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Attention and Concentration

What intelligent attention, concentration is -how to easily intelligently better focus, concentrate.

Concentration, attention: here is how to easily and fully focus, concentrate. Attention, concentration, is easy. Here are attention and concentration exercises to practice how to concentrate, how to focus one's attention on what one wants to focus one's attention -to improve focusing attention, intelligent concentration

Concentration, attention, to focus, is difficult think many.   Most can not concentrate. To be able to concentrate,  focus one's attention, concentration, even merely paying basic attention to focus on ordinary things is regarded as the greatest power. Concentration and attention, concentrating and focusing, have been described as the power which if one possessed would make all other known power insignificant to one. Focusing attention, concentration, is what intelligence is, is about. Here is how to acquire focus -concentration, attention.

Concentration and attention, first, know that one can easily, quickly acquire. What are attention, concentration, focus? There are three simple definitions relevant to attention and focus, concentration - intelligence. 

Intelligence is knowing how to avoid distractions and concentrate on issues -it is concentration, focusing attention; concentrating, knowing how to concentrate and focus attention -success in life situations by effective concentration, effective focus of attention.

Attention is part of focus, concentration, a component of intelligence. Attention, focus of attention,  only lasts a few seconds (tests suggested up to 90 but 30 seconds is regarded as maximum for focusing attention). Attention is the act or process of focusing on one or more particulars in the content of one's consciousness to give special clearance to essentials by restricting one's sensory input from the environment's unwanted aspects. Attention is never entire; it digresses, but can be re-focused at will.

Concentration and attention are subject to will. When one is trying to concentrate, paying attention, waves of electricity called 'alpha rhythm' are given by one's brain at a frequency of 8 - 12 Hz.; but attempts by bio-feedback on an electroencephalograph (EEG) or a 'mind-mirror' to usefully experiment with focusing attention to concentrate failed without direct input from the brain tissue, and because in 10% of subjects no waves were recordable -in concentration, while trying to focus attention, sensory input in attentive states can be sealed off at sense-organ level. Practice helps improve attention.

Concentration is exclusively to focus on, to give one's attention to, the task at hand by habitually bringing one's digressed attention back to quicker focus that attention, and to focus that attention more accurately. Concentration, concentrating, is being able also to re-focus attention if and when one is much distracted, or immediately after any rest or other one or more breaks, on the same task or other tasks (as opposed to 'concrete thinking' -which is not attention or concentration but obsession with a  specific fact or task and inability to switch focus of attention, concentration, to any other). The strength of the ability to concentrate, focus of attention for concentration, is by mental conditioning.

Concentration, attention, focus, involve thought. Thought outwardly directs itself creatively when  uncontrolled, and with 5 a minute break ideally the ability to focus and refocus attention, concentration, lasts at best 20-40 minutes. But focus and re-focus, attention and concentration, are aided by a network of nerve fibres within the brain stem, and because this ('reticular-activating system' -RAS) despatches signals to other parts of the brain, the brain is capable of being stimulated for attention also by conscious attitude -i.e., focus of attention, concentration, increases by confident familiarity with, excited interest in, the task at hand -it becomes easier and quicker to focus and re-focus attention on the subject of your concentration.

Diet and Exercises to improve focus of attention, and re-focus of attention, concentration, is easy, effective in a healthy body (nerve cells affect  mental functions and vitamins B1 & B12 help -whole grains, nuts, milk help better focus of attention and concentration).

Exercising focus of attention, concentration as follows safely improves attention and concentration:

(Sophisticated breathing techniques to deprive the brain of oxygen to force greater alpha-rhythm by increased carbon-dioxide retention, by some suggested, are known sometimes to have even upset one's automatic breathing, and should never be attempted.)

1. The simplest, easiest attention and concentration exercise is for 3 minutes a day to sit 5 feet away from a black spot 2 inches in diameter on a wall trying to focus attention, to concentrate, to see nothing but that.

2. Another attention and concentration exercise is studying carefully for a few minutes a picture or postcard  of something unfamiliar to one (this must never be the picture of a person, nor a place where there may have been or can be expected to be any persons or animals ~and, it must be an unfamiliar scene -e.g. an artist's from imagination painted picture of mountains, fields; the same one always); then, after focusing attention,  concentrating on it, one tries to recall the details of it -this daily increases success in focusing attention, concentration.

3. Depending on one's time and interest, to exercise attention and concentration, one, in one's imagination, may expand a spot to a circle on a blank wall learning daily to more easily focus attention and concentrate. Later by focusing attention, concentration, add in imagination a square around it; when you can do that easily proceed in imagination by attention and concentration to pull toward you the centre of that circle to form a cone; as gets easier your focus of attention, concentration, then a pyramid -daily improved attention and concentration will enable to easily change their colour and to paint them in imagination in many different colours. (It is possible to so improve one's attention and concentration as to place a piece of silver foil no bigger than a pin-head on a mirror and be able at will immediately to so focus attention as to concentrate, see absolutely nothing but just that - learnable is focus of attention, concentration.)

Concentration, focus of attention, it is generally agreed by science, can be improved. Even the simplest and easiest of focus of attention and concentration exercises improve effective focus of attention and concentration on issues in life situations and in the true sense of attention and concentration one's intelligent success or grater success in all matters important to one. Power and intelligence is the ability to focus attention, concentration.

His concentration, attention was on what mattered: TEACHER OF TEACHERS