech. I didn't even last a semester there. So, I decided to call it quits for a while. I worked at Dentist office for a few months and didn't like that the boss and I didn't get along at all and also worked at UCA as an intern. I had several computer skills cause I had taken some Courses at the Adult Education Center and really enjoyed that. Computers is what I love anyway I thought I'd give college one more try so I moved up to Harrison and went to NACTC for a year to achieve more computer training yet I failed again. I got hooked on the internet and stayed in the computer lab more than in my classes so I said, "To hell with College" and moved back home. Only I've been living on my own since high school. I've had some pretty terrific jobs without a college degree, like now I'm working full-time at the city library working 40 hours a week and have full insurance benefits and paid vacation. Its a terrific job and I love the people. Still every once in a while I toy with the thought of trying to start back but I'm scared to go back now scared of failing all over again. Achieving a great job like this can happen it just takes time and patience. Good luck to everyone. Being a drop out is great!! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) No one is to blame
(NAME) Kija (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) most recent-CSULB (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm very grateful to have found this page. I have tried so hard for the greater part of my life to complete college. I am an above average person. (IQ 150, GPA 4.0) Yet, I've always hated school. I get up enough steam to go and then I just get so turned off. Nothing seems to interest me that school has to offer - YET I LOVE to learn!!! ANd I learn best on my own. However, some part of me thinks I need to have the approval of the BIG diploma. Now that I've found your site I feel like I'm not so alone. Thanks! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I did not fit the school's mold (referred-by) Yahoo search
(NAME) Rick Kimminau (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) University of Kansas (CLASSOF) 97 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I attended the University of Kansas immediately after graduating from a small high school in central Kansas. The extreme costs of school and living, forced me to return home and attend the local junior college. After about a year, I became disgusted with my growing credit card and student loan bills and decided to seek full-time employment. I now work for Alcoa Aerospace Center and make about $30,000 a year. I went to school majoring in Broadcasting. Ironically, I just now got a part- time job at a local radio station doing on-air, production, and copyrighting, things I read about in class, but now I'm actually doing. It's kind of funny. Most people go to at least four years of school to get a job in radio. I got mine when a friend of mine who is a salesperson for the station called my house and heard my unusual answering machine. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) Money got in the way
(NAME) Doug Kinney (EMAIL) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Mid-Plains comm. College (CLASSOF) 98 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have never been good at school, I couldn't handle the pressures of community college and the work load they give. I am going to work full time cleaning meat coolers at our local food mart for now. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I was lazy (referred-by) Looked you up
(NAME) Leah (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) Harvard (CLASSOF) '99 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yup, I cared enough to drop out of the very best. I went away to school when i was sixteen and had a blast for the first three weeks regaining consciousness only long enough to obtain more substances. Pretty quickly I realized that I was living in some long island dominated ( I spent my whole life in rural washington state) quasi reality where no one cared about anything except themselves. I was wasting 30,000 dollars trying to define reality in a place that used electronic key cards to make sure no sign of it was ever seen. I stopped going to classes and starting hanging out at an environmental activism office and an anarchist bookstore where I got my real education. I was too young then, but I'm thinking about going back although I have a job I love organising citizens against corporate policies that fuck with the environment and health. I think at the right place I could attend college and get an education that would broaden my scope of life, as opposed to my Har!vard one that actually limited it. Who knows? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I will finish somewhere else
(NAME) Ryan Loucks (COLLEGE) Alfred State College (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh I did not go to colleg for about 5 weeks, Uh i drank beer for a long time. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I had a terrible experience with friends/roommates (referred-by) I don't know
(NAME) Hal Marshall (EMAIL) (WEB) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) University of Arkansas (CLASSOF) 81 (story) There was like...all these books and stuff, weird.. (Pick_Something) I wanted a vacation
