My Corner of Cyber Space
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Let me tell you a little about myself.  My name is Kurt Champion and I'm a senior here at Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas.  I'm currently majoring in Electrical Engineering. I'm married to a beautiful woman named  Melissa and have a wonderful daughter named Kaylee.   
Here's a picture of me with my daughter.  She's about five minutes old in this picture. 
I'd like all of you to meet my daughter Kaylee Marie Champion.  If you'd like to see more pictures of her, click on the one above!
***Care to see more pictures of the people I call friends?  If so, please click HERE***
***Don't want to see the pictures?  Well, how 'bout checking out some of my favorite links?  Click HERE for those***
***November 18th, 1998 - I've been imortalized in a comic strip.  Ruben DeLuna was kind enough to put me in his comic strip "Fish" today.  Fish appears everyday in the Texas A&M newspaper, The Battalion.  If you would like to see what I look like as a comic character, click here!
Just want to see the Top 25 College Football Teams?  Then click here.
E-mail me with a question or comment! 
since October 3rd, 2000
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