Random Questions
1.) How many times do you think guys have hit on or checked out drag queens, but they really thought that they were girls?
2.) What if you were raised to call red green, but you weren't color blind?
3.) Why are penis' so ugly?
4.)Why was Mary the only person to concieve immaculantly?
5.)Why's sex a sin when Adam and Eve were aloud to do it?
6.) How ould you propose?
7.) Do your stuffed animals have feelings?
8.) Have you ever had sex to music and kept up?
9.) Why are dogs mouths so clean?
10.) Why do people draw sunglasses on their suns, when there's no sun to shine in its eyes?
11.) Why did god let boobs sag?
12.)Why do we have fingernails?
13.) Why's it such a big deal for gay people to get married?
14.) What if couple had gold star charts for one another?
15.) Why are our palms and bottoms of feet a different color than our skin?
16.) Why don't we have hair on our palms?
17.) Why do some races not like to date each other?
18.) Is sex too cliche?
19.) What do guys plan all their lives, like girls plan their weddings?
20.) Why does some perfume or cologne only smell good on some people?
21.) Why do guys where shirts twice their size?
22.) Why are penis heads a different color then the rest?
23.) Why do dogs have bad breath if they have the cleanest mouths?
24.) Why do certain foods or condiments taste better at resturants?
25.) Why only during the Super Bowl do people come out with interesting commercials?
26.) Why don't men have periods?
27.) Can you get high off your friends' attitude?
28.) Why do stores think its a good idea to put out holiday items 4 months a head of time?
29.) Why do people have "songs" in relationships?
30.) Why do nerds travel in packs?
31.) Why do we have shivers?
32.) How come dogs seek company with humans instead of other animals?
33.) Why are people afriad to talk to people outside of their "clicks"?
34.) Why are people so afriad of different races?
35.) Why do asians mostly only talk to other asians?
36.) Why can your butt me cold, even though the rest of you in warm?
37.) Why is it so important to have hobbies?
38.) Why do we collect so much stuff?
39.) Who picked blondes to "have more fun"?
40.)  Why must we be better than people, even our friends?
41.) Why do people say that greed is good, but you are taught its bad?
42.) Why doesn't the U.S. drive on the other side of the street like all most every other country does?
43.) Why do we "improve" on the old, when we also create something better?
44.) How come car companys think new must mean bigger?
45.) Why do we bitch about people talking on cell phones while driving, yet we eat while we drive, men shave while they drive, blow our noses, put on coats or gloves, and so on?
46.) Why can't chickens fly?
47.) Why wasn't the rooster called a crow when thats what it does?
48.) Why do people feel safer, more comfortable, when they have a pet?
49.) Why do you always have a song stuck in your head?
50.) Why do people believe in the Bible, when no one knows who wrote it?
51.) Why can't people just say penis?
52.) Why do people always say something esle besides sex? (i.e. fucking, making love, banging...)
53.) Why do people like to make words up for breasts?
54.) Why do we have holiday's after other country's saints? (St.Patrick, St. Valentine)
55.) Why do people say "the more you read the smarter you are"?
56.) Why do the poor of other counties think they can become rich when we have more poor people than any other country?
57.) Do lesbians get off by looking at themselves?
58.) Why do they call it a "guilt trip"?
59.)If you cut the top off of your fingers and let them heal, would it just as easy to do everything as it was before?
60.) Why does music get "toned out" when working, but helps you work faster?
61.) Why do we lend foriegn countries money when we are in debt?
62.) why do people say "the past is behind you", yet we keep things around to remind us (i.e. picture albums, and videos)?

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