(NAME) Ian Mcharg (EMAIL) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Cariboo College (CLASSOF) 1999 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- What can I tell you? I hate school. I've always hated it and I don't understand why they try to cram so much crap into your brain that you don't need to know for your future career anyway. I'm in a computer programming 3 year coop program and I have no chance of passing this stupid accounting course. When I fail, I will be kicked out of the program with no possibility of returning. But I'll show them.....I'll drop out first. Ha ha, who's laughing now? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I will never finish
(NAME) Darryl Moss (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) UNC-Chapel Hill (CLASSOF) 1980 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I entered UNC-CH in 1976 (the year Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard) and dropped in two years later in 1978. I did not do well academically and although my performance did improve towards the end my heart just was not in it. In retrospect, I think the lack of structure and too much freedom hurt me. I will never forget a dean telling the freshman class that a certain percentage of us would not make. I think even then I knew I would be in that number. On the positive side, I had a great time and made some lifelong friends. Lastly,, I have a great job((Account Excec in the Computer Industry), I have been married for 17 years, have two daughters (14 &10), and recently elected to a third term as a City Commissioner in my hometown. In spite of not being a college grad, I have on to accomplish most of the things I set out to do with my life: a strong marriage, children, build a home, be respected in my community. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) It haunts my dreams (referred-by) Yahoo search
(NAME) Steve Murgaski (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) Queen's Univ. On. Ca (CLASSOF) 2000 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was supposed to be so many things that it wasn't. I must have been some kind of idealist: my image of university was a place where people really talked, not just about trivialities, but about original ideas. I was looking for something Socratic I thought people would question things with me talk about life, the universe, and everything... I don't know. Deciding not to go back, after a year of filling in assignment sheets, composing formulaic essays, and watching everyone get drunk ... it felt more like a divorce than like dropping out. The marks never felt like real feedback, and I couldn't find anything else. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I wish things had worked out (referred-by) Yahoo
(NAME) Robert Pokorney (EMAIL) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) University of Houston (CLASSOF) 91 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- went to college on academic part time job I liked, it became full time, school got in the way. (I didn't have the slightest idea what I should major in). Moved up north for family reasons, taught myself programming, and am currently at a well paying job, as well as in the process of starting my own business. The fact that I don't have a degree has never been a problem. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I wanted to work (referred-by) stumbled across the page
(NAME) Joe Rossi (EMAIL) (WEB) (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) University Of The Pacific (CLASSOF) 1999 (story) I'm just a plain failure. Nothing more to say. (Pick_Something) I was lazy (referred-by) Search
(NAME) Kathie Stackhouse (listme?) Yes (COLLEGE) Vincennes University (CLASSOF) 197 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started school majoring in liberal arts. I then changed my major to public relations. During my 3 years at this university I thought I was on vacation. That was my biggest problem, plus my social life also got in the way. I then transfered to a community college taking two courses in business and now I am out of school with no degree. I do plan on joining the air force where I will develop skills and still get an education. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I wanted a vacation
(NAME) Todd G Steege (EMAIL) (COLLEGE) Clarke College (CLASSOF) 14 (story) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got love colleges - essentially you pay a great deal of money to learn from individuals that didn't (couldn't?) make in the real world. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- (Pick_Something) I wish I knew [Ed. note: Can we really believe Todd to be in the Class of '14?]
NAME WITHHELD (COLLEGE) Lousiana State University (CLASSOF) 92 (Pick_Something) I was lazy (referred-by) Yahoo [Ed. note: Do you think withholding one's name and choosing "I was lazy" could be related? DON'T BE ASHAMED! ...but don't let me tell you how to feel.]
NAME WITHHELD (story) I Don't have to take this Shit, You Buttfucking Son of a Bitch! (Pick_Something) Alcohol got in the way [Ed. note: Okay, I don't censor. Do you think alcohol could have gotten in the way when this form was filled out? And, do you think his (alright, let's just come clean and admit it HAS TO BE a "he")... So, do you think his anger is directed at me, or some college administrator?]

last update: 3-14-98

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