Clowne Presentation Night
Standing Left To Right: Andrea Jackson, Ron Wild, Graham Sheen, John Harrison, Graham Shawcroft, Stephen Shipp, Janet Butterworth, Karen Bestwick, Reg Bestwick.
Kneeling Left To Right: Dennis Learad, Greg Goddard, Andy Ward, Stuart Platts, Trevor Platts

Clowne Roadrunners held their annual Awards & Presentation night at The Community Centre, Clowne on Saturday evening. To start the evening off members who attained standard time awards were presented with their gold, silver and bronze certificates and badges.
Then came Grand Prix awards, first of which were made to the recipients for the Off Road Grand Prix. These included:
Andrea Jackson 1st Lady Vet 35+
Trevor Platts 1st Male Vet 65+
Dennis Learad 1st Male 55 +
Greg Goddard 1st Male 50+
Ron Wild 1st Male 45+
Stuart Platts 1st Male 40+
Lewis Banton 2nd Senior Male
Andy Ward 1st senior Male
Andy Ward was also presented with The Roger & Sheila Radford Trophy for winning The Totley Tigers series of races.
The next series of awards was for The On Road Grand Prix. These included:
Janet Butterworth 1st Lady 60+
Trevor Platts 1st Male 65+
Dennis Learad !st Male 55+
Graham Shawcroft 1st Male 50+
Ron Wild 1st Male 45+
Stuart Platts 1st Male 40+
The final series of  Grand Prix awards were for the Overall Grand Prix. This combines both the off and on road series of results.4th was Graham Sheen, 3rd Ron Wild, 2nd Dennis Learad and the overall winner was Stuart Platts.
Other presentations were made to Graham Shawcroft, who won The first Clowne runner home in the recent Clowne 1/2 marathon, John Harrison, who received the trophy for winning the handicap race in July and finally Steve Shipp was presented with The Maud Richardson trophy for services to the club.
Excellent food was produced by Linda Proffitt and her team of willing helpers.
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50/1 Outsider Dave Keeling Won The Whiskey In The Closing Seconds Of A Hard Fought Contest!